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New Member
I am so disappointed that they completely forgot about this outfit



Well-Known Member
I think this is an awesome set, I thought the designs were pretty good, 6 and 7s out of 10 all around, but when I saw the transforming in the video, I was like... yes!


Well-Known Member
Any other Xbox users there having problems buying the pack? I can't find the option to buy the entire set and the suits for lei, phase 4 and kasumi don't show up in the store


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Any other Xbox users there having problems buying the pack? I can't find the option to buy the entire set and the suits for lei, phase 4 and kasumi don't show up in the store
I guess the Store glitch that happened during the Tamaki pack with Ayane's costume is happening again. Just give it some time, the missing costumes will eventually show up. It should not take more than maybe an hour or two for it to be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'll always hope for that to happen again in the future..thank god I was awake and on xbox at an ungodly hour to profit from Mircosofts incompetencies
I bought the Season Pass 2 a few days after buying the glitched price pack, so I basically wasted £3.. >_>

EDIT: Phase 4's costume is up on the Xbox Store now. Kasumi and Leifang's are still nowhere to be seen, though.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie, these new costumes are a big thumbs down for me (not that I was going to buy them anyway). I mean, I guess turning Helena into a Gundam has some merit. But...that doesn't change the fact that it's mostly a legion of school uniforms + weird fetish bikinis with robot parts.

I am so disappointed that they completely forgot about this outfit

This is probably far too close to her current default to be added. It's just the standard blue with the shoulders missing. Not that this couldn't have just been the default to begin with.

Besides, the likelihood of any more "real" costumes being added are probably in the negative numbers at this point seeing as apparently the fanbase doesn't like to pay for "real" costumes.


Well-Known Member
The transformation costumes are really ugly, but the school costumes are okay.

I love Hnk's new hair tho her default hairstyle is ugly.


Active Member
I wish Team Ninja would add a custom background music option through a patch. It seems to be the only PS4 game that doesn't feature it at least to my knowledge. Dead Island started off without the option then it got it through a patch.

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
I like that the costumes can be changed on and off. Problem is that's not very practical for characters with only long taunts.
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