Matt Ponton
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  • I had to look again your matches: seriously, they were some of the most impressive and funny of the tournament.

    I know that said by me don't mean much, but you have however my congratulations!
    Ah, hm. A bit awkward. If it's not too much trouble, could you change the birthday on my account? It should be June 17, 1997 as opposed to 1990.
    Hey Wah. I just posted an Eliot guide in the Eliot section and I wanted more people to know about it, and I was wondering if you could front page it so more people will know about it thanks.
    I checked the wiki tab on the FreeStep homepage, and A LOT of the frame data results I got were very 'sketchy.' I don't want to waste the time looking through every characters movelist for 5 hours each to get the frames on everything they have. Is there a way that we can get some actual spreadsheets or get a group of people to get the frame data organized?
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    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    Itz King Beebop
    Itz King Beebop
    I can do the frames on some of the characters... it's just that I don't want to do it ALL
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    There's a few posts about getting the wiki updated. It's a community effort. Search the forums for comments about the wiki.
    I'm in the process of making a power launcher juggle guide for every character in the game. I plan on posting it on the forums and wanted your input on whether I should put the entire guide in the general Doa5 section or break it up and make threads in each character forum.
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    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    Darth Lotonic X
    Darth Lotonic X
    Ok, my guide is ready, but I wanted you input for one more thing

    My guide is for "No-Timing" Power Launcher combos. As in, you would whiff a input (Like P) immediately after the launch to compensate for the ridiculous launch height....
    Darth Lotonic X
    Darth Lotonic X
    The currently existing PL combo threads are not focused on this concept, so my question was if I should make new threads in each character forum, or make new threads only in character forums that don't already have a PL thread and post in the corresponding PL threads for the character forums that do.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    new threads only in ones that don't have them.
    Not sure if its my computer, but i have seen people talking about Errors with uploading their video. Thats probably because of Google+ but when i put the link in the Media section it say that my URL doesn't meet any services.
    Hey not sure but was that you in the PSN lobby earlier using Bass? If so was great playing you. I was using Jacky.
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    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    Never saw anyone use Bass but yeah was awesome to run into you. I need to work on not trying to hold too much. Is it ok if I add you?

    I agree with the delay and all. Hard to do anything against her or punish. Same with Alpha.

    Thanks! My focuses are on Jann Lee and Jacky. Mainly Jann Lee though.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    yeah but i don't get on too often. feel free to add me though.
    Not a problem. Sent you an add.
    Mr.Wah how's it going? Sorry for the bother but is it possible I can upload the matches we played the other day including the ones you won? If so, Should I hide your PSN name as well?
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    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    nah don't have to hide it, don't care if you upload them. I saved most of them as well if they happened to glitch out.
    Gotcha no problem. I'll upload the ones you won as well. I'll be home soon to check if it's safe from glitches.
    Mr. Wah do you think that for allowing the 240 life TN should also make heavy changes to the peculiar DoA5U Tag?

    I mentioned this topic on the thread 2 times, but no one answered to me: I'm not sure if it's because I said a stupid thing (and it's possible because I'm not a technical player) or if simply because very few people are interested to the Tag.
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    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    I ask this because really are needed drastic changes, I think that for allowing a a lower life bar, they players interes should also propose to TN a valid way to keep playable the Tag; othewise all the efforts for this request could be useless.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Tag is different tournament settings than singles. Tag is fine kept at 300 as the reward is to do tag juggles in critical.
    It's what I think myself, but so do you think that TN for the single matches should work only on the holds damage (element that it's not fundamental in the Tag)?
    Not on the properties of the moves' damages that could influence even a Tag match?
    Do you seriously plan on going to japan for the 12th for the official japanese tournament?
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Not confirmed but it's in consideration
    Let me know if you do cuz I'm going to try to seriously attend if I can.
    Sorry to bother you but can you change my name to Pocky Yoshi once more? I still love Kokoro, but I like old name best. Also happy belated B-day.
    Happy Birthday, man!
    You have the most posts and likes by a landslide. Enjoy your forum godliness.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Tis my forum so thus I do enjoy the godliness. Thx
    Hey do you think you can expand the media section in the portal index to show a little more videos? Like how you did with the status thing (or did you not do that? o_O). Is it possible to extend the media part?
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    I'll look into it, create a suggestion thread for it in the Site Issues board.
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