The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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She looks good. For exampe in these smaller gifs. But if you take a closer look at her, her character model is still kinda low polygon. I doubt she exceeds for example Nyotengu's polygon count (comparable because of her flowing hair and kimono). For a PS4 game that's still kinda lame... But it looks as if Nina is one of the few characters of Tekken 7 that actually got a complete character model overhaul. Her face looks nothing like before. Much prettier also. :)
I'm glad they did something with her ponytail, curls seem to be popular so far. As for the dress, I love it, but it's rather....bold for them to make the cloth and skirt length so long and flowy. They could've shortened it a little so it won't be a clipping disaster, but I guess that's what the rips are for, besides costume design.

....Am I seeing things, or do her shoulders seem less broad?


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Why not post the video in here too?

I'm still not sure how I like the newly applied image post processing effects of the game though. Especially the film grain and tinted filters. The Arabian market doesn't even look bright and colorful anymore (see video tumbnail above). :/

Overall the game looks much more impressive than Tekken 7 vanilla however...


Premium Donor
I think the lighting and minor stage details may be changed since FR is another arcade port, kind of how T5 and T5DR had the same stages, but altered design and lighting. I hope the filters are just for trailers...cinematic or not, I do want the screen to be clear and unedited when I do get to play it.


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I think the lighting and minor stage details may be changed since FR is another arcade port, kind of how T5 and T5DR had the same stages, but altered design and lighting. I hope the filters are just for trailers...cinematic or not, I do want the screen to be clear and unedited when I do get to play it.

I'm pretty sure they will keep the filters like that because apart from a few pretty new costumes this is the only graphical overhaul they actually did on the game. More contrast to the lighting, film grain and tinted filters.


Premium Donor
I'm pretty sure they will keep the filters like that because apart from a few pretty new costumes this is the only graphical overhaul they actually did on the game. More contrast to the lighting, film grain and tinted filters.
I just looked up film grain, and you're right, it's most likely here to stay. Some games from what I read tend to use it to give the game a more "cinematic " feel, and Tekken 7:FR is probably going that route, kind of like how they implemented motion blur in T6.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I might mistake you for someone else but I thought you were the one complaining Duscae was so dark and dull in color. That ugly vignette was a big part of that problem. That's why Duscae's sky never really seemed bright and azure blue and the ground felt of a dark, desaturated green. Many people have complained to Tabata about it and it was even mentioned in one of the Active Time reports that they are looking into it... Which they apparently ultimately have. Thank GOD! XD
I did complain about that but didn't notice the actual vignette in the game


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I just looked up film grain, and you're right, it's most likely here to stay. Some games from what I read tend to use it to give the game a more "cinematic " feel, and Tekken 7:FR is probably going that route, kind of like how they implemented motion blur in T6.

Most well known examples of film grain in video games are probably The Order 1886 and Arkham Knight:

BATMAN™_ ARKHAM KNIGHT_20151025033447.png

BATMAN™_ ARKHAM KNIGHT_20151025033957.png

BATMAN™_ ARKHAM KNIGHT_20151025035243.png

The picture isn't clear and crisp but full of the tiniest particles that emulate the look of older films. Imho it is a pretty ugly post processing effect but many find it artsy and it masks low image quality quite well...

The only post processing effect I dislike more than film grain and the colloquially called "piss filter" (strongly yellow tinted image in films and games) is chromatic aberration. Unfortunately Tekken 7 seems to have implemented this horrid look as well:


It's that unfocused look where the edges of objects and characters flicker in the colors red, green and blue. This effect comes from photography, is an optical error and is actually very undesired there...


Except again...if you want to be artsy. ;)


Well-Known Member
...Real quick, I just kind of want to gush about how awesome technology is, and a game I love for just how vast it is.




Now, I'm sure what anyone would think in response to that is something like "Well, what's so great about that? It looks okay, but it's nothing really special." WELL. That is, in fact, a picture of a procedurally-generated planet. Not a flat world that expands into oblivion, but an actual, spherical planet, with working gravity and a day-night cycle that operates solely through the planet's own shadows. Plus, not only is it a planet, it is part of a system of 3 different planets, each of comparable size, with completely different environments, and their respective moons, orbiting them, and an infinitely-expanding field of unique asteroids beyond them, all procedurally generated.

This moon?


Not part of the skybox. You can build a rocket and fly there, land on it, lunaform it, do whatever the hell you want with it. And let me emphasize, while they're not quite life-sized, these planets are huge. Standing on one, exploring it, you wouldn't be able to tell that it's a sphere, almost like our own Earth. I would know. I took these screenshots myself. I cannot stress enough just how awesome I find this. The game is called Space Engineers, and it's still in early access on Steam, but the game is absolutely massive in scale, and still holds up graphically. We have access to this now, imagine in a few years, having games with worlds as vast and beautiful as our own, yet still all completely unique. Technology. Fucking. Rocks.


Well-Known Member
The only post processing effect I dislike more than film grain and the colloquially called "piss filter" (strongly yellow tinted image in films and games) is chromatic aberration. Unfortunately Tekken 7 seems to have implemented this horrid look as well:


It's that unfocused look where the edges of objects and characters flicker in the colors red, green and blue. This effect comes from photography, is an optical error and is actually very undesired there...


Except again...if you want to be artsy. ;)
Hurts my eyes. I feel like I remember PT doing this. One of these days I'll get around to screenshotting that and uploading some pics here but today isn't that day. :p

I remember before people talking about Hayate and Ein's faces and I said I'd do a comparison. I forget which thread it was so I'll post it here. Keep in mind it's virtually impossible to get it exact taking lighting and camera angles into account. Also Ein was mirrored in the below pic-


I don't really see any difference except maybe Ein's eyebrows are darker and thicker but that could just be the lighting/ camera angle difference mentioned before. It looks like I had the camera slightly tilted more downward on Hayate so that has to be taken into account.

I took this by doing Ein's 9P and Hayate's 8P on separate controllers at the exact same time which was not easy. I know it was the exact same time because they traded and both got launched. For fun here's a pic of them clipping into each other just before the hit



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See @UpSideDownGRUNT? I also never noticed any difference except Hayate's L'Oreal hair shine and Ein's blunt, unnurtured hair. ;)

I'd love some PT screens...I never got the chance to play it, since I hadn't a PS4 before last February and later the game was taken down from PSN EU servers. :/

Edit: also managed to take a cool Hayate pic recently:

DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round_20151230074054.png

Prettiest boy of DOA that is not Eliot, lol.


Well-Known Member
I decided to take a few. I'm too much of a scaredy cat to get more but I have others in mind for when I'm not alone and it's not nighttime.


(ignore the stupid popup)




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High quality images of Tekken's Nina:


Imho a very peculiar default costume choice...but it's easily recognizable.

A direct footage screen:


Phew! No film grain filter but the hair looks bad. It looks so inconsistent with the lighting of the rest of the character model and the stage, flat and crude. Also there is the same sort of shadow dithering that Street Fighter 5 has. Why do they implement this? It wasn't in any other games before and looks shitty.
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I really wonder what Kojima did to Konami that they would throw out their one and only wunderkind. Maybe he slept with the CEO's wife...and impregnated her? XD

I wished Silent Hills would have been made. ;__;


Well-Known Member
Ein still genuinely honestly looks better to me... I actually have a slight man crush on Ein and think Hayate is fugs so... >.> I still insist that Ein uses an earlier Hayate model I've put them together in tag on the same stage in the same lighting and Ein looks slightly different to me. VERY SLIGHTLY mind you.

@Tyaren Kojima/Konami split was because of a change in president and job swaps, new president of Konami essentially fired Kojima as Vice President of Konami and as you might guess that probably didn't sit well.... They didn't even let him 100% finish MGSV.


Well-Known Member
Ein still genuinely honestly looks better to me... I actually have a slight man crush on Ein and think Hayate is fugs so... >.> I still insist that Ein uses an earlier Hayate model I've put them together in tag on the same stage in the same lighting and Ein looks slightly different to me. VERY SLIGHTLY mind you.
I just put them on the same stage during the same frame of the same move.

It could be the headband Hayate has permanently glued to his head that makes them look different to you.