Ryu Hayabusa: The Thinking Man's Super Ninja


Well-Known Member
i can't do the izuna hold. i just can't. i've tried so many ways. :( i can't remember the last time something was this hard for me in a video game. i don't know if my timing is wrong, i'm inputing the wrong things or what... but i've spent hours on his chapter in story mode trying to do it i moved on. one of the last few titles i need.


Active Member
An easy way is to do the first part, then spin the analog stick and press hold when you see combo hold pop up. If you find that too hard just try and mash it out. It will work eventually.


Active Member
Ok, I have been trying to get creative with Ryu and here is at least something I found.

3P on counter hit is really good. Safe mid punch that gets under highs just kinda slow. At first I thought it was just a good stun till I had an idea. You can play a pretty screwed up guessing game on counter hit with this move.

ch 3P 3P_6K airgrab_Izuna. You can't SE the ch 3P stun in time to avoid 3p or 6K. ( You can even mix in high moves like 4K or 8K if you wish.) By using the same stun twice he gains a 15 frame mid punch launcher! (Ein skills FTW!)

This gave me another idea. Lets break down 6P... Well the move is awfull. Throw punishable on block really really bad on hit...on CH you get a few options. Still, the move is SOOO bad I don't know if these follow ups are worth it.

Guessing game on counter hit 6P 4K_6K_8K_3P+K_Izuna
all options should beat SE.

I found a setup for CB! That can't be SE either.
Ch6P 3PP CB!

Oh yeah. Why did Ryu lose his stun off of 2K in the water?
Depending on the stun threshold Ryu can get a free 7K off of his jabs.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Might want to edit that Ongyoin throw input. You doubled up the second input for some reason.

You also have some Izuna inputs as "Qcf" instead of "Hcf." I'd recommend sticking with numerical notation to avoid confusion.


I use it all the time. I try and get into Ninpo primarily with 4K and 6P+K, sometimes also with 1K. What you do when you are in Ninpo heavily depends on the distance to your opponent, whether he is stunned and how much you think he knows about Ninpo. I find all options have merit in some situations, but going into that in detail would take too long. If your new with Hayabusa, practice K + airthrow out of Ninpo. It's super solid versus newer players.

Also, going into Ninpo when your enemy is downed is very often a good idea. If he rises with a kick, you can punish with 8P, 8K, 8T, 6P+K, 6K,... nearly everything if your timing is correct.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Question for Ryu users: How do you guys incorporate the ninpo stances?
The Ongyoin is the foundation of Ryu's fighting style. Most of Ryu's best moves come from it. In the beginning, use it to hit hard and fast. 6K, 6P, 8K, etc. If you're fast enough (and successful in your reads), your opponent will begin to flip out when they see you enter ongyoin, immediately going into either a defensive (circle-strafe) or offensive (rush you to knock you out of ongyoin) behavior. This time, go a bit slower. Wait for them to make their move and react accordingly. The Shoho initiates with a crush move, and the 6P+K is an exceptional intercept.

Also, if you're fighting an idiot, they'll continue to try and use wake-up kicks to get you. Simply use 7P at the right moment (this will automatically put you in ongyoin), then time 8K, 8P, 8T, or even 6P+K accordingly. Similarly, switch quickly between 6P, 6K, 8K, 8T, etc. from ongyoin when your opponent is near a wall. Keep the pressure constant, without allowing them the time or predictability to escape your assault. This is one of the areas Ryu excels at best, imo.


Active Member
My friend SilverForte and I were trying to think up some creative ideas the other day, might have found something of value. P+K might not be as useless as I thought originally. One of my main problems with Ryu is he doesn't really have any safe pokes since his 6P is now -9. Yeah, you can hit confirm 6PK but it knocks down so it's only use I see is to go for a Ongyoin mixup.

Pretty much the train of thought is simple. Find something he can throw out after a guard break that is in his favor. I'm gonna admit to playing some theory fighter here so any other Ryu players should test it out and stuff, see if it is even feasible.

4PK P+K. Ok, this is what we thought up. At plus 9, P+K will beat out any Attack other then jabs. P+K is -6 on block so it is safe. Gives a stun on normal and heavy stun on counter hit. (I think crumple or gut stun? Can't remember the names.) P+K doesn not track though, this might be a good thing. I will explain in a sec. The only down side I see is that it is a 20 frame mid punch. I don't know how fast it can be reacted to. It may be too slow for any of this to matter.

So, P+K loses to jabs, SS , mid holds and evasive moves. Not to mention it can be mid crushed. (Lei can crush it at - 9 with 1P @_@) Not nearly as easy to crush as 3P though. So what do we have to mixup with that covers some of those bases?

4PK 3P+K. This move kinda saves the day here. It hits SS for full juggle, crushes highs, beats some mid crushes and evasive moves. It comes out really fast as well so it beats random attacks. Charge moves can still give it trouble though. At least you have the sweep to mess around with as well if they block it. *Shoho Izuna can be used here as well, it tracks and crushes very well, loses to fast true mids though :D*

3P+K loses to mid holds and general evasion moves mostly. It is unsafe though. The pay off is pretty damn good though. I'm sure it has some other weakness, will update if I find anything else.

So from here I think we give them a reason to go for a SS. Now we have another situation to try and bait a step in our favor. There are more options you can select as well.

4PK Izuna. This will beat blocking and SS. Use this they predict your *He always goes mid punch tm* A few Izuna to the face should wisen them up. In theory I think you can even use it to throw them out of charge moves if you wanted to risk it. (Range issues)

Select the options you want to beat and guess accordingly. P+K is pretty good and safe, so the risk is low until you get them to start stepping. Once you condition them to step then at least you get a chance to option select them and potentially keep them guessing in your favor.

Just throwing this out there to mess around with. Maybe it is a bad idea, I really don't know. Loves me some theory fighter though. If this is useful I will add it to the op, if not we just forget about it.

Juan The Man

Active Member
I've always used Hayabusa as my main and I used him at the tournament last weekend. Aside from Master I probably have the most DoA5 Hayabusa experience, so I feel like I have a pretty solid grasp of why I'm using him still. Hayabusa is quite a bit different than he ever was, though.

Can we spar.....need help makin my ryu complete....I can't seem to make him work once I'm on the defensive I get destroyed
Xbox gamer tag Juan the man


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Can we spar.....need help makin my ryu complete....I can't seem to make him work once I'm on the defensive I get destroyed
Xbox gamer tag Juan the man
I've already fought you a few times in Ranked, though I haven't used Hayabusa. At some point we definitely can so feel free to add me. I'm just in the middle of Assassin's Creed 3 at the moment and have Halo 4 dropping next week. I'll be jumping on to practice before NEC though.


I haven't played in a while. Anybody out there find anything cool or useful?

Here's something interesting...

After a successful 7k, if you follow up with 9p and your opponent techs, you'll be left a good advantage so your 6p would beat anything they do (maybe 4p also, need to test). I can confirm that you will beat anything your opponent does. If they don't tech however, use 2p to oki and then either ws4t or 9p again to roll over wake up kicks (6kp also works on wake up kicks, but use sparingly).

So in a nutshell:

Use 7k to whiff punish and then use 9p to roll towards them.

Then two things can happen:

-either they tech and your 6p will beat out anything they do (you can mix this up with izuna if they block).

-either they don't tech and you use 2p, afterwhich you either OH them (or handstand) or roll over them with 9p for backturned options or use 6kp for the guardbreak (be careful with this one, don't abuse it).

Try this out, let me know how it goes.

Mind you, this isn't anything new, most of it is doa4 stuff, but it still works although it's watered down...

BTW, where's Master in all these discussions? I haven't seen him on any forums for a while, would love to have some of his knowledge on the new habaybusa.