The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Standard Donor
The thing is, I can't really see anyone in this series actually being intimidated. Not because Leon isn't intimidating or anything, but due to the other characters just being themselves. For example, Hitomi and Kokoro have no sense of danger whatsoever.

Hitomi's always felt a sense of danger. It's just that most of it was gone the moment she experienced warfare amidst becoming the Wing Goddess of Gaea and being protected by Van and Escaflowne. After that she made a resolve to become strong on her own, so she can be there for Hayate.

Kokoro on the other hand, loves danger. She may come off as timid and bubbly, but it's those very types of women who have a completely different side of her waiting to be unleashed in private, and it shows through her fighting. If "like mother, like daughter" wasn't a clue, I dunno what is.

The ninjas are...ninjas
Yeah... Kasumi's always fearing Hayate might be in danger, Hayabusa doesn't want Kasumi in danger, Ayane doesn't want Eliot to live his life a pansy, and Hayate's not worried about going back to becoming a Gundam pilot in After Colony 195 anytime soon. The ninjas just worry about themselves... and Eliot. And Hitomi. But that's all.

Gen Fu considers him young and inexperienced.
And notice how they never crossed paths again the next few games... it could be safe to say Leon defeated him.

Rig's about as much of an arrogant dick as Jann Lee,
And thus far, he humbled Jann Lee.

and Tina is completely confident in her ability to do just about anything.
You left out the part about her being half-human, half Esper. She's covered the War of the Magi, you know...


Not sure if DoA5 related conversation goes here ;), but I just finished all the tutorial. It was a nice touch and very newb friendly. It should be in the rest of the games. I managed to beat :bayman: combo challenge. I don't dare try anymore. Much like SF4, it had a lot of measly, overcomplicated combos that weren't practical. I'm just glad there isn't an achievement for beating them all...

I am very pleased moving over to 5U. I don't like PLs.... but I'm glad Bayman's moveset is back to regular with some fixins. I liked the tag overhaul too.


On topic, Zack would be intimidated....


Well-Known Member

Hitomi's always felt a sense of danger. It's just that most of it was gone the moment she experienced warfare amidst becoming the Wing Goddess of Gaea and being protected by Van and Escaflowne. After that she made a resolve to become strong on her own, so she can be there for Hayate.

Kokoro on the other hand, loves danger. She may come off as timid and bubbly, but it's those very types of women who have a completely different side of her waiting to be unleashed in private, and it shows through her fighting. If "like mother, like daughter" wasn't a clue, I dunno what is.

Yeah... Kasumi's always fearing Hayate might be in danger, Hayabusa doesn't want Kasumi in danger, Ayane doesn't want Eliot to live his life a pansy, and Hayate's not worried about going back to becoming a Gundam pilot in After Colony 195 anytime soon. The ninjas just worry about themselves... and Eliot. And Hitomi. But that's all.

And notice how they never crossed paths again the next few games... it could be safe to say Leon defeated him.

And thus far, he humbled Jann Lee.

You left out the part about her being half-human, half Esper. She's covered the War of the Magi, you know...

I kinda got the rest, but i'm lost on the Tina reference.


Well-Known Member
This is from my earlier post, but

"I'd like it to turn out Mila is Leon's kid, as that would cover a few bases). This would give both mila and leon more input in the story, plus makes the Bass and Leon tag team make a helluva lot more sense (heh, fathers vs daughters, bass/leon vs tina/mila), plus their shared mount tackle. She shares more than a few moves with him (the back kick, the leaping punch, the mount tackle, the overhead slam, etc), plus their shared brutality, (MMA is close quarters combat) so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Whether Leon does or doesn't know about Mila is something i'm still thinking about. Plus this would give Mila and Leon someone other than Tina/Bayman to interact with. (Maybe Mila is mad at him for not being there, even for her mother's death, hence idolizing Bass instead of Leon)"

Anyone else have an opinion on that? I know Awesmic liked it, but I kinda wanna hear others input on the idea.


Well-Known Member
BTW what sort of purpose to DOA do you think Marie Rose has? she fought Helena in her reveal trailer so do you think she is her maid who cleans her house.... ON FRIDAYS FRIDAYS IS SHE HELENA'S SERVANT ON FRIDAYS? AND DOES SHE GET OFF DURING THE WEEKEND WEEKEND?
Nah, if anything Marie Rose is Helena's SLAVE. Helena doesn't have maids/butlers. She has SLAVES, my nigga.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I believe she is her new servant. Just like Christie was at one point.
Nah, not servant. SLAVE


Well-Known Member
While thinking up a counterargument for anyone trying to argue that Mila being hispanic means she couldn't be Leon's daughter, I realized something: Leon is an ethnic clusterfuck.

He is an Italian
Using a Russian martial art
Wearing American military camo
who wanders (lives?) in the middle east
Who loved a woman of undetermined ethnicity (I'm saying Spanish for the sake of the Mila connection)
Who can speak Japanese.


Well-Known Member
Now we just need some fanfiction of Helena and her many slaves (Christie, Marie Rose, Zack?). Her sassin' them and what not with witty retorts. Then making them drink an immortality potion and chopping their head off...


Well-Known Member
This is from my earlier post, but

"I'd like it to turn out Mila is Leon's kid, as that would cover a few bases). This would give both mila and leon more input in the story, plus makes the Bass and Leon tag team make a helluva lot more sense (heh, fathers vs daughters, bass/leon vs tina/mila), plus their shared mount tackle. She shares more than a few moves with him (the back kick, the leaping punch, the mount tackle, the overhead slam, etc), plus their shared brutality, (MMA is close quarters combat) so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Whether Leon does or doesn't know about Mila is something i'm still thinking about. Plus this would give Mila and Leon someone other than Tina/Bayman to interact with. (Maybe Mila is mad at him for not being there, even for her mother's death, hence idolizing Bass instead of Leon)"

Anyone else have an opinion on that? I know Awesmic liked it, but I kinda wanna hear others input on the idea.

Too farfetched in a already cluster fucked story. shes a completely different ethnicity than both Leon and Lauren who is most likely middle eastern while Leon is italian. If they were going to go that route they would've already done it from the get-go instead of waiting till DOA6 to magically make them father/daughter.

It also wouldn't make since because Lauren was never pregnant by Leon during the entire time together until her death and even if she was how would she be able to have hidden it for a full 9 months without Leon knowing or even why would she hide it at all since they were obviously in love and Leon would've took care of the kid in a heartbeat giving lauren no reason to hide the child of her true love from him.


Well-Known Member
Tina x Lisa Story - Part 3 (Continuation)

"Lady Helena disbanded Donovan's faction from DOATEC in which Lisa Hamilton and I were associated with in the past. Victor Donovan was responsible for the capture of ninjas and experimented them to have superhuman fighting abilities in which Lisa was the head scientist. She was reluctant and denied to further continue with the projects but Donovan's henchman, Christie, was able to implant a microchip in her brain which would ensure Lisa to do Donovan's whim no matter what. She tried resisting the effects but the microchip was powerful than what her mind can take. Now they operate as a separate and distinct organization called MIST." Bayman told.

"But if you were part of the Donovan faction, why did you leave?" Tina asked. "I have a personal vendetta against Donovan. Don't ask any further." Bayman halted. "I see." Tina said while sipping tea.

"Now do you understand my dear?" Helena said. "I really just couldn't believe what's happening with her..." Tina weeped and was comforted by Zack. Helena went towards Tina then grabbed her hands tight. "Do not worry, we'll do everything we can to bring Miss Hamilton back for you." Zack turned on the television and saw a news flash about a prison break incident happening at the correctional facility. Reports have said that a woman named Lisa Hamilton has just escaped after being turned in and is now headed to the oil rig. "Oh no! That's where Daddy works!" Tina exclaimed. "Bayman, you know now what to do." Helena said as she looked at him. Bayman nodded and left Helena's office.

"Tina, you should stay here for a while. Your office building is a wreck and it would be dangerous if you went there." Zack said. "But my best friend and my daddy are in danger!" Tina cried. "Zack's right, Cherie. Do not worry the ninjas are on their way to investigate. It would be best to stay here for a while. We can move in your office in one of our function halls in the Freedom Survivor for the meantime." Helena offered while looking at Tina. Tina wiped her tears. "Thanks a lot, Helena. I owe you one." Tina said. "Anything for you, dear governor." Helena replied. "Zack, prepare the deluxe guest cabin." Helena said while facing Zack. "Yes Ma'am!" Zack nodded and left the two ladies alone.

Tina then heard a little girl giggling nearby in the pillars of Helena's office.

PS: Feel free the connect the story.
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Well-Known Member
Too farfetched in a already cluster fucked story. shes a completely different ethnicity than both Leon and Lauren who is most likely middle eastern while Leon is italian. If they were going to go that route they would've already done it from the get-go instead of waiting till DOA6 to magically make them father/daughter.

It also wouldn't make since because Lauren was never pregnant by Leon during the entire time together until her death and even if she was how would she be able to have hidden it for a full 9 months without Leon knowing or even why would she hide it at all since they were obviously in love and Leon would've took care of the kid in a heartbeat giving lauren no reason to hide the child of her true love from him.

While you not liking the idea is fine, your reasons are...flawed.

1) Lauren was more likely european, based on her appearance, name, and as shown with leon, no real reason to assume she was middle eastern.
2) It wouldn't be "Magically making them father and daughter". Mila and Leon haven't interacted in the story at all so far, because leon's not part of the story so far.
3) "Lauren was never pregnant by leon during the entire time together until her death". Where in the HELL does it say that? Leon not knowing about her may be contrived, but nowhere near impossible, and that was only a "maybe" I threw out there, though I favor the "mila angry at leon for not being there/letting her mother die". Or maybe just make her Lauren's daughter, but just Leon's stepdaughter.
4) "Leon would've took care of the kid in a heartbeat". Love leon as I may...I can't see him being a good father, lol. He'd be one of those "Sit on the couch watching tv, his only children raising attempt to be to start to stand up when they piss em off enough, till they run to their rooms scared out of their minds, and he sits back down".

Not attacking you, just pointing a few things out, no issue with you not liking the idea of Mila as Leon's daughter.
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David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Anyone else have an opinion on that? I know Awesmic liked it, but I kinda wanna hear others input on the idea.

Actually...I like it. Her story as of right now is too straightforward.

Thought: Mila talks to Tina about how much she envies her having such a great (borderline incestuous? :confused:) relationship with her father and goes on about how she never really spent time with her own. When Tina asks her who he is/where he's at, Mila says she doesn't know and quickly changes the subject. And then of course Tina, being the model/rockstar/singer/actress/governor/etc... that she is, digs up the info and finds out it's Leon. When she surprises Mila with her father, Leon, (who for whatever reason agreed to see his daughter) Mila walks up slowly and (although initially appearing as if she was going to hug him) goes in for a left hook to the jaw to which Leon deflects.

And least in my mind that's how that father-daughter relationship would initially start out. lol XD


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind another father/daughter relationship, but I'd rather have Leon mentoring Mila than being her "real" father. We already have Bass/Tina to cover that.
A Mila/Leon rivalry would be nice though. (tackle rivalry)

Characters don't need blood relationships to be interesting (> Kokoro)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This is from my earlier post, but

"I'd like it to turn out Mila is Leon's kid, as that would cover a few bases). This would give both mila and leon more input in the story, plus makes the Bass and Leon tag team make a helluva lot more sense (heh, fathers vs daughters, bass/leon vs tina/mila), plus their shared mount tackle. She shares more than a few moves with him (the back kick, the leaping punch, the mount tackle, the overhead slam, etc), plus their shared brutality, (MMA is close quarters combat) so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Whether Leon does or doesn't know about Mila is something i'm still thinking about. Plus this would give Mila and Leon someone other than Tina/Bayman to interact with. (Maybe Mila is mad at him for not being there, even for her mother's death, hence idolizing Bass instead of Leon)"

Anyone else have an opinion on that? I know Awesmic liked it, but I kinda wanna hear others input on the idea.
I like where you're coming from, but the idea of Mila being Leon's child out of the absolute blue would be like Necron popping up at the end of Final Fantasy IX with no prior mentions. But going off from their moves isn't really convincing. I need to see personality traits that she inherited from Leon as well, but I don't think I'm seeing any. Mila's open, up-beat, friendly, & seems to be a total fangirl.. on the other hand, Leon is just pretty much the opposite. I'm pretty sure Leon doesn't know if Mila's his daughter either. He seems like the type of person that would know if someone was his child or not.
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