Story Mode Vids


You mean with the "ten years too early" reference, or just the fact that Kokoro has to beat him just like every other character you face in the game?
All of the scene is insult if they make him like a friend to her or she just look up to him it well be except-able for me at least but i think they don't care about me Akira is my hero:) .
now i well go to VFDC and start a war from there


Active Member
It's not like anyone was expecting him to have extensive dialogue, or anything. And really, didn't (for example) Jann Lee get the same level of treatment as a more or less random encounter with virtually no explanation?
He's the poster boy of his series (and second best fighter behind Kage) and he lost to someone who probably isn't even in the top half of the fighters in her series. But I'm sure SEGA heard all of that and was like "Whatever, dudes. lololol story" and spent their time making sure he looked and played correctly.


I suppose it would have been nice for her to pay some respects by at least visibly recognising who he is as a world-renowned master of hakkyoku-ken, but the rest of the story has made an equal amount of nonsense, so I'm not terribly bothered by it.

And yes, Kage-Maru is effin' awesome.


Active Member
Kokoro's story was still filled with funny, especially after beating Akira. I loved it but haters gonna hate. ;)


...especially after beating Akira.
Uh, you mean the very end? It was a clever reference, sure, but not much more than that.

I think the funniest part was her questionably tame reaction to all those explosions. "Gee-shucks, this place is scary!"


Well-Known Member
Kokoro's story was still filled with funny, especially after beating Akira. I loved it but haters gonna hate. ;)
I'm a bit confused how Kokoro went from Delicate/Graceful down to clumsy/dingbat from 4-5. Still my main regardless and its kinda fun but she is almost if not as dumb as Hitomi now which was on her first appearance serious. Anyhow its fun scenes so I won't complain much.


Kokoro's story was still filled with funny, especially after beating Akira. I loved it but haters gonna hate. ;)
My message to team ninja


Active Member
I'm a bit confused how Kokoro went from Delicate/Graceful down to clumsy/dingbat from 4-5. Still my main regardless and its kinda fun but she is almost if not as dumb as Hitomi now which was on her first appearance serious. Anyhow its fun scenes so I won't complain much.
Having every girl end up being a ditzy goof must make it easier for Japanese guys to jerk off to them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a French player, people were asking for some Alpha footage, and he accepted to record it.
Haven't spot the slighest new move for Alpha, except for PB maybe;


Well-Known Member
So, basically Alpha-152 is a bit better. Her strings all seem to start up slightly faster, her sidestep evades highs and non-tracking mids, her counter hold teleport seems to be MUCH faster.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Alpha could actually be viable as a character, I mean for tournament ? :eek:
(Well, I guess it's too early to tell).