Blame Micro$oft for not allowing Free-2-Plays on the 360. Not TN's fault. The Ranks are useless considering what a shitfest Ranked is.
This is not microsofts fault. You cant come here and be like its microsofts fault for not having F2P. Microsoft has a different believe and I respect that. I own the game disk and in n way would ever want a incomplete game of DoA.
All im saying is in no way shape or forms has TN used other resources in order to thank the Xbox consumers who have gone above and beyond in terms of supporting the game. Not only did I (And maybe you >.> not specific to FON) buy the game and presumably other costumes, but I also bought the full game of Vanilla.
They could use other resources to say thank you fans. All they have to say "Sadly our options were limited due to executive companies having control over how we market our games. However heres a thank you for regardless being there and supporting us completely. "
They have the resources to hand out costumes for a limited time, maybe for Kasumi and Ayane, however they simply choose to ignore the fans who are limited. Some may have truly been better off buying CF, though because they appreciate, and enjoy the developer team that is TN, they continued to purchase the game in full..