News Team NINJA Costume Contest


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Well it just sort of became that way. So far I've been pretty honest, (I love kodachi, tyaren, brute, vandita, the most right now). The mask is killing it for me right now it needs off of Bayman's face. The rest of the outfit is fine. Don't you agree?

I'll probably have to see it in color first. There's nothing much I could place input on a mech-themed outfit. What I do like are the crystal shards on the boots (er shinguards?) and shoulders.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much, cept the face no skin actually shows

The ear looks visible to me or is it supposed to be fully covered by the mask? As for the top of the head. Is there some kind of headgear that suppose to cover it?

Don't take my word for it but I think the armored parts would look great in white.


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Standard Donor
Lol you're more honest when you're drunk? xD
Not sure how much experience you have with drinking or being around those who drink, but yes, that is one of the most common side-effects of being drunk, as alcohol inhibits your restraints. Thus, people are more honest. That's why I always say drinking doesn't make you stupid, it just lets the world know if you already are.

I'm drunk right now, btw, but I'm always brutally fucking honest anyway so I doubt it makes much of a difference. I just use more smilies if I've been drinking? You see? :) ;) :3 :D


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Standard Donor
The ear looks visible to me or is it supposed to be fully covered by the mask? As for the top of the head. Is there some kind of headgear that suppose to cover it?

Don't take my word for it but I think the armored parts would look great in white.

My partner said he'll try multiple color patterns once he redraws it(with correct proportions) on flash. He seemed keen on the idea of white himself interestingly enough


Well-Known Member
Not sure how much experience you have with drinking or being around those who drink, but yes, that is one of the most common side-effects of being drunk, as alcohol inhibits your restraints. Thus, people are more honest. That's why I always say drinking doesn't make you stupid, it just lets the world know if you already are.

I'm drunk right now, btw, but I'm always brutally fucking honest anyway so I doubt it makes much of a difference. I just use more smilies if I've been drinking? You see? :) ;) :3 :D

In general, I don't really see the "fun" in drinking something that you'll potentially vomit later but that's just me. The only time I tried drinking was when we celebrated my brother's graduation. The alcohol kicks in after a few sips and the drink tasted like egg yolks. Couldn't even finish half of the glass and it gave me a fucking migraine that I got to sleep it off in order to wear the effects down.

My partner said he'll try multiple color patterns once he redraws it(with correct proportions) on flash. He seemed keen on the idea of white himself interestingly enough

There's just something about white that makes the color unique and versatile in a lot of themes.


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Standard Donor
In general, I don't really see the "fun" in drinking something that you'll potentially vomit later but that's just me.
I held a position very close to that for a long time. In reality, that's something that will only occur in excess. If you have normally controlled / willed behavior, you won't struggle with moderating yourself once you've started drinking, and there's no way you could get to that point.

The only time I tried drinking was when we celebrated my brother's graduation. The alcohol kicks in after a few sips and the drink tasted like egg yolks. Couldn't even finish half of the glass and it gave me a fucking migraine that I got to sleep it off in order to wear the effects down.
Alcohol varies greatly in taste, texture, alcoholic content/density and side effects. Other things can affect the experience as well. If you haven't been eating or drinking (water/hydrating liquids) much, than the alcohol will hit harder and faster, and may give you headaches, sweating or other undesirable side effects that you normally won't experience (not unlike sugar, when you think about it).

If you don't want to drink, by all means, there's nothing wrong with that. But I can say that personally, as someone who used to hold that view, keeping an open mind can have benefits that you originally may not consider.
That said, I still don't find them worth paying for. I only drink when others are buying. 'Cause I'm cheap like that. xD


Sorry for off-topic. Back to on-topic: That doesn't look much like the initial concept designs I saw for the leggings you were working on, Russian. I must admit, I'm a bit confused. Are those two separate designs, or did the first simply evolve into something much different?


Well-Known Member
Alcohol varies greatly in taste, texture, alcoholic content/density and side effects. Other things can affect the experience as well. If you haven't been eating or drinking (water/hydrating liquids) much, than the alcohol will hit harder and faster, and may give you headaches, sweating or other undesirable side effects that you normally won't experience (not unlike sugar, when you think about it).

If you don't want to drink, by all means, there's nothing wrong with that. But I can say that personally, as someone who used to hold that view, keeping an open mind can have benefits that you originally may not consider.
That said, I still don't find them worth paying for. I only drink when others are buying. 'Cause I'm cheap like that. xD

I normally eat first before drinking any liquids but I guess I wasn't tolerant enough for it (and it was first legit cocktail that I ever had). I might reconsider for special occasions but I make no promises about it. At most, I'm staying with mocktails. Just as fancy as a cocktail without "the truck ran me over" feeling. xD

Sorry for the off-topic too.

Sorry for off-topic. Back to on-topic: That doesn't look much like the initial concept designs I saw for the leggings you were working on, Russian. I must admit, I'm a bit confused. Are those two separate designs, or did the first simply evolve into something much different?

Now that you mentioned it, the leggings on the initial design was different. I somehow preferred how the old one looks too.


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Standard Donor
The originals were just place holders till I could determine a design. When James drew his version he added the leggings he thought went well with it, I'm personally thinking of toning them down.


Well-Known Member
Because it was easier my friend drew it in his skinnier usual style. We're going to adjust the proportions in flash along with trying out alternate options :D

and yes we will either fix the hair or just add a hood :b

This outfit is heavily inspired by Vigoorian tech as in my mind I've imagined it as recovered prototype armor.

If you have ANY opinions PLEASE let us know. and before anyone ask, that isn't a full skirt,it is separated into 3 pieces meaning it won't interfere with his rolling.
View attachment 4984

I really like the general idea, anyway my suggestions (but remember that these are just my 2 cents):

1) Allow to see the face of the character (or give the option to remove the hood): for me is much more easy to relate with a character when you can see his usual face traits, something that remember clearly that you are playing just with him (I don't talk of a character that usually use a mask like Hayabusa). A similar design would give more the idea to play with a robot or a character that could be anyone and not only Bayman, the same reason because I'm not a fan of customization too much far from the original character.

2) About the rest of the outfit, if your idea is to give a technological armor feeling (just like the Vigoorian character or Bayman's DoA4 C1) until now it give more to me the idea of a full cyborg. So I suggest you to change some details giving to it a more human soldier feeling, just like the orignal idea (if I didn't misunderstood you). By the way this could be also a wrong impression that I got now because I see it in black and white, so I think that you should really try to color this version before.

Said this don't get the wrong idea by my opinions: I really like the idea of a such outfit, and your design seems to me good with the exception of the fixings that I would do :)


Well-Known Member
Robocop for inspiration?


This is partly the reason why I thought white fits.
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Candy Dragon

Well-Known Member
I really hope characters like Jacky and Zack get a submission soon. I'm trying to convince my friend to enter a design for them, but he's like the majority and wants to create one for Kasumi or Ayane. Just any of the girls really.

If there aren't enough ideas for everyone then I doubt we'll get a pack with a costume for each character.


Well-Known Member
This is my final design for Ein, waiting for being fixed and totally colored: like I already said nothing too much original, but it's something that I would like to use with him, more the starting idea behind it was to be the answer to the super Ein outfit from DoA2U, something that some people seem to miss (in the beginning I wanted create a sort of alternative version of his DoA:D C1, but then I decided to opt for something less ordinary).

My only wish is that also other fans of the character could like it...


By the way I wanted have your suggestion about the front side of the character: originally I wanted include on him more details, but then... Lady Oscar Helena happened! XD (a very good outfit IMO). So many ideas for my desing ended to be discarded because had too much similarities with it.

By the way I wanted ask you if you think that more details could be necessary (overall on the front side of the chest, but eventually even on the arms and legs) or if the outfit could be good even in its current state. This want be a mixture between a military uniform (simple) and a ceremony one (elegant), so actually both the routes are acceptable in my vision of the outfit.

PS: I ask to you to make an effort (a strong effort XD) of imagination for trying to see that face like Ein/Hayate's one...
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