Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • so, Phase-4's flying swallow does NOT recover crouching despite the animation clearly shows her crouching on the ground, learn something new err'day
    Strive getting a 2nd beta, time to see how many infinites and glitches got taken out woot woot

    lobbies will still probably blow :/
    in 2021 we still have Momiji players trying to "mix" you off her Amakake stance on block; in the words of the Android 17

    "You never learn!"
    I love Genshin as much as the next guy, but making 1 Billion dollars in 6 months? the game's not even close to finished and these fools done made their money back and then some!
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    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    It is a game where some characters are limited and the only way to unlock them is through the gacha system of the game and since many can get unlucky with their rolls they end up opening their wallet just to get that character at the end of the day. There's an Amber main on YT/Twitch who tries to hunt for her constellations, from time to time he ends up putting the donations he receives back into the game.
    Project L will be a great game for players in a position to make money off it, but for the rest of us regular shlubs its just gonna be a modern Street Fighter clone with a LoL skin
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    but then again, I'm not the biggest Arcsys fan and I don't know a dam thing about GBF but i actually like GBFV, although most of that is due to it having 1 character that I really enjoy playing, so who knows, maybe Project L will do the same, just gotta wait and see
    If you're trying to enter the FG market, emulating SF is actually pretty smart. Its style is the foundation of 2D fighters, and is the most recognizable fighting game (besides maybe MK).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    bleh, give me a call when they start emulating fighting games I care about, like Power Stone or Yuu yuu hakusho dai 4 tama makai tousitsu

    jk that'll never happen

    but honestly seeing the same 5 franchises (SF, MK, Smash, KoF, and Marvel) getting ripped off looses it's appeal after a while
    dayum, 10 years of silence and no updates then BAM! A new Melty Blood game, thats gonna be a cool franchise to hop back into
    ah, so the reason why the Ninja Gaiden MC is bundling the Sigma games is because they straight up don't have the source code in it's entirety for the original Ninja Gaiden games
    There's a lot more games, especially Sega. But those are just ones I know from the top of my head.

    For the older games before PS1, they were a lot more difficult to manage because there was no github or anything like that. They had to save shit on a disk or something right? and parts of source codes get destroyed, or scrambled, and in most common cases lost.
    Konami doesn't have any of the code for their old games not just those 2, that's half of why Silent Hill HD was like it was because Konami binned the source code lol. Probably the main reason why you will never see the Twin Snakes on anything other than the GameCube.
    True yeah, it's why I mentioned it's a lot more games, just so happens I only remember those two games off the top of my head but that sounds like Konami yep lol
    dam, I was kinda joking when I said Lidia was just genderswapped Jean Kujo, but then you actually play the character it's like holy cow they just straight up added a VF character to T7 :/
    y'know, I thought I was fully acclimatized to high pitch characters yelling "Iku Yo!" every 5 seconds in fighting game, Samsho's Cham Cham done proved me wrong; that character's voice is next level annoying
    Waiting till the end of the final season of DLC to nerf problematic top tiers, They did it with SFV, they did it with DBZF, now the doing it with T7, I see you fighting game developers!
    Gotta sell these scumbag steve dlcs somehow! And these idiots support such tactics and defend it
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    meh, I ain't mad about it, all I know is that now I just wait till the end of Kombat Pack 4 and NRS will nerf Sheeva and I can back to playing MK11
    Jean Kujo? is that you I see in Tekken 7?
    • Haha
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    YES! That's immediately what I thought when I saw Lidia's Karate style. Will she get a GBoD? ;)
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's Tekken so it's likely, but yeah, her fighting style, her color scheme, it's friggin Jean, and while VF5FS wasn't my favorite VF, I did like Jean, so maybe playing his genderswapped duplicate in T7 will be kinda hype
    dam, 15 hours into Trials of Mana and they just hit me with the "Chapter 1 Complete" trophy, that's that old school JRPG pacing where they didn't give a dam about wasting your time lol
    same, i spent hours in the village stage in chrono cross exploring and talking to NPCs
    Ryu dual wielding swords in a NG game sounds like the coolest thing ever, but in every game where he has dual swords they always feel clunky af, or is it just me who feels that
    You aint the only one who feels this way. The only game where I felt powerful with the dual swords was NGS2, and I only used it for killing bosses. In NGS however 360T was the only remote reason to use the weapon otherwise you are better off with any other weapon. In NG3RE it feels complete wack due to poor AOE potential and terrible recovery.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ugh, dual swords were horrible in NG3RE, just go with the Scythe, it's the only weapon you need in that game, and it was even more broken in vanilla NG3 where you could just Steel on Bone an entire room of enemies cause there was no limit on how many enemies you could chain kill, even with the limits in RE Scythe still did work in that game
    3RE had more weapons than the kusari and the scythe? Damn... Good that we are getting a remaster in june to check them out :^)
    If the E-sportcification of fighting games pissed you off b4 then I KNOW this Sony buys EVO news got you tight
    It would yeah, though there's going to be another bias this generation towards the Sony Playstation with regards to fighting games. Would be cool if EVO could possibly grow in the future to support PC's, Xbox Series X's, whatever for tech. If the FGC wants to grow in any legitimate way, it needs to move towards resembling what the larger esports games are doing support/presentation-wise.
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