Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • I just realized Nyo's Nova suit and female Seth's default have eerily similar design, right down to the blinking lights and everything
    I feel bad for Mai in this game, she's good but why would u ever pick her when Kasumi does the same thing but better with more damage and more options
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    Reactions: inochinagi
    Mai has actual 50/50s though based off recovery alone since it was implemented in that same fashion in the KOF games. Similar to Kula where her throw game is also weak in the KOF games (makes sense). With the insertion of the DOA meta and speed differences where Mai was blessed with it, different factors are involved. There are some strings up close that is slightly better than Kasumi's.
    Least in terms of consistency, Mai has better match up potential vs generally most of the cast. Which I also agree with Bladez and Mark on it. This doesn't mean that Kasumi is a slouch as she's one of the best characters in the game, but in terms of output, Mai has a bit more of an impact to gain consistent damage for quite a few reasons that doesn't involve netplay.
    For starters, Mai has a -1 low that leads to any of your general offense option to either be i10 or i12 (despite Mai is i9). Kasumi does not have that option which that alone already dismantle most cast opportunities (especially heavies). You might have to check Mai again in the lab.
    So, if you Hi-counter launch with Nyo and your opponent has a small hurtbox, DO NOT relaunch with SSS, they'll fall out of the 3rd hit everytime
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    this pretty much happens with every female excluding Helena, Tina, Nyotengu, Christie and Lisa (seems to happen randomly on Lisa though); and the all guys except Eliot are exempt from this as well. if you do land a Hi-Counter launch on anyone else, switch up your combo ender or delay the SSS slightly to make it connect
    Team based hero shooters are fine and dandy, but when are we gonna get that 1v1 hero shooter? If such a thing can even exist
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    It would never take off because 2/3 of the appeal of team based games (shooter, MOBA, or otherwise) is that low-level players can blame their teammates if they lose instead of owning up to their faults. If you lose in a 1v1 game that's all on you.
    Make one and tell me otherwise.
    Haven't run into a single Diego since the patch dropped, did the change to his charged 236p nerf Diego mains out of existence?
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Diego mains became the post-nerfed Leroy mains l0l
    I mean, it sucks, but it's not that huge of a deal. Not like a 25+ frame charge move lands often unless it's laggy.
    the cheongsam dress is killing diego
    what's Raidou's optimal wallsplat combo now that SSS into 236p no longer works?
    What did they do it? does the last hit of SSS causes a splat?

    Because Raidou possesses a Y chromosome where DOA currently is for the simps, he has the same exact splat I believe from DOA5, which is PP4PP or PP6PK. However you are better off with PP4PP with a very small damage trade off for wake up killing options using 6T into 2P to land on the exact frame (unless that was changed too).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    naw, third hit of SSS just whiffs now :/ they increased the amount of delayable frames in the last patch which was necessary for easier conversions, but they also slowed down his SSS so now you can't combo into it near the wall and off short launches, 4 whyyyyyyyyyyy?
    yo wtf did they do to Raidou's air throw, it's 10x times easier to do now, just a simple 61234T, how long has that been a thing?
    The 1.19 patch notes only says they changed the knock back distance on that one from 3m to 5m, so if they changed the input I guess it was before this.
    Garou: Mark of the wolves is selling for 5 bux on PSN, no idea why but pick it up if you wanna experience some old school SNK glory
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    Reactions: inochinagi
    Nice. I think I already have it on PS4 though. Not on XBO though :(
    4 word review of the Sonic movie: Great effect, bland movie
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    the surprise reveal at the end of the movie was cool though, but if you have 2 brain cells you'll know what it is before you even enter the theater lol
    Oh noes! Nyotengu lost her 4h+k oki setup with the latest update! But she gained some new ones and the rest of her old ones still work so, no biggie
    Aaaaaaareeee yooooooou suuuuuure ? > : )
    You! LIFE! Finds um uh er way!
    so what the heck does "added grounded hitbox, from the frame at which tech rolling is possible" mean? the old psudo force tech setups across the cast still seem to work, so does that mean they're new ones to find or does it mean something else entirely?
    I'm still trying to figure it out. The same "hit the opponent on the ground with 2 moves consecutively" still forced techs, but hitting the opponent on the ground with 2-hit strings like Ayane's 1P2K doesn't forced tech.
    so this was pretty much the "let's buff low crush moves" patch, coolio, the less getting knocked out of the air by lows the better
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    Reactions: N1ce Dreams
    Moves can still get knocked out of the air at different times in the animation (still dumb IMO, should be completely low invincible), but at least stuff like Ayane's 9P can actually jump over moves now.
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