Might DOA6 be PS4 exclusive?


Premium Donor
Is it really half though? I don't have the actual numbers, but from my experience I'd say considerably more people play DOA5 on PS3 and PS4 than on Xbox360 and XBone. For the current generation I could imagine 65% playing it exclusively on PS4.
I'm not sure sure if it would be half, but a good amount of player would be gone just like that. But then again, some of those players may buy a ps4 just to play it, but not very many


Well-Known Member
great point, this is likely the best argument against exclusivity; why severely limit your playerbase especially when faced with major competition?

if nothing else, its practically guaranteed that any new DOA game will NEVER release on PC; after all the nude mods (even after TN naively asked players not to make such), theyll wisely avoid such things
There were nude mods before the PC version... The difference is that the mods could only be done on modified consoles, whereas on PC everyone can do it.

I still find it weird that TN doesn't want nude mods. Have you looked at the kind of costumes they are selling?


Premium Donor
There were nude mods before the PC version... The difference is that the mods could only be done on modified consoles, whereas on PC everyone can do it.

I still find it weird that TN doesn't want nude mods. Have you looked at the kind of costumes they are selling?
Well, IMO it's much hotter to leave at least a little something to the imagination....Complete nakedness isn't very exciting. TN is releasing the outfits so the girls can look sexy, giving them nude costumes is completely different. And even if they wanted to, the game would be rated AO.


Well-Known Member
Might be. But Team Ninja itself is not innocent here... The volleyball game itself baits these kinds of things. And if you start selling these overpriced costumes which look like laces pretending to be cloths... I mean, come on.

Aside from this, I really don't get why they make a big deal out of it. Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter, Fallout, Tomb Raider, they all have a bunch of nude mods and the list is endless, but you don't hear those developers complain about it. It's only Team Ninja that does this. Why?


Well-Known Member
Because they don't want people to download mods, play, and fap directly without going through their countless fetish-for-$$.


Well-Known Member
Bingo. Which is why I refuse to buy their overpriced garbage. I don't use nude mods either because I have better things to do, like play the fighting game that gets overshadowed by nonsense.

Red dragon

i really hope its not a ps4 exclusive. it would suck to have to go shell a bunch of money for another console for one game.


Active Member
I personally think Doa should go back to being exclusive so then it can be developed to play to the strengths of the console instead of feeling watered down so it runs on everything.


Premium Donor
Yeah, PC is unfortunately the last thing on their mind, they seemed really steamed when those first strings of nude mods began circulating, and I'm betting the only reason they continue to support it is because of extra hollow revenue. They were flagging first print mod videos back in 2015 like it was no one's business. XD


Well-Known Member
They specifically stated that DOA6 will take full advantage of the PS4 and Xbox One, so no it won't be PS4 exclusive.