The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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I'm calling it right now... Al Gore plays a cameo role to help Tina become State Governor, Tina gets involved with the actual story when she gets in too deep with politics and crosses paths with Lisa and learns about her "other life".

It's fucking genius. Tina gains a bit more character development, friendships are tested, win-win situation for both.
I hope you don't mind me doing this, but I kind of came up with a scenario in my head reading your message, lol. And I'll try to type it out like a fanfiction. I'm just gonna get to the scene where Tina meets Lisa & learns about her 'other life'. e3eb

The blonde stared at the other woman who stood at her door from her desk in utter awe. Not expecting anything like this to happen after she became Governor. Well, who could? It was a shocker for them both. Tina brushed her blonde tresses away from her face, staring at Lisa, her friend since school days with piercing blue eyes. There was a slight anger building up within her. How could she lie to her? Why didn't she tell her? They were best friends, right? Best friends didn't keep secrets like this from each other; especially ones like this.

"Lisa. How could you?" Her voice cracked, sounding like a mix between anger and sadness while trying to keep her normal tone all at once. It sounded like a mix, like she was going through puberty all over again.

"Sorry." Lisa muttered out. It was all she could say at the moment. She never expected Tina to find out that she worked for DOATEC, the reason this mess all began, she had absolutely nothing to defend herself with.

"So, you lied to me? This entire time I was thinking you were living your days as a Luchadora, but, no, you're over here doing much bigger things... and, you couldn't tell me? I thought we were friends!" Tina blurted out at the brunette.

The two of them just stood in silence. Both of them trying to maintain their composure. It was hard, not with this kind of tension. Lisa's expression looked like she was hurt and at the same time, it looked like she was trying to pull off the 'I don't care' look with her. Probably trying to hide her pain, Lisa's brown optics stared directly at Tina. What could she even say right now? Tina's blue eyes began to fill with irritation at the brunette's silence, she was starting to act like a completely different from her usual self and she didn't like it one bit. She didn't like how Lisa was keeping secrets from her. What else was she keeping secret? Could this be the end of their friendship? Right now, neither of them didn't know but things better end right now or it'll probably get ugly. It probably wasn't gonna end good for either of them if things got out of hand. She needed to keep her cool and deal with this, now.

"Leave." Tina demanded in a harsh tone. There were no movements from Lisa. Almost as if she'd turned to stone somehow, causing Tina's irritation to turn into some sort of anger. "NOW!" Slamming her hands on her desk, causing Lisa to jump. The doors behind her quickly flew open and two security guards came in and forcefully escorted Lisa out the door. Watching her leave and the doors being shut by her guards, she leaned back in her chair and kicked her feet up on her desk and threw her head back.

"I cannot believe this.."

Ewwwwwww I can't write good, but I tried to write something! I er... idk, hope you guys enjoyed the disgusting thing I wrote. ;u;
Edit: I know this is OOC for them both, but they could've matured over time and lemme tell u how much i suck at writing cheerful anything
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I can't believe Lisa's occupation as a stock broker is hardly even mentioned. I mean, that was the occupation she grew with on her debut at the first DOAX spinoff. She could probably bought a share from DOATEC before entering as their scientist.


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lisa-tina story
Then, a twisted smirk began to stretch across the scientist's face. "It's party time!" she cried.

"What in tarnation...!?!" Tina exclaimed as the luchadora began flipping backward through the hallway, her tits flopping about chaotically, utterly unsuppressed by the miserable excuse for an outfit that was intended to contain them.

"No!" Tina's cries of protest were interrupted as Lisa came crashing onto her desk, smashing it to rubble with her robust ass. "Are you outta your mind?"

"Maybe..." The biploar switch in her deranged head had been flipped. Drool seeped out the corner of her mouth, her brain unable to process regular social functions.

"I'm warnin' you!" Tina sneered.

Lisa giggled, stretching out her arms. "You're the one who needs a warning," she retorted, clasping her hands together. Her breasts smashed against one another, resulting in a seismic wave that shook the room. "How about I go down on you?"

"Goddamnit. You listen here, you psycho..." but the governor was unable to finish as the floor began to sink behind her. As Tina lost her footing and began sliding down the sinking room, she regretted wearing such impractical high heels for the five-hundredth time in her life.

"WHOOO!" her excited scream pierced the air, drawing Tina's attention upward. Lisa was flying toward her with the signature Shooting Star Press. The last thing she saw was her former friend's boobs smashing her face into the collapsing wall.

The rest of the building soon followed, covering both fighters with a tombstone of wreckage.

...what? We're supposed to be taking Lisa seriously, now?
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Then, a twisted smirk began to stretch across the scientist's face. "It's party time!" she cried.

"What in tarnation...!?!" Tina exclaimed as the luchadora began flipping backward through the hallway, her tits flopping about chaotically, utterly unsuppressed by the miserable excuse for an outfit that was intended to contain them.

"No!" Tina's cries of protest were interrupted as Lisa came crashing onto her desk, smashing it to rubble with her robust ass. "Are you outta your mind?"

"Maybe..." The biploar switch in her deranged head had been flipped. Drool seeped out the corner of her mouth, her brain unable to process regular social functions.

"I'm warnin' you!" Tina sneered.

Lisa giggled, stretching out her arms. "You're the one who needs a warning," she retorted, clasping her hands together. Her breasts smashed against one another, resulting in a seismic wave that shook the room. "How about I go down on you?"

"Goddamnit. You listen here, you psycho..." but the governor was unable to finish as the floor began to sink behind her. As Tina lost her footing and began sliding down the sinking room, she regretted wearing such impractical high heels for the five-hundredth time in her life.

"WHOOO!" her excited scream pierced the air, drawing Tina's attention upward. Lisa was flying toward her with the signature Shooting Star Press. The last thing she saw was her former friend's boobs smashing her face into the collapsing wall.

The rest of the building soon followed, covering both fighters with a tombstone of wreckage.

...what? We're supposed to be taking Lisa seriously, now?

So that's how Tina came out of the closet.


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Then, a twisted smirk began to stretch across the scientist's face. "It's party time!" she cried.

"What in tarnation...!?!" Tina exclaimed as the luchadora began flipping backward through the hallway, her tits flopping about chaotically, utterly unsuppressed by the miserable excuse for an outfit that was intended to contain them.

"No!" Tina's cries of protest were interrupted as Lisa came crashing onto her desk, smashing it to rubble with her robust ass. "Are you outta your mind?"

"Maybe..." The biploar switch in her deranged head had been flipped. Drool seeped out the corner of her mouth, her brain unable to process regular social functions.

"I'm warnin' you!" Tina sneered.

Lisa giggled, stretching out her arms. "You're the one who needs a warning," she retorted, clasping her hands together. Her breasts smashed against one another, resulting in a seismic wave that shook the room. "How about I go down on you?"

"Goddamnit. You listen here, you psycho..." but the governor was unable to finish as the floor began to sink behind her. As Tina lost her footing and began sliding down the sinking room, she regretted wearing such impractical high heels for the five-hundredth time in her life.

"WHOOO!" her excited scream pierced the air, drawing Tina's attention upward. Lisa was flying toward her with the signature Shooting Star Press. The last thing she saw was her former friend's boobs smashing her face into the collapsing wall.

The rest of the building soon followed, covering both fighters with a tombstone of wreckage.

...what? We're supposed to be taking Lisa seriously, now?
Collateral damage aside, this sounds like it came right out of an Affect3D hentai game storyline...

Don't ask.


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*Googles Affect3D*


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They need to give Leon an actual role in the story again. He hasn't been apart of the canon since DOA3 and even until then all his story related stuff was him moping about Lauren while getting into random fights. build up on his rivalry with Bayman and have them actually interact through cutscenes and not just Bayman running his mouth in one special intro/outro while Leon doesn't acknowledge him at all. Same goes with him and Zack , they had one scene together in DOA2 that explains jackshit and have tons of tag related interactions but TN couldn't be bothered with expanding on it. Lastly, hook him up with Rachel, upgrading to a hotter chick with a night of hot steamy rough banging will help him finally get over Lauren.

Leon hooking up with another chick would ruin his vibe. I like him being in love with a dead woman because that's depressing and so it makes him pissed off. Leon's persona is based on the idea that he doesn't give a fuck about anything on this Earth, and so he's a perpetual asshole. Give him some sloppy romance and he has something he cares about, which is lame.

So no, keep Leon in love with Lauren and being an asshole. I do like the idea of playing up his rivalry with Bayman, though. But not Zack. Whatever they were trying to do there was dumb. There's no reason Leon should know Zack.

I agree with this.

The Bayman thing should definitely be fleshed out, but I think that the Zack thing should too. I agree that whatever they were trying there was probably dumb, but it's just weird to have that there in the back of everyone's mind and just pretend it never happened.

They don't have to keep it going on further, but getting an explanation for it would be nice.

The Zack/Leon thing is TN lazily following the old trope of pairing the young cocky slick black guy with the old grumpy hardass white guy or vice-versa that many buddy cop movies/TV shows do and i actually would like TN to expand on it. no one takes DOA's story seriously so they should just go all out on it with hilarous hi-jinks like Zack trying to get Leon laid or both of them smoking a bowl together tweaking while this song plays in the background

Here's what they should do.

1) Have Lauren be Leon's only real love. Don't hook him up with someone else. Sides, I think the trashy hooker types like Rachel would turn leon off.

2) Keep in mind that Zack IS a world class fighter who routinely came in the top, what, 3, in every doa tournament? He's a damn good fighter, maybe have it be that Zack beat leon in the past, and Zack simply doesn't remember it, but Leon needs to have a rematch to prove he's stronger. That or they had just yaknow, met, but Zack being a celebrity and all, just doesn't remember everyone he meets.

3) I remember someone saying somewhere the possibility that Leon was a military deserter, and that's why Bayman hates him. I think...instead...maybe have it be that someone put a hit on Leon (The same people who killed Lauren?), and Bayman couldn't manage to kill Leon, so failed his contract.

4) This one is simply for me. Have it be revealed that Lauren is Mila's mother. (everyone else's family is discussed and at least relevant except zack and christie. I'd like it to turn out Mila is Leon's kid, as that would cover a few bases). This would give both mila and leon more input in the story, plus makes the Bass and Leon tag team make a helluva lot more sense (heh, fathers vs daughters, bass/leon vs tina/mila), plus their shared mount tackle. She shares more than a few moves with him (the back kick, the leaping punch, the mount tackle, the overhead slam, etc), plus their shared brutality, (MMA is close quarters combat) so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Whether Leon does or doesn't know about Mila is something i'm still thinking about. Plus this would give Mila and Leon someone other than Tina/Bayman to interact with. (Maybe Mila is mad at him for not being there, even for her mother's death, hence idolizing Bass instead of Leon)

5) Take a queue from the live action movie. Have it be known and recognized that Leon is insanely strong, and most other fighters are wary of going up against him. Only characters who arent outright afraid/wary of him are Bayman (rival), Jann Lee (Too arrogant/also striving to be the strongest), and possibly Christie. Fighters like the ninjas, gen fu, elliot, etc, recognize his strength, while "casual" people like.Hitomi, Lei Fang, Kokoro, Zack, are outright intimidated. Maybe he's become something of an urban legend, the Ultimate Weapon of the Sands, wandering the desert. I can picture Leon being the type to simply walk through a warzone he's not even fighting in, decimating anyone who tries to get in his way as he passes through.

So in summary, what I want them to do with leon.
1) Have it recognized that he is worthy of the title "Strongest Man in the World"
2) He has beaten Bayman but lost to Zack (This one i'm still iffy on)
3) Lauren was Mila's mother
4) Other characters who know of Leon, fear Leon. If the ninjas are the Z Fighters, Leon is Broly, as far as I'm concerned.


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Here's what they should do.

1) Have Lauren be Leon's only real love. Don't hook him up with someone else. Sides, I think the trashy hooker types like Rachel would turn leon off.
Rachel is Sailor Mars; she wouldn't trust men anyway.... at least not in the manga.

2) Keep in mind that Zack IS a world class fighter who routinely came in the top, what, 3, in every doa tournament? He's a damn good fighter, maybe have it be that Zack beat leon in the past, and Zack simply doesn't remember it, but Leon needs to have a rematch to prove he's stronger. That or they had just yaknow, met, but Zack being a celebrity and all, just doesn't remember everyone he meets.
One of Leon's missions before going mercenary was to track down a Power Ranger, and he managed to unmask Zack before he knocked him unconscious. But Zack has no recollection of it because he thought Leon was Rito.

There, now we're getting somewhere.

3) I remember someone saying somewhere the possibility that Leon was a military deserter, and that's why Bayman hates him. I think...instead...maybe have it be that someone put a hit on Leon (The same people who killed Lauren?), and Bayman couldn't manage to kill Leon, so failed his contract.
That makes sense.

4) This one is simply for me. Have it be revealed that Lauren is Mila's mother. (everyone else's family is discussed and at least relevant except zack and christie.
It's been speculated that Christie may be the daughter of Anne, one of Fame Douglas's mistresses who were seen shot in the DOA4 ending... but that is it, only speculation.

I'd like it to turn out Mila is Leon's kid, as that would cover a few bases). This would give both mila and leon more input in the story, plus makes the Bass and Leon tag team make a helluva lot more sense (heh, fathers vs daughters, bass/leon vs tina/mila), plus their shared mount tackle. She shares more than a few moves with him (the back kick, the leaping punch, the mount tackle, the overhead slam, etc), plus their shared brutality, (MMA is close quarters combat) so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Whether Leon does or doesn't know about Mila is something i'm still thinking about. Plus this would give Mila and Leon someone other than Tina/Bayman to interact with. (Maybe Mila is mad at him for not being there, even for her mother's death, hence idolizing Bass instead of Leon)
I like this idea.

5) Take a queue from the live action movie. Have it be known and recognized that Leon is insanely strong, and most other fighters are wary of going up against him. Only characters who arent outright afraid/wary of him are Bayman (rival), Jann Lee (Too arrogant/also striving to be the strongest), and possibly Christie. Fighters like the ninjas, gen fu, elliot, etc, recognize his strength, while "casual" people like.Hitomi, Lei Fang, Kokoro, Zack, are outright intimidated. Maybe he's become something of an urban legend, the Ultimate Weapon of the Sands, wandering the desert. I can picture Leon being the type to simply walk through a warzone he's not even fighting in, decimating anyone who tries to get in his way as he passes through.
Now this is one thing I have to give the live action movie credit for. Aside from Holly Valance, the movie seemed to have enhanced Leon's reputation for the better, but only remotely so, as the rest of the movie collapsed under its own weight of clusterfuck.

Deleted member 473

5) Take a queue from the live action movie. Have it be known and recognized that Leon is insanely strong, and most other fighters are wary of going up against him. Only characters who arent outright afraid/wary of him are Bayman (rival), Jann Lee (Too arrogant/also striving to be the strongest), and possibly Christie. Fighters like the ninjas, gen fu, elliot, etc, recognize his strength, while "casual" people like.Hitomi, Lei Fang, Kokoro, Zack, are outright intimidated. Maybe he's become something of an urban legend, the Ultimate Weapon of the Sands, wandering the desert. I can picture Leon being the type to simply walk through a warzone he's not even fighting in, decimating anyone who tries to get in his way as he passes through.
4) Other characters who know of Leon, fear Leon. If the ninjas are the Z Fighters, Leon is Broly, as far as I'm concerned.
And hell no!


Well-Known Member
Here's what they should do.

1) Have Lauren be Leon's only real love. Don't hook him up with someone else. Sides, I think the trashy hooker types like Rachel would turn leon off.

2) Keep in mind that Zack IS a world class fighter who routinely came in the top, what, 3, in every doa tournament? He's a damn good fighter, maybe have it be that Zack beat leon in the past, and Zack simply doesn't remember it, but Leon needs to have a rematch to prove he's stronger. That or they had just yaknow, met, but Zack being a celebrity and all, just doesn't remember everyone he meets.

3) I remember someone saying somewhere the possibility that Leon was a military deserter, and that's why Bayman hates him. I think...instead...maybe have it be that someone put a hit on Leon (The same people who killed Lauren?), and Bayman couldn't manage to kill Leon, so failed his contract.

4) This one is simply for me. Have it be revealed that Lauren is Mila's mother. (everyone else's family is discussed and at least relevant except zack and christie. I'd like it to turn out Mila is Leon's kid, as that would cover a few bases). This would give both mila and leon more input in the story, plus makes the Bass and Leon tag team make a helluva lot more sense (heh, fathers vs daughters, bass/leon vs tina/mila), plus their shared mount tackle. She shares more than a few moves with him (the back kick, the leaping punch, the mount tackle, the overhead slam, etc), plus their shared brutality, (MMA is close quarters combat) so it wouldn't be a huge stretch. Whether Leon does or doesn't know about Mila is something i'm still thinking about. Plus this would give Mila and Leon someone other than Tina/Bayman to interact with. (Maybe Mila is mad at him for not being there, even for her mother's death, hence idolizing Bass instead of Leon)

5) Take a queue from the live action movie. Have it be known and recognized that Leon is insanely strong, and most other fighters are wary of going up against him. Only characters who arent outright afraid/wary of him are Bayman (rival), Jann Lee (Too arrogant/also striving to be the strongest), and possibly Christie. Fighters like the ninjas, gen fu, elliot, etc, recognize his strength, while "casual" people like.Hitomi, Lei Fang, Kokoro, Zack, are outright intimidated. Maybe he's become something of an urban legend, the Ultimate Weapon of the Sands, wandering the desert. I can picture Leon being the type to simply walk through a warzone he's not even fighting in, decimating anyone who tries to get in his way as he passes through.

So in summary, what I want them to do with leon.
1) Have it recognized that he is worthy of the title "Strongest Man in the World"
2) He has beaten Bayman but lost to Zack (This one i'm still iffy on)
3) Lauren was Mila's mother
4) Other characters who know of Leon, fear Leon. If the ninjas are the Z Fighters, Leon is Broly, as far as I'm concerned.
You really have a straight idea on what you want t see in the story. But to be honest, the only thing I want to see in the story is something with all the assassins (Christie, Bayman, Leon) not do a mission together but all be hired by someone to go to someplace and kill someone (most likely Christie hired by Donovan to kill Bayman and Helena, or vice versa with Bayman being hired by Helena to kill Donovan and Christie.). Christie will run into Bayman and they brawl, Christie tries to stab Bayman with a knife but Leon comes out of nowhere and grabs the knife out of her hands and throws it. Simply because he himself wants to kill Bayman, after Leon throws the knife Christie scatters away leaving Bayman and Leon alone. Christie then goes back to Donovan claiming that Bayman is dead (she will most likely hope Leon killed Bayman) but she stops working for him because she really doesn't like him and she does not want to be in any more altercations. After Leon and Bayman brawl (no one dies) Baman continues on his hunt for Donovan and probably Christie. I don't know how it should end but you get the point.


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*Googles Affect3D*
View attachment 3607
I said it was the stuff of legends. I didn't say the world was ready for it...
You really have a straight idea on what you want t see in the story. But to be honest, the only thing I want to see in the story is something with all the assassins (Christie, Bayman, Leon) not do a mission together but all be hired by someone to go to someplace and kill someone (most likely Christie hired by Donovan to kill Bayman and Helena, or vice versa with Bayman being hired by Helena to kill Donovan and Christie.). Christie will run into Bayman and they brawl, Christie tries to stab Bayman with a knife but Leon comes out of nowhere and grabs the knife out of her hands and throws it. Simply because he himself wants to kill Bayman, after Leon throws the knife Christie scatters away leaving Bayman and Leon alone. Christie then goes back to Donovan claiming that Bayman is dead (she will most likely hope Leon killed Bayman) but she stops working for him because she really doesn't like him and she does not want to be in any more altercations. After Leon and Bayman brawl (no one dies) Baman continues on his hunt for Donovan and probably Christie. I don't know how it should end but you get the point.
Yeah... your point is that you want "Death by Degrees: The Version that isn't Shit".

But Team Ninja's no stranger to action games, they're finding redemption after Vanilla NG3, and Yaiba's looking promising mechanics-wise, so who knows?


Well-Known Member
5) Take a queue from the live action movie. Have it be known and recognized that Leon is insanely strong, and most other fighters are wary of going up against him. Only characters who arent outright afraid/wary of him are Bayman (rival), Jann Lee (Too arrogant/also striving to be the strongest), and possibly Christie. Fighters like the ninjas, gen fu, elliot, etc, recognize his strength, while "casual" people like.Hitomi, Lei Fang, Kokoro, Zack, are outright intimidated.
The thing is, I can't really see anyone in this series actually being intimidated. Not because Leon isn't intimidating or anything, but due to the other characters just being themselves. For example, Hitomi and Kokoro have no sense of danger whatsoever. The ninjas are...ninjas, Gen Fu considers him young and inexperienced. Rig's about as much of an arrogant dick as Jann Lee, and Tina is completely confident in her ability to do just about anything.


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Tina x Lisa Story - Part 3

"I am the winner! Woohoo!" Lisa shouted with pride. Tina woke up after getting unconscious by her best friend's rampage at her office. Furious. She stood up and went towards Lisa then slapped her in the face.

"Are you on crack, woman!? Do you know that I just rent a space to put up my office here!? What has gotten into you!?" Tina asked while looking at Lisa who was holding her cheek after getting slapped. "No wait, Tina. I can explain... I'm not what you think I am. Please... Listen!"

"I'm left with no other option, Lisa. Forgive me but this is for your own good." Tina flipped her cellphone and called 911. "Officer, arrest this woman." Tina said while a teardrop rolled down her face. "Sure thing, Gov. Armstrong." Lisa was restrained with a straightjacket and was taken to a correctional facility.

"I'm going to get to the bottom of this." Tina said to herself while clenching her fist. She hopped on her red sports car and drove herself to the pier where the Freedom Survivor is located to have a talk with the President of DOATEC, Helena Douglas.

Tina stormed in at the cruise ship and was accommodated by Zack who was not expecting her at all. Inside Helena's office, she was seen playing a peaceful game of chess with Bayman but was interrupted as Zack went inside. "Mistress Helena, Gov. Armstrong wishes to see you right now." Zack said. "Please let her in and serve us some snacks while you're at it" Helena said to Zack. "Yes, Ma'am." Zack nodded and opened the door for Tina to go in.

"Madamoiselle Armstrong, what a pleasant surprise! Have a seat." Tina sat down on the sofa. Zack serve in some orange darjeeling tea and mini seashell-shaped sponge cakes called madeleines. "Please have some snacks." Zack said. "Enough with the fancy talk. Lets cut to the chase here, Marie Antoinette. Tell me what have you done to my best friend!?" Tina exclaimed furiously.

"Your best friend?" Helena asked. "Lisa Hamilton... She is my best friend... What have you done to her!?" Tina said while looking down. Bayman grunted as he looked at Tina. "I'm afraid you're barking at the wrong tree here, governor."

"What!?" Tina shockingly said.

To be continued...
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