The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
You know .. it just hit me ..
girl that popped up in the ending ..
when I backtrack I can think of a few...
Lauren ... shes dead .. so no chance ..
Nikki ... looks too similar to Lisa and unlikely a fighter ...
then theres....
Mei Lin ! O__O

The new character can very much be Gen Fu's Grand Daughter ! O__O

Theres also Kokoros MOM! O__O

Mei Lin is probably just 10 years old (added the 2 year gap on her previous age which was 8 years old). That's more of a questionable entry than Marie Rose even if they'll say she's 18.

I'm not looking forward for Miyako. Save that for 6.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
The only good thing (if you could call it that) is it seems TN is going to try and extend 5U and 5UA by releasing new characters and stages. That's how games like Project Diva Arcade Future Tone do so well in arcades b/c they're constantly being updated. So it stands to reason that Tengu is in the lineup as well.

But in terms of who the new girl is:
Rio - unless she can throw poker chips at her opponents face I'm having a hard time imagining her fighting.
Kasumi Alpha (DOA2/D version): Probably not (thankfully).
Niki: I mean she could be? Not sure how she would fight. Hoping it's not her though.
Irene Lew: I know others really want her so I'll hold my tongue on this one...
Miss Monday: Really shitty way of TN promoting Yaiba but I can see them doing it. Is she even a playable character in Yaiba? :confused:
Miyako: Heavily request due to her MILF status although she really adds nothing to variety other than her age...
Ayame: Too insignificant at this point I think.
Mei Lin: This game will turn into DOA5U: Pedo Edition. But seriously she'll play too similarly to Gen Fu or Eliot.
Nicole-458: The last company TN wants to work with at this point is MS. lol XD

For me it comes down to Rio and Irene and those are some piss-poor finalists but given the possible selection.... -_-


Well-Known Member
The only good thing (if you could call it that) is it seems TN is going to try and extend 5U and 5UA by releasing new characters and stages. That's how games like Project Diva Arcade Future Tone do so well in arcades b/c they're constantly being updated. So it stands to reason that Tengu is in the lineup as well.

But in terms of who the new girl is:
Rio - unless she can throw poker chips at her opponents face I'm having a hard time imagining her fighting.
Kasumi Alpha (DOA2/D version): Probably not (thankfully).
Niki: I mean she could be? Not sure how she would fight. Hoping it's not her though.
Irene Lew: I know others really want her so I'll hold my tongue on this one...
Miss Monday: Really shitty way of TN promoting Yaiba but I can see them doing it. Is she even a playable character in Yaiba? :confused:
Miyako: Heavily request due to her MILF status although she really adds nothing to variety other than her age...
Ayame: Too insignificant at this point I think.
Mei Lin: This game will turn into DOA5U: Pedo Edition. But seriously she'll play too similarly to Gen Fu or Eliot.
Nicole-458: The last company TN wants to work with at this point is MS. lol XD

For me it comes down to Rio and Irene and those are some piss-poor finalists but given the possible selection.... -_-

you forgot one of fame douglas's many mistresses. Well one got shot in the head i think but there's another 4 besides those two.


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Standard Donor
I think she would have to be as controversial/appealing as Marie Rose was to get people's attention. Miyako and Ayame are a bit tame.
you forgot one of fame douglas's many mistresses. Well one got shot in the head i think but there's another 4 besides those two.
that would just be more fuel for Helena story arcs.. also no one has seen them unless you bought the DOA2U bible.


Well-Known Member
I hope the new character is this little lady right here.



Well-Known Member
The only good thing (if you could call it that) is it seems TN is going to try and extend 5U and 5UA by releasing new characters and stages. That's how games like Project Diva Arcade Future Tone do so well in arcades b/c they're constantly being updated. So it stands to reason that Tengu is in the lineup as well.

But in terms of who the new girl is:
Rio - unless she can throw poker chips at her opponents face I'm having a hard time imagining her fighting.
Kasumi Alpha (DOA2/D version): Probably not (thankfully).
Niki: I mean she could be? Not sure how she would fight. Hoping it's not her though.
Irene Lew: I know others really want her so I'll hold my tongue on this one...
Miss Monday: Really shitty way of TN promoting Yaiba but I can see them doing it. Is she even a playable character in Yaiba? :confused:
Miyako: Heavily request due to her MILF status although she really adds nothing to variety other than her age...
Ayame: Too insignificant at this point I think.
Mei Lin: This game will turn into DOA5U: Pedo Edition. But seriously she'll play too similarly to Gen Fu or Eliot.
Nicole-458: The last company TN wants to work with at this point is MS. lol XD

For me it comes down to Rio and Irene and those are some piss-poor finalists but given the possible selection.... -_-

My reactions to your list...

Rio - Wouldn't Rio wind up looking like Mila with the new "realistic" designs? As for gameplay, people accuse doa of being "random" because of the counter system, but they could make her ACTUALLY random, rolling dice and cards to determine stance/moves, like Zappa or Platinum the Trinity. Make her the real joke character, where her "attacks" are dice rolls, hip bumps (waitress bumps, not tina leaps), spilled drinks, etc.
Kasumi ALpha - Shouldn't that just be a dlc costume for Alpha?
Niki: Well.. can't really say "not sure how she would fight", because then we wind up with Tour Guide/Scientist/Luchadore Lisa.
Irene: Thinking might be too close to Rachel.
Miss Monday: I still have no idea what Yaiba is.
Nicole: I'd love for them to redesign her without the Spartan Armor. Bring her back as an actual DOA girl, rather than a Halo promo. Aparrently, under the armor, Nicole is actually Filipino!
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Well-Known Member
Compared to Niki and despite being a guest on a spinoff, Rio has a lot of costumes from her own series and even has her own swimsuit set in Paradise with some original swimsuits. (the good part is that her original swimsuits aren't that much revealing).

Niki on the other hand, probably has like 2-3 costumes during the times that she has appeared in either Zack's endings or in the spinoffs.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
you forgot one of fame douglas's many mistresses. Well one got shot in the head i think but there's another 4 besides those two.

TN said we've seen her before though. A mistress of Fame Douglas seems too insignificant imo.

The cards do seem in Rio's favor though (pun intended). She was a playable character in a past DOA game (even if she was smacking volleyballs), she's a very well known Tecmo-Koei character in Japan. Who knows maybe a blackjack dealer is next on the list?

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Well-Known Member
TN said we've seen her before though. A mistress of Fame Douglas seems too insignificant imo.

The cards do seem in Rio's favor though (pun intended). She is the only girl from that list who has been a playable character in a past game (even if she was smacking volleyballs), she's a very well known Tecmo-Koei character in Japan. Who knows maybe a blackjack dealer is next on the list?


She'd be my third main. I only play Leon and Mila, be nice to pick up a third. If only because that image looks like what Mila woulda looked like in DOA2-4.

If they bring in a new guy, I know who i'm hoping for.



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
TN said we've seen her before though. A mistress of Fame Douglas seems too insignificant imo.

The cards do seem in Rio's favor though (pun intended). She is the only girl from that list who has been a playable character in a past game (even if she was smacking volleyballs), she's a very well known Tecmo-Koei character in Japan. Who knows maybe a blackjack dealer is next on the list?

also for all the haters saying she cant fight, you're wrong. she kicks some ass in the first episode of her Anime
I stand corrected. Apparently she does know how to fight @1:13.

lol damnit


Well-Known Member
you forgot one of fame douglas's many mistresses. Well one got shot in the head i think but there's another 4 besides those two.

I don't think she has any care for what happens anymore to the other 4 Douglas mistresses. Helena isn't really Emily Thorne from Revenge.

TN said we've seen her before though. A mistress of Fame Douglas seems too insignificant imo.

The cards do seem in Rio's favor though (pun intended). She is the only girl from that list who has been a playable character in a past game (even if she was smacking volleyballs), she's a very well known Tecmo-Koei character in Japan. Who knows maybe a blackjack dealer is next on the list?


I'll quote what I've come up for her at the "Design A New Character for DOA6" thread:

Default costume:

On-disc costumes:

View attachment 2602 View attachment 2603 View attachment 2604


View attachment 2598 View attachment 2600 View attachment 2599 View attachment 2601

Name: Rio Rollins Tachibana
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Fighting Style: Meihuaquan
Individuality: Counters throws and crushes low strikes while in a stance (similar to Anna Williams' Chaos Judgment stance)
Tag Partners: Zack (Former employer), Lisa (Former co-worker at Zack Island)
Personality: Cheerful, Adventurous (her anime titled, Rio: Rainbow Gate shows how she faced all the ridiculousness challenges of casino games called "Gate Battles" just to get the "Most Valuable Casino Dealer" title)
Appearance: Pinkish-red hair, vivid green eyes that are always wide and awake
Favorite Color: Hot Pink
Favorite Food/Drink: Gingerbread cookies, ginger ale, cherries

Story: Rio was temporarily employed for 2 weeks by Zack on his island as the casino's hostess and blackjack dealer. As she was on her way back to Howard Resort, Rio overheard a discussion about the 5th Dead or Alive Tournament coming in 2 years from some of the female fighters while on the plane, she got curious and went to witness the tournament as a spectator from the audience. She noticed the familiar faces of the girls she was with on the island and saw the sheer power from them as they fight against each other in the tournament.

So filled with hype, she called her manager and asked for a long vacation leave then with a smile, went to train herself to compete for the upcoming 6th Dead or Alive Tournament.

Trivia: Like Zack's "Zack Beam" taunt, she can do a damage-dealing taunt by accidentally tripping herself down while shuffling a deck of cards directed towards the opponent and guarantees a 10-hit damage when the opponent get hits without blocking.

Intro quotes:
"Have a lucky day!"
"I got the ace in me."
"As the customer wishes."

Tag intro quotes:
Zack: "Lets get this party started!"
Rio: "We're gonna have a ball!"

Rio: "Lets show them what we're made of."
Lisa: -stretches arms while walking forward with Rio-

Win quotes:
"I am the Goddess of Victory."
"Lady Luck is smiling on me."
"Rina...? Is that you?" - To Christie
"Mother...? - To Helena

Tag win quote:
Rio: "That was awesome!"
Zack: -tired and collapsed to the ground-
Rio: "Are you alright?"

Lisa: "All in the days work, my friend."
Rio: "Mhm. -giggles- "

Losing quote:
"The cards were probably not on my side."

EDIT: Go to this link to view on-disc costumes and swimsuits:
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Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
Sweet. Im pretty happy about this.
Marie Rose wasnt someone I was very interested in, so hopefully the other new character will have more appeal.
I guess the game is doing well for TN. Also good news.


Well-Known Member
Glad I'm staying home this day so as to not see people eat faces with each other.

The gift boxes wallpaper might be telling that she is the freebie though but I prefer First Time Pack 2 (with Rig and Rachel cosplaying throwbacks of others) instead or a free V-day Tengu.
lmaooo your icon


Well-Known Member
Apparently, it's the girl at the end of DOA5 story mode but initially I thought it was some clone of Kasumi. So, it's going to be interesting to see who it is.


Well-Known Member
If this game had no shame in putting a total jailbait to the roster, then we might as well get more controversial and have someone like this for a character.


Preferably the Japanese version of Poison where "he" was simply tucking "his business."

(In all seriousness though, I want Poison in the game. I bet Poison will look lovely in 5/5U graphics.)
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