Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • What crack were people smoking when "Kokoro and Helena are weak in DOA6" was a thing?
    • Haha
    Reactions: SaihateDYNAMO
    The same people who thought Helena and Kokoro were "weak" in DOA5.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    any character with the tools to turn a match into a one player game isn't weak, Kokoro and Helena are still the queens of this, although with Helena I can kinda see why ppl think she's weaker thanks to [3]p getting removed (she's still dangerous tho), but Kokoro I can't see it at all, if anything she has more tools here than she did back in DOA5
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Whatever the Christies players were smoking for saying "But you can just SA her now so she can't attack."
    been having alot of fun playing Cammy in SFV as of late, despite her being the most basic ass character in that game, and for SFV that's saying something lol
    • Like
    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    Playing her properly feels very good and it is also very rewarding, her combos are fun to do despite not requiring too much execution and she definitely doesn't lack in the damage department of things. Doesn't surprise me that she was top-tier and the best character in the game back in like S2-3 iirc.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, she's a good character if you wanna just jump into SFV w/o knowing too much about the game; takes less than 10 mins to figure out all her conversions then from there it's just a matter of hit comfirms and space control, I was gonna try and come back with FANG but hoo boy, FANG is far from a pick up and play character lol
    Think I may of found a way to guarantee Nyo's 8p+k on grounded opponents, more testing is needed but if this actually works imma go nuts
    Nintendo pulled a cease and desist on the slippi rollback mod for Melee, on one hand it sux for melee players on the other hand can't say i'm surprised
    Naturally Nintendo is very protective of their brand, but they seem out of touch with regards to how modern social media/technological culture operates. Companies like Microsoft or Sony may even embrace something like that, but Nintendo? Nuh uh.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I do think it's largely cause Big House is actually partnered with Nintendo of America, and tournaments affiliated with Nintendo can't run any sort of third party mods for obvious reasons (UCF and Pokemon Stage Freeze mods are the 2 big ones), whether or not this will extend to non-partnered tournaments we will see
    Think the main issue was that Big House would've also made a profit off of this while the game would've been played on an emulator in order to play the game because of the rollback mod. Nintendo takes these situations quite seriously, does it suck? Yes, it does, it did many times from the look of things, not only now but they 100% had the rights to do it.
    Man, Taven and Daegon got disrespected in their MK11 appearance, why does NRS hate their 3D era characters so much lol (besides Frost, Bo Rai Cho, and Kenshi of course)
    Yeah, some of the characters imo could get a second shot from the 3D era in a 2D MK fighting game, like Kira, Li Mei, Havik (if the execution of the character is indeed a good one), Hotaru, Ashrah, Darrius, Shujinko (again, if they can make the characters interesting). Its just, the 3D MK games gave birth to the most disliked characters in fighting games like Kobra, Mokap, Hsu Hao.
    They'd rather not take risks with characters from an era of MK where most people disliked or hated some or most of these characters. To be completely honest though, I'm surprised that other characters like Takeda, Kung Jin and Reiko didn't make it in either even though they're liked iirc. There are just way too many characters now, thats why I feel that another, a more complete reset story-wise was a good idea.
    NRS already knows who the liked characters from the 3D era are. Sareena, Ashrah, Hotaru, Li Mei, Frost, and Havik. I'm thoroughly surprised we haven't seen Reiko as well considering his popularity. Maybe NRS didn't want another clone ninja, but he's as like the female version of Tanya imo. underrated with a wide fanbase.
    while this is chock full of that classic japanese favoritism, Punk does make a few good points about the American FGC
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    most American players DO NOT like to share tech
    most American players DO NOT help each other learn match ups in their reigon
    most American players DO NOT play you in casuals if you're in the same pool at a tournament

    of course this doesn't extend to every player in America, but these are patterns i've noticed throughout the years (or maybe it's just an east coast thing lol)
    I'm not going to brag I beat Punk if I can probably flex or hang with him in a pre-SF4 era game. Hell, my Makoto could could show him some shit in 4. It's SF, like anyone can put their mind to it. It's all exposure to the games you play. He chose to get nice in 5 exclusively.
    NRS makes Kustom Variations tournament legal but then fails to announce that certain kustom moves (or combinations of them) are still banned :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    kind of throws a wet blanket on the whole affair but given how unbalanced kustom variations are I guess this was inevitable
    *casuals when there's vortex* Wow, defense is too weak in this game, how am I supposed to block?
    *casuals when they take away the vortex* Wow, offense is too weak in this game, how am I supposed to open ppl up?
    Demon Souls remake for next gen came out b4 Elden Ring that's crazy
    from software seeing demon soul remake :

    Lol, nah. FromSoftware didn't work on DS Remake, Blupoint did and their work is ace. Though is the game better than Nioh 2?
    Sekiro free update is greatly appreciated, but a 17 boss gauntlet in a game every1 stopped playing months ago? dats bruutal
    As much as I love Sekiro since it's possibly my favorite one of anything FromSoftware has created when it comes to action or souls type, I can agree with this.

    I was on NG+4, so if I go back now, I'd probably die to the first few mobs due to immense rust. One of those moments of "Kinda waaaay too late there FromSoftware".
    Defo was done in response to Ghost of Tsushima for sure lol They're not slick.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    apparently the bosses don't scale off world level so their health is normal, but still it's just like, I ain't fought Demon of Hatred, Emma, or Isshin in 4ever and now you want me to do it all w/o game overing once? roughness, they even added some new moves just to throw you off

    Genichiro still ez though, but that's just cuz u fight that mf 3 times every playthrough
    I heard my local Best Buy had a PS5 demo station so I went to go check it out, and there it was, on a black screen with white text "PS5 has overheated, Turn off your PS5 and wait until the temperature has gone down"

    Thats because they have it inside the clear display case. If they only knew that can easily destroy any console.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    but showcasing new consoles in clear display cases has been a thing for years throughout many different console generations, and those previous consoles never had any problems running smoothly while in encased in a closed space, so I don't buy the argument that the display case is causing the overheating
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Hell, even Sony released a FAQ detailing proper steps to avoid console overheating before the PS5 was released so even they knew they messed up, but it's first wave console, these things happen, Im sure when they release PS5.1 or w/e they call this problem will be solved, hopefully
    Eliot mains seem to be the angriest ppl you fight against online, then you realize that the majority of them are just old Gen Fu players trying to relive their glory days, tragic
    I actually rage quitted a match tonight, I couldn't tell if my opponent was trolling or being serious so I just left when the set was 3-3, I should feel bad, but I don't :/
    Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster huh? cool, when's Jade Empire 2 though?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    my stuck-in-2005 ass still waiting on a Jade Empire sequel, knowing dam well everyone who worked on that game is long gone from Bioware
    Yeah, I would not trust the 2014-onwards Bioware to do Jade Empire 2 any justice.
    Revisited Phantom Breaker Extra in anticipation for it's rerelease in 2021, and I had completely forgotten that game had a Style System similar to Grooves in CvS2
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Quick Style, Hard Style, and Extra style, plus another unreleased style that will be in the Omnia rerelease, gonna be mad interesting playing around with these though i assume most players will default to Quick style it being the most standard, unless the new style is OD but we'll see
    Yes. Except CvS2 is cooler despite how busted the game was.
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