Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Daigo speakin' da truth! "Punishing things which your opponents shouldn't be doing in the first place won't work against truly good players"
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    cause it's solid piece of advice that applies to all fighting games?
    Yes and no. To an extent, it's agreeable. There is general player mistakes and over appliance, which Daigo would also agree.

    But the joke here is that not many on FSD would follow it unfortunately, despite the very few including me agree to it.
    Oh crap, I misread that as Diego and @DestructionBomb calling him Lord Diego for some reason... I'm like, when did this happen?
    Good luck to everyone competing at the Reversal today, with y'all in spirit, cuz I missed the bus to philly so i couldn't be there in person lol
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    Reactions: inochinagi
    Just checked it out and figured out what you were talking about, lol. Would have been cool to see how you'd do.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, it would of been cool to be there, and I tend to do pretty alright at that local, I even made Top 4 the last time i went, losing to the UGS boyz Bboydragon and LordXav1er so I definitely need to go back and get my runbacks lol
    any old school Sakura Taisen (aka Sakura Wars) fans here?
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    Reactions: VAND1TA
    I never played any games, but i love the hentai. ;)
    Never got to play any of the games, but I've been a fan of the series, characters (Kanna! The better Kanna!), and music since the early 2000s thanks to the anime series. I'm looking forward to the new game. I'm already liking the music:
    I've been into Sakura Taisen since I've seen their Hanagumi Taisen Columns, watching video clips on Youtube, seen the anime version, & played its first Western release. New Sakura Wars kinda reminds Me hack n' slashes KT makes, I would say its different.
    I actually took time off this spring/summer to travel, but with the Coronavirus shutting down events and travel locations left and right I might be keeping my ass home this year :/
    Wonderful 101 i.e the best Wii U character action game that no one played, is getting remastered for PC, Switch, and PS4 :)
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    Reactions: inochinagi
    Already pledged the day they put up the KS :D Great game, great developer. The trailer for the next game they announced, G.G., also looks amazing. Full on Tokusatsu and Kaiju craziness.
    Wii U’s exclusive library shrinking by the year
    So has anyone here actually tried the post patch SFV netcode? Stories ranging from "wow the netcode is better!" to "Capcom didn't do shit!" make it difficult to grasp what's actually happening with that
    MINAAAAAAAAAA... is out in Samsho, pick her up and start annoying your foes with arrows and Chample
    They're making a Samurai Jack Hack and Slasher :) but it's being made by ASG and Soliel :(, it'll probably be slightly above average but fingers crossed
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    Reactions: zoo
    everyone in ranked is rocking those multiple hair colors, but everyone in lobbies is not, weird
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    Reactions: SaihateDYNAMO
    Maybe players in ranked are more susceptable to shelling out whatever is required to personalizing and showing off their characters than people in lobbies. Ranked is inheriently a place where you gain something visual to show off. Lobbies is where you go to just battle, not having to worry about something like rank. No idea, really, lol, but that's interesting.
    Pink haired Christie, Black haired Hayate, Blonde Deigo, muh eyes can't stand it X_X, it's not soul calibur level of obnoxious but it is messing with perfectly fine visual design
    I know I'm 2 years too late to the Pyra vs Mythra war (just now getting around to Xenoblade Chronicles 2), but I'm camp Mythra all the way
    Curious to see how popular Mina will be, on one hand she's a badass half naked tan shrine maiden, but on the other hand she's a projectile heavy character in a Samsho game so... :confused:
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    She was pretty popular in the older games considering how highly-requested she was. I think she'll do just fine on waifu power alone lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I thought Waifu power was gonna make Shiki, Darli, and Wu popular, but after everyone learned they sucked at the Samsho meta you rarely see them, both online and offline. but those characters were new, Mina at least has some nostalgia attached so I hope we see her around
    Damn, I'd main Shiki, even if she's low tier. She was awesome in SvC and NGBC
    is it just me or has the term "simp" seen a 2000% increase in usage on the internet lately?
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