So which version is everyone all getting


Active Member
I'll be playing on the PS3.

Now I'm curious as to whether or not there will be differences between the two versions of DoA 5, like there are for the other fighting games. Hopefully one of you who bought both versions of the game can do an experiment to see if things like the input delay are the same across both platforms.

Undoubtedly, the XBOX 360 will become the console of choice for tournaments, but now that makes me wonder how it would work out if DoA 5 were ever at EVO, since all of the other fighting games are played on the PlayStation 3.

Perhaps Dead or Alive 5 being played on the XBOX 360 at tournaments is not such a given after all.

Everyone should just be prepared to play on both. PS3 is the overall dominant system in the FGC but I'm sure there will be plenty of community run events on 360 for DOA5 specifically. Regardless of system choice, it behooves everyone who wants to help the DOA scene grow to support the offline events.


Would there really be any noticeable differences between consoles aside from controller preference? I mean, if you use the same stick on 360 or PS3 versions wouldn't they be essentially the same? I'm just curious because there are always people who ask what console the lead platform. I know this game isn't out but has any fighting game this gen had big differences?


Active Member
I know this game isn't out but has any fighting game this gen had big differences?
The only one I can think of is the dropped frames in SF4 on the PS3. But I thought there were some that stood out a bit more in some other game. It's all pretty much not worth regarding though unless you're truly obsessive or play VF 'cause holy shit are frames important there.


Active Member
The big problem with the PS3 is its memory which is why it drops and slows down so much. I'd assume part of the problem when it comes to that occurring with these multi-plat games is that they're ported from 360/PC code into the PS3. You don't see too many PS3 exclusives with those problems and they're really pumping out the detail. It's just an assumption though. If that is the case, there's probably less to worry about since DOA5 is using the PS3 as the lead and porting PS3 code to the 360 is simple to do so both versions should be optimized quite well.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
PS3. Free online. Plus the console has better excuses, so I kinda unhooked my xbox and don't start it up all that much anymore.


It's just an assumption though. If that is the case, there's probably less to worry about since DOA5 is using the PS3 as the lead and porting PS3 code to the 360 is simple to do so both versions should be optimized quite well.
Hopefully this is the case. Although, I probably wouldn't even notice the differences. lol. I thought the PS3 version of SFIV was running fine.


Active Member
PS3. Free online. Plus the console has better excuses, so I kinda unhooked my xbox and don't start it up all that much anymore.
Lol at "the console has better excuses," please don't fix that!
Oh, and your avatar is very disturbing. Should someone be concerned?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I had to cancel my PS3 pre-order (money is too tight) but will for sure pick it up ASAP. 360 for me at launch.


I've pre-ordered my CE for Xbox...considering pre-ordering Standard too. Money is a bit tight though, so might have to reign in my obsessive collecting...


Active Member
Bah, it looks like I'm gonna have to take the L on the CE version. Gamestop definitely doesn't ship here, and my only other option was to

a) dish out the $80 and ship it to my parents back home
b) have them ship it to me here for like $30 and probably more from me to get it through customs once it get here
c) wait an unbearable amount of time while all this goes down (prob around 2-3 weeks)

No way I'm gonna pay at least $50 extra for shipping on top of the $80 only to wait forever while everyone else gets to play.

I'll guess get the regular edition and try to get all the cool stuff from ebay later on.