just be careful since you don't want another modder just beating you to the punch and saying who it'll be like with what happened last time xD
But that's a good thing though, if that individual revealed it before someone else then great since that's what all other data miners generally do (like every other game). They immediately reveal it. I mean look how fast data miners leaked DBFZ content. There was never suppose to be a race on who hides what to begin with, it's literally the complete opposite of what data miners mostly do.
You get more bang on content if you reveal it since people will go to you more often on looking for source rather than typical Youtubers/Social medias going with speculations trying to bump views. I mean like I said before, Gatto is not obligated to reveal information, but because he doesn't work for TN, there is no real credibility/points to hide it when the content provided for DOA is usually typical or nothing real special behind it (well, depending on what it is).
I will say this though, it's a bit of the player base fault if there's not enough data miners to begin with so Gatto lucked out on that one and not entirely his fault. If he wants to make hints or have fun with it he absolutely can. Simply stating that if someone else reveals it right away, then whoever revealed it, earned it.