Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • In a sea of DOA fan arts comprised of wonkily posed models in SFM with poor lighting and no color correction, I always appreciate some good ol' fashion hand drawn DOA fan art
    Softcore you say? try straight up porn at times. I have safe settings set on my twitter but there was this one time I seen Honoka doing things. The funniest part is. The guy said to see more please become a member of my patron prices: 10$ 20$ 30$ 60$ for mega pack get exclusive content of my work. All DOA models being used. lol
    The eechi art that people draw is cool but if you're going to try to make porn with the game models please stop putting them in a position where things are painfully clipping, and then asking for money on patron lol. At least put some work into it, and edit or something I donno. I personally wouldn't try making money off other peoples property but it is what it is.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    lol, currently going through this with Genshin Impact rn, I love the game but whenever I look up fanart most of them are lewd Mona drawings or lewd Fischl drawings, mind you the art is high quality and all those artists deserve props; I'll take well made smut over ripped assets clipping into themselves while doing lewd poses anyday
    you know what would be dope, if fighting games could incorporate block advantage/disadvantage into their visual design, that way you could tell if you were plus or minus just from seeing what's on the screen instead of being forced to remember a bunch of numbers
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    one way could be if characters had distinct block animations for when they blocked something that's plus/safe versus blocking a minus move, or if a game has hit effects like Tekken or SC, the hit effects could be colored different if you blocked a move that's punishable verses blocking a move that's plus/safe, just a thought
    Yes, definitely. That's one thing that SC & Tekken try to do with their hit effects. In DOA you can't really tell if something is + on block due to the lack of hit effects or adequate visual feedback. On the other hand, you don't want the visual effects to be an eyesore.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, personally not the biggest fan of hit effects, but I would prefer them 10 fold if they conveyed useful information, I guess In a way they already do with unblockables and blue spark moves in Tekken and SC6

    DOA has guard breaks that convey info, but not all plus frames are guard breaks and not all guard breaks are plus, so outside of being a cool looking effect, it's mad inconsistent
    so, Super Baby 2 and SSJ4 Gogeta , never watched GT so that's just a portion of DBZ i am super unfamiliar with, but ppl seem happy with their inclusion so hooray
    SSJ4 Gogeta was highly requested? Oh wow. I mean, it makes sense yeah.

    Was surprised actually on him getting in, considering that SSJ4 Goku was requested but he didn't exactly make it as a character, but rather as a form of attack from Kid Goku.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    like every1 else I thought Omega Shenron was gonna make it in, but I guess Gogeta got it in the end, though I'll be honest I;m kinda done with playing theme/meme teams and I just wanna play a team with a strong point, a supportive mid, and a good anchor to clean up, so at this point I;m not super concerned with what character gets added, as long as they can fufill a function efficiently
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that said if Raditz ever makes it into this game you can bet your left testicle I will main team Evil Sayains with Base Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz, even though I haven't touched Base Vegeta or Nappa since they dropped lol
    So Nintendo appealed to the Zoomers with Minecraft Steve, then they appealed to the Boomers with Sephiroth, does this mean that the next DLC for Smash will appeal to...the Doomers? or maybe even the Coomers???
    • Haha
    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Nah, Sephiroth is for the millenials, FF7 is from 97, boomers were already too busy taking care of their children to get to know Sephiroth lol
    When Bethesda or Ubisoft release a buggy game at launch, we all laugh and excuse it with "it's part of the fun!", when CDprojeckt Red does it we go "how dare you betray our trust as consumers, this is unacceptable!"
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    Reactions: DestructionBomb
    Well, Cyberpunk was way too overhyped, way more than any Bethesda or Ubisoft game ever, actually scratch that, way more than any game in the history of gaming. Also, I don't know about people having that mentality about Bethesda/Ubi's games, they were constantly pissed about Fallout 76 iirc and tbh, Bethesda gave them many good reasons to do so.
    Then again, there were people mad about Cyberpunk getting delayed time and time again and tbh they should've delayed it way more. All in all, we learned two important things out of this again, that 1: Some people are very, very dumb and 2. It is never a good idea to buy a game day 1, because it'll be a (buggy) mess most likely, or incomplete with a crapton of dlc to follow the game's release.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Fallout 76 is honestly the only Bethesda game in recent memory I remember ppl getting big mad over, but for Skyrim, Oblivion, and multiple Fallout games, day 1 bugs and glitches are apparently hilarious

    I'm just curious if ppl will keep this same energy when the next Elder Scrolls comes out and it's janky as hell because they always are on release, guess we'll see soon enough
    Ivy is mad fun in SC6 but if you can't pull off her Summon Suffering command grab consistently you might as well not even play her :/
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    Not sure if the implication is that she's not cool without that move or that she's not effectivewithout that move.
    The truth, of course, is that she's both very good and very lame either way.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I just feel like not applying it to your game gimps her offence in a major way, she still has great high low mix but that extra layer of strike throw mix makes her way more scary, and it's not like i don't have experience with 360's, 720's, etc, but for some reason I can't hit that input for shit, especially when I try to do it raw
    It's better to mask the input because it's obvious when someone is trying to do it raw. Besides, you're more likely to get the JF version from a input buffer.
    Apparently Cyberpunk made back 8 years of development cost ($314 Million) in day 1 digital sales alone, that's impressive but then you wonder if the early release was worth it considering all the crap they're receiving rn
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    true, definitely should of skipped last gen on this one

    but seeing how the problems of numerous bugs and glitches extends to next gen and PC, they definitely should of delayed again, yeah they would of missed out on holiday sales and the "Lol Cyberpunk delayed lol" memes would of been rampant, but that would be a way more favorable situation than what they're going through atm
    "Early release"? The game was slated for April 2020 lol. I agree with @Radiance that CP2077 shouldn't have been released on last gen consoles. Anything below an XBone X is insufficient and asking for issues.
    yo, my my money in it
    Bayonetta 3 does not exist, Elden Ring does not exist, Granblue Fantasy Relink does not exist, Tales of Arise does not exist
    y'know, till this very day I look at Honoka's throw range and im like "really? does it need to be THAT large?" Not that im complaining cuz I sub the character but jeez, if it ever gets nerfed I would 100% understand
    Yuel looks cool, gameplay-wise she looks like a mish mash of Yuzu from Undernight and Mai from Blazblue, nice design but I'll be sticking with Caggy
    man, the classic arcade button layout is truly the best way to play Guilty Gear, kinda mad i'm just now coming around to it
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    been playing with 2x3 SF style layout for years, and it always felt weird, but now that im now playing with the U button layout, it's way more intuitive than anything i've tried over the years
    The 4th phase
    The 4th phase
    using this layout in stick or bad for guilty gear?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Question for those of you who played SF4, do you miss plinking or are you glad that it's gone?
    it still exists in SF5 afaik but it's just less useful because of the generous buffer. And nah plinking is a degenerate bug to make degenerate inputs less degenerate. It's a skill that doesn't "transfer" to other fgs. Bro you had to map the SELECT button to abuse it at its fullest because it had the lowest priority... BRO THE SELECT BUTTON.
    I still play USF4 and never plink, come at me bro
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    interesting viewpoint, personally I didn't plink just cause I didn't have the dexterity for it, but then again, all the characters I played weren't defined by their plinkable options, I'm sure if I mained Fei Long, Abel, or Dudley i'd have a much different opinion
    Melee players 2 weeks ago: We need to boycott Nintendo and punish them for sabotaging professional melee!

    *1 Sephiroth reveal later*

    Melee players now: omg he looks so cool! can't wait to play him on stream!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that's the problem with people these days, everyone's quick to raise hell on social media when they wanna go against a company, but y'all will still buy their shit and advertise it for free

    With how the Switch still has almost full priced games that were released 3 YEARS AGO, how few original/new games it has and how they're doing one of the absolute worst jobs in handling content created by other people and how they're forcing everyone to cancel or to delete a lot of things regarding their games like events, videos or even music, I'd say, screw Nintendo.
    Yuzu is starting to become the better alternative anyhow, in 1-2 years we'll be able to play Switch games on mid-high end PC's with little to no problems with the amount of improvements that the creators made to that emulator its already pretty good on high-end PC's.
    Sephiroth's sword makes all the other sword characters feel inadequate (in more ways than one), that thing is massive! the hitbox on his tilts are going to be out of this world
    man ppl turned on Cyberpunk real fast :/
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    Reactions: Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    That's bound to happen when the circlejerk of a hive mind grows bigger than any game could ever hope to be.
    From what I've played in 4 hours or so on Xbox One S I really like it. But it's not well optimised for this gen at all, to get the game running decently on base PS4 /One S the textures resolution and stuff just turns to mud. Some things like neon lights are literally illegible unless you get up close on base console V is short sighted.
    I'm going to be a little unfortunately blunt and say that Cyberpunk 2077 seems designed for the Xbox Series X, and PS5 (along with the XBone X & PS4 Pro to a lesser extent). I can't imagine how bad it likely looks on a base PS4 or Xbox One S. DOA6, SCVI, Tekken 7, and Apex Legends all looked atrocious on an Xbox One S.
    Tekken had a bound mechanic, VF has a bound mechanic, DOA has a bound mechanic, when is Soul Calibur gonna get a bound mechanic lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    but I totally agree with having more bounds, or at least having more launchers that work with bounds, it's annoying enough when a character can only combo into bound off a single launcher (Helena and Honoka), but then you have characters where their combos into bounds and bound follow ups are lackluster af (Bass and Tina are prey to this, which is why u never see them go for bound)
    I like the juggle system of SCVI compared to the previous entries, yes, depending on the characters they can drag on but my god do these combos feel satisfying to pull off, especially if wall splats are involved in it too, plus, with certain characters being able to bound with long range attacks compared to other characters in that case + game being weapon focused, bounds would be weird in SC imo.
    I will do everything I can to not have SoulCalibur turn into "Tekken With Swords".
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