Dealing with sub accounts/ trolls.

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John P.

Active Member
xcaliburbladez is on C+ rank you think he is trolling eh?
He's obviously not a c+ to derank people. I'm talking about the ppl that have leifang as their most used but come out with an alpha with over 20000cp even though their a d rank.


Do you mean they have 0CP from purposely throwing games? I'm just happy to get a match online since it takes so long to find a game but I noticed a few people had 0CP. I'm like E+ rank though so it doesn't matter if they are LR or whatever I barely lose any points + I'm terrible anyway so it makes no real difference.


Well-Known Member
He's obviously not a c+ to derank people. I'm talking about the ppl that have leifang as their most used but come out with an alpha with over 20000cp even though their a d rank.
Some players tend to that because they don't want you to know who they main to prevent a bad matchup and they can counter pick with characters such as Alpha-152 especially in rank. I ran into those before I stopped playing and they had no idea I was already use to those her match up especially after playing a certain self-proclaimed "Alpha Legend" many times which comes to show that self entitlement will only lead you into becoming a total joke or youtuber personal punching bag. Usually it's both.

John P.

Active Member
This happens so often on doa. You're not fooling anyone being a D rank but using ayane and holding every move and getting greats on people. "I just got core fighters. You all suck " gtfo

Some players tend to that because they don't want you to know who they main to prevent a bad matchup and they can counter pick with characters such as Alpha-152 especially in rank. I ran into those before I stopped playing and they had no idea I was already use to those her match up especially after playing a certain self-proclaimed "Alpha Legend" many times which comes to show that self entitlement will only lead you into becoming a total joke or youtuber personal punching bag. Usually it's both.
The difference is these people are D or C ranks with characters over 20000cp. I took me to get to s- and my character was still below that.


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When an experienced player creates a new account to appear as another/inexperienced player
Not trying to argue John, but a low rank doesn't always mean inexperience. Some people just don't like to play rank and hang in the lobbies XD


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Standard Donor
Not gonna lie, I did made a dummy account to troll a certain player in rank. Hahaha
He didnt wan't to fight me anymore on my main account, he talked shit, so he get hit!
in the end, it was worth it, no regrets. :pai:

John P.

Active Member
If they don't care about ranked they'd stay their self in lobby matches then. It's a thing and it's happening all the time.

Example: we'll just call this person doafighter. Doafighter is an U+. He decides to be a dick and creates an account named sugarcandy and looks like an inexperienced player and plays higher ranks in order to penalize them 1000gp per fight which on ranked is about two hours of playing because of how hard it is to match with ppl.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Example: we'll just call this person doafighter. Doafighter is an U+. He decides to be a dick and creates an account named sugarcandy and looks like an inexperienced player and plays higher ranks in order to penalize them 1000gp per fight which on ranked is about two hours of playing because of how hard it is to match with ppl.

Isn't the reason of ranked, to fight strong opponents and win to rank up, regardless of there CP. rank and character?
Also higher rank doesn´t really mean they are stronger players, if you dont have the fundamentals nor knowledge of your character, then you are gonna lose regardless.


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Standard Donor
If they don't care about ranked they'd stay their self in lobby matches then. It's a thing and it's happening all the time.
I'm a low rank because I prefer lobby matches, but sometimes there are no good lobbies available. So occasionally I try ranked, which no one seems to play anymore, so I have to sit there for 15 minutes to fight one person. Usually when I do fight that person they think they're hot shit with some "high," meaningless rank. I then steamroll their ass, they cry like a child, and then refuse to jump back in the queue. Because I'm "trolling."

Whenever I play ranked I feel like Old Testament Yahweh; turning mother-fuckers into pillars of salt.

John P.

Active Member
I'm a low rank because I prefer lobby matches, but sometimes there are no good lobbies available. So occasionally I try ranked, which no one seems to play anymore, so I have to sit there for 15 minutes to fight one person. Usually when I do fight that person they think they're hot shit with some "high," meaningless rank. I then steamroll their ass, they cry like a child, and then refuse to jump back in the queue. Because I'm "trolling."

Whenever I play ranked I feel like Old Testament Yahweh; turning mother-fuckers into pillars of salt.
All i can do is repeat myself again over and over at the frustration of playing fake ranks. I'm very humble of my grade. When ppl tell me I'm not allowed to lose being higher i laugh back. I'm going on ps4 soon and I'm going to let everyone know of my psn so if they feel unfair they can decline me and that's perfectly ok. They're are honest to God dick heads that will look you up and call you trash and tell you you've been trolled and that they're really a topaz etc.


Well-Known Member
Be like me. I'm humble and down to earth.

My rank is low............................ and I'm also bad at this game and lost 9 out of 10 matches.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Be like me. I'm humble and down to earth.

My rank is low............................ and I'm also bad at this game and lost 9 out of 10 matches.
I've been down that road. Nothing good comes from it, unless you enjoy the idea of even your friends talking shit about you behind your back.

Don't give anyone that much satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
I've been down that road. Nothing good comes from it, unless you enjoy the idea of even your friends talking shit about you behind your back.

Don't give anyone that much satisfaction.
Back when I was in school, I'd get bothered when someone is talking shit behind me.

Now, I don't give a crap anymore. Go ahead talk shit behind me and have fun being pathetic. lol.
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