Do you think Team Ninja Has the balls to bring this game to events for testing 'in the wild"?


Active Member
It's never really a waste of money if people are playing your game, and it would have shown that Team Ninja wants to be apart of the FGC, they haven't shown that yet. When they show interest in the community im sure people will show interest in DOA, they have to at least meet them half way.

when I went to NCR people asked me what was VF5 and was is it a good game...i told it, its right over there...shit i'll play with you. and alot of people liked it afterwards saying my first experience with VF5 was a good one. people were lined up to play VF5FS, I think your downplaying Final Showdown alittle too hard. In fact your downplaying southtown arcade, people come from sol cal and other places just for Ranbats...let alone events they hold there, and they had hosted events like Capcom events for SFxTK and ultimate marvel, and Filthy Rich from Namco had set ups for SCV before it was released and alot of people from 8-way came down to play it....sure the arcade is small but it's always packed and awesome shit goes down in there.

It's doesn't have to be a choice, they can do both...they just chose not to.


Well-Known Member
I'm not downplaying VF5:FS or Southtown. The math says it all. Even with people coming from SoCal to play at Southtown, you won't get more than maybe 1000 people playing VF5FS there between now and the release of the game. I'd be shocked if there weren't at least ten times that number playing the DOA5 demo (or a VF5FS demo, if there was one).

You're right though, it doesn't have to be a choice... so why is it okay for Sega to not have a VF5:FS demo, but it isn't okay for Tecmo to not have DOA5 at FR/NCR?


Active Member
It's just doesn't seem( to me at least) that Team Ninja want to involve themselves in the FGC, thats generally the vibe im getting from them. Every other game we have really talked about has either sponsored or is directly involved with the community. I'm like this, If they want solid feed back then why go out to where people are most likely going to play a fighting fighting game tournaments.

E3 is big sure, but it will be competing with more then just fighting games...and you never know what they may announce...Harada may just announce Tekken X SF and that will steal their thunder...and Capcom may have something up their sleeve so Im just saying it's not the wisest move to hold out for a event like E3, Comic Con on the other hand would be better but like i said before...they haven't shown any interest in those kinds of conventions I can't see it happening now.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
If DOA5 appears at EVO, with a build SIGNIFICANTLY more updated than the released demo (possibly updated beyond the E3 build), and in a form that can be seen as "solid" by veteran fighting game players, then that will SINGLE-HANDEDLY make up for ALL events that the game did not appear at!! With a deadline slated for "September", I'm sure TN doesn't want to invest too much time/resources into trying to make showings at a bunch of events with varying response depending on who sees/plays it, and what state the build is at.

What they've done already is had the press event to get the press buzzing about the game, released the Akira trailer to get certain audiences among the FGC buzzing about the game, and released the demo to get various players (mainly, I'd bet, casuals) buzzing about the game. Then there is E3, which pretty much EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS GAMING NEWS will be watching, and a significant amount of press and various attendees will be in attendance of. IMO, they are doing this in a very calculated manner.

Showcasing an early build that is not "solid" to the FGC might actually turn some away from the game, and trying to show up at numerous events (even 3 would be pushing it) might actually slow down development when they need everyone in-house. Good time-management is key here, as this isn't like porting an already-complete arcade game over to consoles. It's easy for Sega to do what they do with VF5FS because that game is done.


Well-Known Member
Before they publicly showcase the game at any major, they need to set up private loketests first with known competitive players. Capcom's been doing that since before SFIV and so has Namco, TN needs to learn from them.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Team Ninja's idea of a location test is flying out Master and Vanessa to Japan to let them play the game for an hour. That's what they did last time...


New Member
I'm not downplaying VF5:FS or Southtown. The math says it all. Even with people coming from SoCal to play at Southtown, you won't get more than maybe 1000 people playing VF5FS there between now and the release of the game. I'd be shocked if there weren't at least ten times that number playing the DOA5 demo (or a VF5FS demo, if there was one).

You're right though, it doesn't have to be a choice... so why is it okay for Sega to not have a VF5:FS demo, but it isn't okay for Tecmo to not have DOA5 at FR/NCR?

Sega has stated that VF5:FS will have a demo release.


Well-Known Member
Team Ninja's idea of a location test is flying out Master and Vanessa to Japan to let them play the game for an hour. That's what they did last time...

That wasn't a location test, that was more of a PR/Marketing play than anything else. The game was done when the players were flown out there.

Sega has stated that VF5:FS will have a demo release.

DOA5 releases after VF5FS and already has a demo.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Isn't VF5FS an XBLA/PSN title? All XBLA games can be demoed, it's a requirement for those games. Some PSN games do the same (Megaman 9/10, Scott Pilgrim) but they're far and few in-between. Is that perhaps what Sega was referring to?


Well-Known Member
They should show demo play at majors and keep pointing out that "hey look, you can't always hold/counter out of hitstun."
Loc testing is very important when it comes to competitive fighters. And they really need to make sure they get testers that know a thing or two about fightan games. If they get a majority of people at the Loc test that don't plan on playing this game outside of a casual level or even play it at all you get Sengoku Basara X.