DOA5 Demo: Consolidated Feedback


Well-Known Member
I'm not seeing the problem. Half life is what i call "getting off easy".

Then again, you don't play fighters competitively, so perhaps you have some flawed concepts about what makes something broken -- right along with the rest of the DOA community.
Says who? Just because I currently have lost interest in fighters does not mean I have not before. When you are spending 100 yen a match in the arcades in VF5FS I consider that being competitive. I do not have a flawed concept about what makes something broken either. I am simply being level headed with doa5 as the game is still in development and I am not asking for something that could potentially kill the game.

And yes, it really is the root of the doa problem. Almost every problem in the game can be traced back to holds in stun.
No it is not.
Unbreakable throws? Only necessary because of holds in stun.
Why do people want breakable throws? I don't care if there holds or not. If I throw punish that should be the end of it. All you people asking for breakable throws goes against everything else you ask for in a game. You want guaranteed rewards for punishment but then you ask for throw breaks. You can't have both.

Lopsided risk vs reward? Holds in stun.
Only in DoA4

Nearly every situation being a 50/50? Holds in stun.
Only in DoA4

Strings being universally delayable which makes it impossible to react and punish anything after they free cancel? Only necessary because of holds in stun.
Then counter hit them...Delaying strings generally leaves you at a disadvantage.

Hayabusa is a complete faggot? Holds in stun.
Busa is stupid no matter what they do to the system.

Stun system is a complete fucking mess? Designed that way specifically since doa 4 because of holds in stun.
Only in DoA4

Game can't get a scene for the life of it and has a horrible reputation? Holds in stun.
Only because the other "communities" are ignorant and our own community ignored doa3.1.

Sorry, you lose. I know you like having at least one fighter you can be decent at, and I'm sorry the idea of making it difficult to beat other players scares you, but if you aren't planning on playing it competitively to begin with you really don't have any ground to try and argue with me about its competitive mechanics.
I don't lose, I don't care if I'm decent or not, and the idea of a game being difficult does not scare me and being competitive has nothing to do with common sense.

DoA4 was trash, we all know this and we get it, you are jaded because of doa4, but these issues were ONLY in doa4. What you want is a broken game and quite frankly I think the trend of other fighters need to change. DoA3.1 had the right approach to fighters. It needed improvements in many areas but it did right what many fighters do wrong.


Well-Known Member
I also want to be very clear that I want this game to be competitive. I have made suggestions to make holds less frequent and to give more advantage in the game. I'm just not so jaded by DoA4 that I would compromise the balance of the game. Part of everyone's problem is they only look at DoA4. I pretend that game never even existed and everything I talk about DoA is generally referenced to 3.1, and quite honestly, if you never played 3.1 then too fucking bad. I personally blame DoA2U and DoAC for that mess (and CGS to some extent). Too many people cared about online play and when DoA4 hit the ground that game should of been dropped within the few months it was out and everyone should of gotten their hands on 3.1, which at the time was extremely easy. DoAC and certain people enabled DoA4 to live as long as it did when it should of died relatively close after its release.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Well this thread certainly is derailed... again...

Do you guys just don't like starting your own topics to vent about such game design issues? or do you just reply to whatever the most recently replied topic is?

x Sypher x

Active Member
Well this thread certainly is derailed... again...

Do you guys just don't like starting your own topics to vent about such game design issues? or do you just reply to whatever the most recently replied topic is?

I'm afraid I'm somewhat guilty of this. I don't partake in the arguments but I do occasionally drop a lighthearted comment or two. Otherwise I just watch from the sidelines lol.


Active Member
Well this thread certainly is derailed... again...

Do you guys just don't like starting your own topics to vent about such game design issues? or do you just reply to whatever the most recently replied topic is?

Guess they're too used to the ways of DOACentral.


Well-Known Member
Well this thread certainly is derailed... again...

Do you guys just don't like starting your own topics to vent about such game design issues? or do you just reply to whatever the most recently replied topic is?

Look at the bright side though. At least there is talk about the games mechanics on this site. Those "other" sites are both dead and talking about nonsense. =P

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
Here are the things I like about the demo.

The camera work: After hitting an opponent into a dangerzone with a PB you get a cinematic wall bounce that requires you to understand the exact timing to execute the max damage follow up combo. I also really like how the camera zooms in as you push your opponent deeper into the stun.

Stage distortion: I hate the falling objects (Why even put that in?) but the major changes that happen once the dangerzone is active are a really nice touch.

Counter damage: Its just right.

Things I don't like. . .

Three Point countering: Bleh

Cliffhangers: They need to do a lot less damage.

The music: Its horribly generic.

Sidestep: Doesn't work well enough in my opinion - I may as well just counter.

Self Pitty. . .

Slow escaping sucks now: A major part of my game just got flushed down the shitter. . .but whatever. :)


Well-Known Member
Slow escaping works exactly the same as doa4, they just made it less effective on deeper stuns which is a good thing.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
they just made it less effective on deeper stuns which is a good thing.

So it sucks now. . .

Its a good thing for you but I'm the guy who doesn't like to counter much - if at all - so I kind of have to start playing the game like everyone else - less recklessly - which sucks.

Thats what I liked about DOA4, I could play that shit anyway I wanted - seems to me that if competitive players get their say we'll all be using the same 4 or 5 standing attacks, the same 3 juggles and crying that things aren't exactly how we want them. . .

Then again, maybe I'm crying a little too much about Mass Effect 3's ending. . .then again, no I'm the fuck not.


Well-Known Member
So basically you liked that you could button mash and be effective? Sorry but DoA4 was garbage. No one wants that crap repeated. Slow escaping still works, its just not stupid like it was in 4.


Well-Known Member
- It seems to me as though there's a delay in blocking low. When I try to block low, I get hit. When I try to counter low and I'm late, I get a block instead. If blocking low is not instant, that definitely needs to be changed.

- As a blanket statement, if the game remains as it is right now, it will not have a tournament scene. At best, there will be a few tournaments early on with maybe 50 players (because people will try the game out). After that, any additional tournaments will be just like DOA2/3/4 with a handful of people participating.


Well-Known Member
- It seems to me as though there's a delay in blocking low. When I try to block low, I get hit. When I try to counter low and I'm late, I get a block instead. If blocking low is not instant, that definitely needs to be changed.

- As a blanket statement, if the game remains as it is right now, it will not have a tournament scene. At best, there will be a few tournaments early on with maybe 50 players (because people will try the game out). After that, any additional tournaments will be just like DOA2/3/4 with a handful of people participating.

DoA will never have a scene outside its own community because the FGC is fucking ignorant towards DoA. DoA will always be viewed the same way no matter what it does. DoA3.1 was a solid fighter that could of been played competitively but it didn't have online play and people still viewed it as a "titty fighter." I don't really give a damn about a community thats so fucking fickle and jumps from fighter to fighter. More communities should be like the Japanese fighting scene with VF5FS.


DoA4 was trash, we all know this and we get it, you are jaded because of doa4, but these issues were ONLY in doa4. What you want is a broken game and quite frankly I think the trend of other fighters need to change. DoA3.1 had the right approach to fighters. It needed improvements in many areas but it did right what many fighters do wrong.

You know nothing about other fighters, and if I spend a single week in VF5 I could destroy any and all progress you made with the game while you were in japan fighting much better players. Don't for a second think you're competitive in that game either.

Why do people want breakable throws? I don't care if there holds or not. If I throw punish that should be the end of it. All you people asking for breakable throws goes against everything else you ask for in a game. You want guaranteed rewards for punishment but then you ask for throw breaks. You can't have both.

You don't even understand the basics of a rock paper scissors fighting game system. It's not supposed to be true rock paper scissors, options are not supposed to be equal, when they are you get nothing but guessing. Throwing is specifically there to counter turtling, but its not supposed to make defense an illogical guessing game. Any time someone gets frame advantage, to any extent, the game becomes a 50/50. Will he throw or strike? There is no way to tell or react, so there is no logical decision you can make. If you put in throw breaks however, you give the defender some logical choices and reward his character knowledge for breaking that particular throw in that situation. If for example, one throw setup will net 75% lifebar based on those environmental conditions, you can logically assume that is the one to break because all the good players will be going for it.

I don't know any other game that uses throwing as the primary means of punishment, but it's certainly not necessary.

Lopsided risk vs reward? Holds in stun.
Only in DoA4

And DOA 2, and DOA 3, and DOAD. Yes, in 3.1 there were situations where holding could outright kill you, but they were based entirely on the environment unless you were bass or genfu. The rest of the time, for everyone else, it was lopsided. Know your game.

Nearly every situation being a 50/50? Holds in stun.
Only in DoA4

Holds are in stun in every game. The 50/50 is therefore present in every game. Unless you suddenly want to argue that a guess is not taking place.

Strings being universally delayable which makes it impossible to react and punish anything after they free cancel? Only necessary because of holds in stun.
Then counter hit them...Delaying strings generally leaves you at a disadvantage.

Yes, but only mid-way through the delay window does that disadvantage even begin.

You're showing your lack of fighting game experience once again. You are not going to do this on reaction with a 100% success rate, because moves in DOA have such a broad window of delay that you cannot tell when and where something is going to start up again. You cannot react to this, therefore you are guessing. It's a bad system.

Hayabusa is a complete faggot? Holds in stun.
Busa is stupid no matter what they do to the system.

He wouldn't even be half as scary as natsu pre-patch without the counter system to hold his hand.

Stun system is a complete fucking mess? Designed that way specifically since doa 4 because of holds in stun.
Only in DoA4

And DOAD, and by the looks of it, DOA5.

But the point was, we got to this point specifically because of your precious hold system. If it was any other way, the stun system wouldn't be like this.

Game can't get a scene for the life of it and has a horrible reputation? Holds in stun.
Only because the other "communities" are ignorant and our own community ignored doa3.1.

Other communities are busy playing good games competitively. You're busy talking about one that you don't play. I wonder who's actually more ignorant?

Sorry, you lose. I know you like having at least one fighter you can be decent at, and I'm sorry the idea of making it difficult to beat other players scares you, but if you aren't planning on playing it competitively to begin with you really don't have any ground to try and argue with me about its competitive mechanics.
I don't lose, I don't care if I'm decent or not, and the idea of a game being difficult does not scare me and being competitive has nothing to do with common sense.

1. yes, you do lose.

2. The fact you don't care if you're decent or not is the primary reason your viewpoint is fucked up.

3. Yes, difficult games do scare you. It's why you quit soul calibur and harbor resentment every time anything about it is mentioned. It's why you refuse to play anything else, either. "I don't have the patience to learn fighting games anymore" or "this isn't fun for me" were clear signs of that. That and the non-stop bitching. You don't have what it takes to play anything competitively, your mentality is fucked -- not the games. That's why your opinion about anything "broken" is irrelevant. You make far too many excuses in general to ever have the ability to make a legit call on something that is broken.

4. If being competitive had nothing to do with common sense, you would be over at DOAW.

Well this thread certainly is derailed... again...

Do you guys just don't like starting your own topics to vent about such game design issues? or do you just reply to whatever the most recently replied topic is?

What can I tell you?

When it stops being the number 1 reason behind every single problem in the game, it'l stop being brought up. This was a feedback thread, you didn't honestly expect me to not mention it here, did you?


Well-Known Member
See you have this issue Rikuto of pretending to know what you are talking about and really 9 times out of 10 you are kind of full of shit.

I do not harbor any resentment towards SCV...Never have I once called it a bad game and I certainly don't refuse to play it for some made up reason you throw onto people.

I don't have the patience to learn new fighters anymore, nor do I care, I lost interest in fighters long after DoA4 came out and only picked up VF5 because I enjoyed going to the arcades.

I did not find SCV fun, simple as that, I did not like it. I never once said it was a bad game.

These were not excuses for anything, just simple facts that you like to turn into some philosophical BS and act like you know what you are saying.

BTW, no you would not beat me in VF5FS.

I'm tired of these stupid arguments. You hate DoA now, good for you. If DoA5 sucks, so be it, I wont play it. Bickering on a forum about what could happen is pointless right now as we really have no control on the outcome of the title.

Regardless of all this I still consider you a good friend Rikuto and hope you do well in SCV.


Well-Known Member
DoA will never have a scene outside its own community because the FGC is fucking ignorant towards DoA. DoA will always be viewed the same way no matter what it does. DoA3.1 was a solid fighter that could of been played competitively but it didn't have online play and people still viewed it as a "titty fighter." I don't really give a damn about a community thats so fucking fickle and jumps from fighter to fighter. More communities should be like the Japanese fighting scene with VF5FS.

From the feedback the demo has gotten, it seems clear that the rest of the FGC is at least open to trying out DOA. That's why I said tournaments would start with 50 players or so (obviously more if the game is good).

And you really can't blame people for not taking the time to really look into 3.1. It released at a time when fighters were not as popular as they are now. In addition, DOA was not competitive before that time. I went to a lot of Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 tournaments and DOA was never anywhere to be find. Yet, you still had a bunch of Capcom fighters being played at those Tekken tournaments.

You had to have a Japanese or modded classic Xbox to play the game, and it had no online play or tournament scene. Why would anyone outside of the DOA community bother to play it? A vast majority of the DOA community didn't even play it.

Times have changed, and if DOA5 is a solid fighter (the demo is not), then people will absolutely play it. Will it be hailed as the greatest fighting game of all time? Probably not, but with a solid DOA5, I could easily see it being at Evo 2013 and getting average turnouts of 50-100 players at tournaments.


Well-Known Member
Being that Team Ninja is actually using these threads like this as feed-back, do you think we can just make a list that everyone agrees with for the time being?:)


Well-Known Member
More guard breaks and frame advantage. No holding out of GB and deep stuns. More evasive sidestep, more evasive quickstep.

I'd like it if grappler characters(NOT HAYABUSA) had the option of a powerblow that turns into a throw, or a powerblow that cancels into an counter throw.