Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Remember when Bleach was about a kid who could talk to ghosts? me neither
    I remember My first introduction of Bleach was when Super Smash Flash 2 was announced that Ichigo was included as a playable character along with Reiji was originally playable at one point before becoming an Assist Trophy. Its been awhile since I've seen the anime.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Super Smash Flash, last time i played that game was back in 2007 lol
    *Arcsys soft confirms that season 3 is the final major content update for DBZF*

    Literally the entire DBZF community- DBZF is Dead! DBZF is Dead! DBZF is Dead!
    I called it, but no one believed me lel. SSJ4 Gogeta into that soundtrack in the end felt like it was the end of that game version.

    But even if it was the end, ArcSys works confirmed that if they got the approval from Bandai, they can start the 2nd Dragon Ball game in the future after their current projects are done, it's just a matter of when.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Well, regardless of circumstances, the game will be fine, dev support or naw,

    And I say entire DBZF community but it's mostly just the pro players and content creators saying that, but I get it for them, they gotta chase the trends and whatever's popular, but that's less than 1% of the 6 million ppl who play the game so yeah, DBZF will be fine
    I meant towards content but yeah, DBFZ has quite a huge chunk of people playing. A game only dies if a community chooses to make it die. Those guys will be fine.
    the only thing more annoying than a mid tier hero, is a fake mid tier hero
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    mf's who self identify as "honorable players" because they play mediocre characters and chastise anyone who dares to play a higher tier, but then you look at their character pool and it's like "these some pretty high tier characters, da hell you getting at me for?" then they hit you with that "um actually, these characters are not strong because blah blah blah...
    Low.:cyborg: Tier. :bayman:Gawwwd:genfu:
    Good old tier list warriors never get old, just like people who attack others for losing in a videogame
    ugh, never cook when playing videogames, you might get a little too into your game and the next thing you know you got 3 smoke alarms going off in the house :/
    • Haha
    Reactions: Derock
    You too? Lmao Thought I was the only one. I stopped the habit of course but yeah, been there...
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that's why I keep a timer on every time I have something on the stove or in the oven, that way no matter how distracted I get once that timer starts buzzing I know I need to get my ass back in the kitchen lol
    JRPG's in the 90's; back when they were all about teenagers with abandonment issues using the power of friendship to kill God, classic
    Yeah, it never went away LOL. Though people still like it. :p
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I guess this trope is alive and and well in modern JRPG's as well, it's just that i've been on an old school JRPG kick and it's hilarious how so many older games follow this trope to a T
    We have our trends and genres and they have heirs...It is an established formula for their target audience since they expect it to be teens and young adults. We have our "protag lost his memories" action and sci fi, or roguelite, or openworld survival crafting crap without much story in return lol. Not a fan of both directions unless it's an fps or fighting game though
    Whenever ppl talk about iconic Daigo moments they always bring up moment 37, but I feel like this is another one that doesn't get enough attention
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    anyone who's tried doing optimal Evil Ryu combos knows those links ain't ez to hit, and landing them in tournament? against the then best Ken at the time? all the props
    Daigo UmeharaGaaaaa


    OOAH OOAH, Shoryuken-Shoryuken. I'm glad someone remembers that one.
    Daigo Momochi Stunfest grand final is my favorite SF4 set ever, and I've been watching SF4 shit since 2009. I already backed up the video just in case the original upload goes down kek
    Tales of Arise got a new trailer, cool, but surprisingly it's only coming out for PS4,Xbox1, and PC. thought it was gonna be cross gen hence the delay but shoo, I ain't complaining
    To be fair Tales of has a track record of releasing on old gen even when the new consoles is out. Though Tales of Zestiria had both a PS3 and PS4 version maybe PS5 and Series X will get Backwards Compatibility + instead? Where a game recognises its played on next gen, as shoddy as CP2077 was, it ran at 60fps on PS5 (or tries to anyway) when the PS4 Pro version is mostly 30.
    CP2077 runs almost perfectly on an XB Series X at 60fps (any bugs have been patched out), though yeah, it shouldn't have been released on the PS4/XBone of last gen. Tales of the Arise has been taking up a lot of resources compared to Tales of Berseria/Zesteria, etc., so it's in Bamco's best interest to try to leave a strong impression within the gaming community.
    went ahead and bought Pyra/Mythra in Smash Ultimate, and honestly, i'm mad :mad:
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Im mad that Pyra is basically a better version of Byleth (my current main) in that Pyra has a similar gameplan but is way more efficient AND she has a whole ass 2nd form that makes up for all the shortcomings of the first form in Mythra, plus they're really fun to play, curse you Sakurai!!!
    Eh, as a Byleth main myself I’m not really upset with them. Their recovery is kinda ass, especially Pyras. They’re not great off stage, while Byleth is. Mythra can be annoying though cause that woman is literally faster than Sonic lol. Almost everything she does is safe on shield.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i'll give ya that one, Byleth's definitely got the better offstage game, and yeah I don't know wtf they were thinking with Mytha, fast, safe, and has her own mini bats within special, absolute madness, fun, but madness
    My dumbass trying to speculate which Guilty Gear character will be the guest star in Samsho when Guilty Gear already has a whole ass samurai in their game lol
    It’s nuts because months ago I remember reading some leak how there was going to be a GGxSS collab with Nakoruru showing up in Guilty Gear, which I thought sounded like a RIDICULOUS crossover idea... only to find out that a GG character is actually coming to SamSho
    If the character isn’t Baiken, people will rage lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I don't think Samsho players will rage if no Baiken, as long as the og's are in the game they'll b fine
    I committed the ultimate gamer sin, I lowered the difficulty to easy to get past a boss; the gamer police are on their way to revoke my gaming card!
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    jk, Genichiro is a tough bastard the first time you fight him, hell i'd say on the first playthrough he's the hardest boss, but then you fight him so many time throughout the game that he eventually becomes the easiest, funny how that turns out
    i can't defeat him in his second form, so f... it , i use the mod to fill the stagger meter quickly lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    His second form is easier than his first! but that's just my opinion
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    they really adding a guard crush mechanic to SamSho 2019, the game already kills you for blocking now they're like "we're gonna punish you EVEN MORE for blocking, stop turtling scrubs"
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    at least my girl Wu-Ruixiang got sum buffs, time to re-install I guess :/
    Last year Arcsys said that given the current climate they were gonna consider the opinions of the general online playerbase when it came to buffs and nerfs, and if these last 2 DBZF patches are indicative of what to expect, then I'm terrified
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    basically "listening to the general online playerbase" means "we'll nerf characters that ppl complain on forums and message boards and leave everyone else alone", which leads to popular high tiers getting nerfed, but less popular but just as powerful high tiers being left alone because their strengths don't really shine through in low-mid level play, can't say Im a fan of that kind of balancing
    Arcsys has nothing to do with that, you're talking about bamco.
    SSJ4 Gogeta looks sick (that level up mechanic is nutz), and I didn't even watch GT lol
    Fighting games with no offline events to look forward to is a drag
    • Sad
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Online is nice and all but if whooping up on MilfHunter69 and XxXSh8d0wN1nj8XxX is all I have to look forward to then I might not be long for this sh1t
    I get what you mean. Over the last year it's been just online tournaments which can be cute to watch but quite frankly don't match the feeling and vibe of a legit offline tournament event. On the bright side, it was nice to see Japanese FG devs get called out on their atrocious netcode in 2020.
    I luv my smash peeps but I hate the fact that they use the word "lag" to refer to what we know as "recovery", and what they know as "recovery" is a completely different thing lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    in fact there's alot of lexicon that's shared between fighting game and smash but they mean completely different things which makes even talking with smash players a challenge in itself, need a gosh darn smash dictionary just to translate
    Yeah, it's like that in Smash guides too. "Lag" is used in non-fighting game games also such as in some PC esports games. It's silly because lag is the term used to describe suffering a match with a Wifi warrior. Lag is basically just a short-form for latency also.
    There’s a LOT of disconnect between Smash and the FGC.
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