Matt Ponton
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  • Hey man, good stuff on the FSD banner. Maybe I'll finally get to meet you someday if I'm able to make TFC.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Thanks, hopefully i can play you sometime so you can see why Bass/Ayane is 5-5
    Oh yeah that's right, I need to prove to ya why it isn't. :)
    Mr.Wah is the donation link broken? trying to donate.
    That's weird. Actually, I don't think it's broken. It stays on the loading screen for quite awhile (Google chrome.)

    My computer is up to date. I'm not sure if PayPal is down or browser is acting funny. I'll restart and see if that helps.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Could also be an enabled extension like an adblocker
    Ahhh! that could be it.
    I'm developing a player list for character specifics. For people who make need recommendations on certain players to ask for help, etc. Can I put you down for Bass?
    I'm here to have my account close. I believe I don't fit in this community so it best for me to not come back here. It was fun meeting some ppl here good and bad, but I think my time here is over. Thanks for understanding and Good Luck.
    Thanks for commenting on my profile. You seem to be a Bass expert! What sort of games do you work on?
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Indie. Haven't released anything though. Most never made it out of pre-alpha but current one has made the most progress so far.
    Mr. Wah! Hey sorry to bother you but I was wondering if there is an actual thread for TFC yet? Or is it too soon to make it a tournament thread? ._.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Generally don't want to make the thread, and instead leave it up to the TOs to do so. Normally it should go up once pre-registration goes up.
    Steady G
    Steady G
    Ahhh okay. Thank you.
    I'm having a problem of logging off.
    • Like
    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    It must be where I enter the site.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    keep in mind that there's and Both have separate cookies so you may be logged into one but the other doesn't automatically notice you're logged in. It's a current issue and I'm looking to resolve it. If that's not your issue, please let me know and report detail information in the Issues board.
    It's definitely a current issue.
    Hey, I was just curious if there was any way to set it so that you only get 1 notification per group of new messages on a profile post. In a thread you're watching, if two people respond, you only get 1 notification (until you check the new messages, then you get more). On a profile post, you get a new notification for everyone who comments, regardless if you checked on it since the first reply.
    You played really solid at the JPN tournament sir. It's always good to see strong character representation and practically always in the top 16. You are Mr.Strong indeed. Hope to play you offline some day.
    Nice site you have here, I hope to contribute in the future.

    I also noticed you are also from Maryland, which is cool!

    Anyways, nice to meet you!

    Btw, are there ever any tournaments hosted in Maryland?
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