Wall of Shame


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lol I still remember the "no throwing" lobbies from DOA4. I always got a kick out of those.

Soaring Zero

Active Member
. In the last round, he tries an unblockable, and in my absolute surprise I don't freeze up, step it, and throw him back. He rage quits.

Lol this cracked me up. The salt is oh so real.

I haven't had someone rage quit on me in quite a long time. Could be because I don't play randoms as much as I used to. That's one thing I miss about SC. I got all my best rage quit stories from that game.


Well-Known Member
I don't usually post, but why not. I'm now blocked and unless I play him on steam. I'll always be a cheater in his eyes.



Well-Known Member
on his defense you do have a shit connection bruh, dunno whether your lag switching or not but the few times i fought you have been unplayable. i mean even your pic you posted shows you 1 bar with everyone

The 4th phase

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
i actually i had a funny match against a hayabusa player ( was really spammy). we played a close first round, he took when i started to wreck him on the second he ends up quitting in the middle of the match. O_O

i mean seriously i was using an below average honoka and you quit XD


Well-Known Member
Yeah my connection is crap, but tell it like it is. Don't accuse me of cheating when I'm not. He got butthurt over me over killing him. When I didn't take it serious it escalated. For you Fork



Well-Known Member
No you can type gay in the chat now. It used to be censored but not anymore.

BTW IF U BEET ME UR A HACKERR!!11!1!1!1!one1!
To be fair a win/loss ratio like that usually does mean an exploit of some kind lol.

Good point. I've seen people flip the hell out when they get beaten by someone who is good with offensive holds. That and someone who actually KNOWS how to throw punish a character. "Spamming grabs" as some call it raises the sodium levels to critical lol.
Ain't it the truth. Not even OH's

"Stop spamming grabs!"
*is Holding spammed mids and/or lows*
