[Aug 25, 2012] GVN Summer Jam VI - Aug 25 & 26 - Philly,PA (Philadelphia, PA)

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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
To all attendees:

Unfortunately, it looks like the build that will be playable at GVN Summer Jam 6 will NOT have Tag mode unlocked. I have decided to cancel the Team tournament due to this, and I have pushed the registration start time to 2PM for the Singles tournament.

There is some benefit to this however. The two prizes reserved for the first place team in Tag are now available for the singles tournament. The top 3 placers of the Singles tournament will receive a Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition for the system of their choosing when the game ships September 25th in addition to the cash prizes at the event.

I look forward to seeing all the players there and having fun playing this pre-release version of the game.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.

Vanity Assassin

Active Member
To all attendees:

Unfortunately, it looks like the build that will be playable at GVN Summer Jam 6 will NOT have Tag mode unlocked. I have decided to cancel the Team tournament due to this, and I have pushed the registration start time to 2PM for the Singles tournament.

There is some benefit to this however. The two prizes reserved for the first place team in Tag are now available for the singles tournament. The top 3 placers of the Singles tournament will receive a Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition for the system of their choosing when the game ships September 25th in addition to the cash prizes at the event.

I look forward to seeing all the players there and having fun playing this pre-release version of the game.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.
I will not be able to make it on Saturday when the games start, but I will be there on Sunday, do you know if on Sunday there will be any free play for the game? I'd really love to be able to get my hands on the game for a little bit.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
There will be at least two stations all weekend dedicated to non-tournament play. You still have to pay venue fee though.

The HuBBs

Active Member
Sold out of rooms at the four points and suityes. Will be putting up a link soon to the Aloft at the same discount rate.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor

Seriously have no idea where the brilliant thought process behind dropping the 'z' came from. It doesn't even make sense that way. You're saving a syllable at the cost of sounding like an idiot talking about freshwater crustaceans. Somebody please explain to me how that became a fucking thing.

I'm serious. If that was just a typo I don't give a damn because now I'm thinking about it and I want to know.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member

Seriously have no idea where the brilliant thought process behind dropping the 'z' came from. It doesn't even make sense that way. You're saving a syllable at the cost of sounding like an idiot talking about freshwater crustaceans. Somebody please explain to me how that became a fucking thing.

I'm serious. If that was just a typo I don't give a damn because now I'm thinking about it and I want to know.

Sometimes people type too fast? *edit* "see what I did there ?" ;)

Anyhoo, paid mine off earlier . . .


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I was referring to the annoying habit that's developed over the last year or two of purposefully saying that. Also, no I didn't see what you did there.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I got your joke. You made a typo and then edited it or whatever. That's completely irrelevant. You just haven't provided me an answer as to why people say "cray" on purpose. It's a thing that happens. Chosen, whether on purpose or by way of a typo, just reminded me of how absolutely confusing it is.

Also, I'm starting to think you may have not gotten my initial joke on your Facebook page since you've brought up the "See what I did there?" thing a couple of times now. Doesn't matter either way. Serious business is afoot and I must get to the bottom of it.
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