Only way Alpha is getting any costumes (From what I see) is being opposite of it for demand.
People: Blah, Alpha ain't getting shit lol.
*Skin release*
People: Oh shit. .
Look at his catalog. Pure and utter shit. Old Zack had waaay more diversity.
26,99 Euro am i really rich ??
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i thought maybe 15 Euros
but boah thats soooooooooooooo much :/
Then just use the Legacy. Problem solved.Look at his catalog. Pure and utter shit. Old Zack had waaay more diversity.
Plus, Eliot got a great costume this year!
Please don't rage at them anymore. I don't like some of the outfits that won but I REALLY don't want to see the contest go away either.
fixed.Too much complaining and not enough appreciation for tits. Team Ninja has supported tits incredibly throughout its lifespan so far.
Nope. Just Johnny Cage sorts of epic. Zack can still be silly without ruining his character, e.g getting his ass whooped by everyone, thats what pisses me off. If I wrote the story for this game it would be x1000 times better....It seems blazeincarnated wants Zack to have some sort of big chain, knuckles saying thug life and a win pose with a camera change to show off an SUV blasting music in the corner. lol.
See, this kind of language, "Flipping off," "insult," "offensive," all that? That's what leads TN to believe we hate them. Try saying that to a person in real life and see what you get. Words don't exist in a vacuum, and they can have power. I most certainly don't want to lose costume contests altogether, given TN seems incapable of making anything on their own other than fan designs, so we need to clean up our language. "I have problems with," is okay. "It's an insult," is just mean.