Well-Known Member
DOAO is an "online-only" PC version of DOA2U. The game servers shutdown officially in 2011 and have been revived unofficially thanks to community efforts.

https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1x7Ec5vnhGZhAmtmtPDq-f4qHpP-mWaV6&export=download (file password: 123)

- first of all, download and extract the game

- optionally, if you want to change language (English/Russian/Chinese Simplified) or resolution, you should run GAME_OPTIONS which opens the launcher, press Save & Exit when done and finally run the game from GAME_START. The defaults are the least problematic so you probably shouldn't do this anyway

- there are no accounts, you don't need to register. You can just mash Enter on your keyboard to go through login menus faster. The channel list being empty is normal behavior, just proceed

- once in the lobby for the first time, you should set up your controller/keyboard. Press Alt+T to enter training mode, Alt+O to open the options, do your thing, and press OK to save

- select your character/costume/stage from Alt+C -> Role (warning: never press Close in the secondary pop-up window, it crashes the game)

- to fight players: right click on them -> left click Battle for, and wait for them to accept

- mash Spacebar (keyboard) or Start (controller) to skip replays, victory poses, and do rematches

- optionally, you can press the Minimize blue arrow on the bottom left corner of the screen to hide the chat

- click the MEGAPHONE! icon when you're stuck or to quit matches

- getting 1000 ms ping to your opponent means that the direct peer-to-peer connection between you two has failed (NAT problems), so the slow server is stepping in to "bridge the gap"... but it does so very poorly. Usually, this can be fixed if one of you two (possibly both!) access the router settings and do one of the following:
# sometimes it's enough to just quit the match and fight again
# enable DMZ
# enable Game Mode
# port forward UDP 9000
# if everything fails, there's a more comprehensive guide HERE

- if you're having controller issues and feel like you can hardly move around, it's most likely caused by the analog stick problem. It lacks of a "deadzone", so if your analog stick is not perfectly centered, it's going to register unwanted directional inputs even when you're not touching it. First, verify if that's really the case in Training Mode. If the problem is real, you can follow some possible workarounds:
# use a device that has no analog stick at all (arcade sticks, Hitboxes, keyboards)
# use the ANALOG ON/OFF switch that comes with certain peripherals (like the PS2 DualShock)
# use a joypad with a deadzone that is "baked-in" (like the Logitech F310)
# leverage the Steam Controller support. In Big Picture Mode: add DOAO as a non-Steam game -> start it -> Shift+Tab to open the overlay -> set Steam Input Per-Game Setting to Forced On -> close game. From now on when you start the game via Steam the deadzone should no longer be a problem, since Steam applies sane deadzone defaults
# if your controller isn't detected AT ALL but it works in other games, download some kind of "joypad-to-keyboard input converter program" (such as antimicro) and set it up from there (keyboard always works with no issues in this game). Or yet again, you can probably use Steam Controller if you're more familiar with it

Collection of DOAO/DOA2U/DOAX-related tools, mods, patches and more (OPTIONAL): https://www.mediafire.com/file/lno7qrb9d6po1om/DOAOcollection.7z/file
Collection of (mostly) DOAO/DOA2U/DOAX-related tools, mods, patches. May contain duplicates.

Most of the files were obtained by extracting the contents of the following archives scattered around the web (mainly from forum.xentax.com, doa.getbb.ru, freestepdodge.com):
blender importers for team ninja games v25.zip
Blender Xpr Exporter Plugin.zip
DOA - Pic-XPR-2-TGA.zip
DOA3~DOAX~DOAU - Boss Afs--Greed Xplorer--NinjaToolBox--Afs Explorer.zip
DOA5 - QuickBMS - Demo (+ QuickBMS - 0.5.15a).zip
DOA5 - Simple DOA5 Unpacker (February 17 2013).zip
DOA5 - Simple DOA5 Unpacker V.1.0 and V.2.0 On Chrrox's Scripts.zip
DOA5 - Tool (v201)+(220)+(v230)+(240)+(v250).zip
DOA5~NG3 - Noesis plugin - 1.3.0--1.4.0--1.4.1--1.5.0.zip
DOAO - Incomplete Mot Importer.zip
DOAP - FatImporter_V151_May2013.zip
DOAP - QuickBMS - ARC + BIN (+ QuickBMS - 0.5.15a).zip
DOAX - Exporter.zip
DOAX - No Federal Warning.zip
NG3 - simple unpacker.zip
README DOA - instruction.zip
TEAM NINJA - Blender Importer (v2.3) -- (07-06-2013).zip
Dead or Alive Ultimate Update.rar
DeadOrAlive 2 Ultimate mod collection.zip
DOA2 Model   texture ps2.rar
DOA2to3 Mod.rar
DOAO + 2U move data.zip
DoAO patch.7z
DOAOL Characters Mod.7z
DOAOL Mod - DOA3 Outfits.7z
DOAOL Mod Tools.7z
DoaX2 Girls By SidneyMadMax.rar
Белая чулочная комбинация.rar
Синий бюстгальтер и трусы.rar
Черный латексный костюм.rar
xpr script.7z

VERSION 2 additions:
more loaders

VERSION 3 additions:
more newServers
more loaders

VERSION 4 additions:
Team Ninja tools Files (ingen58 archive)
fixed CRC corruption of mdKs32ls.xpr and mdTn40ls.xpr
more loaders
Detailed documentation about a number of subjects, such as tutorials on how to host your own server, how to play solo offline, how to play in LAN, a list of modifications and more (a copy of this document is also included in the game files under the name DOAOdocumentation.txt)
2023-05-26 v6:
- new server IP
- (optional) updated DXVK version (rename d3d9.dll.VULKAN to d3d9.dll to use)
- (optional) added client3sleep0.exe (if your FPS are bad, try replacing client3.exe with it)
2021-09-12 v5:
- new server IP
2021-06-16 v4:
- total installation size reduced by 1/3
- C5 Loaders replaced with C6
- some doaoLauncher.exe and newServer.exe GUI buttons started working again
2021-01-09 v3:
- fixed the major FPS stuttering issue caused by the audio
- replaced sLoaderC4.exe with the newer sLoaderC5.exe
2020-09-20 v2:
- reverted the possibility to open the game multiple times and edited "GAME_START.bat" in a way to make it launch "client3.exe" when "qLoaderC5_IPFSD.exe" is missing (e.g. when mistakenly deleted by AV's)
2020-09-17 v1:
- initial release


OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or higher
CPU: P4 2.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Graphic Hardware: NVIDIA GeForce FX5200
Sound Hardware: DirectX 9.0c compliant card
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or higher
CPU: P4 3.0 GHz
Graphic Hardware: NVIDIA GeForce FX6600
Sound Hardware: DirectX 9.0c compliant card

基本配備 (https://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=12918)
作業系統    WindowsXP/Vista
CPU    Intel Pentium 4 2.0G以上或AMD Athlon 3000+以上
記憶體    512MB
顯示卡    GeForceFX6200以上或Redeon9550以上
硬碟空間    3GB以上
DirectX    Direct X 9.0c以上
CPU    Intel Pentium 4 3.0G以上或AMD Athlon 64 3000+以上
記憶體    1GB
顯示卡    GeForceFX6600以上或X700以上
硬碟空間    5GB 以上
DirectX    Direct X 9.0c以上

生死格鬥Online,生死格斗Online,生死格斗OL,Dead or Alive ONLINE,DOA Online,DOAO,DOAOL

Tecmo Koei,Team NINJA,LieVo Studio,Shanda Games,DynaComware

Dead or Alive ONLINE is a Windows-based, online version of the Dead or Alive 3D fighting series.
It was originally planned as a premiere in China for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, with a worldwide release to follow after the Olympics. The game was in open beta, with the latest beta having been released on August 24, 2009. On January 9, 2011, Tecmo Koei ceased Dead or Alive Online operations and all game servers were shut down.

NAME:    DoAO Setup.exe
SIZE:    1256458960 bytes
DATE:    2011-12-24
MIRROR: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:01dafe00ed2a4be1474d044f877e84f7fba49daa&dn=DoAO%20Setup.exe&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.ex.ua%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.ex.ua%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fretracker.local%2fannounce&ws=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ex.ua%2fget%2f35626060

NAME:    setup.exe
SIZE:    641611907 bytes
DATE:    2011-07-20
SHA256:    CB5636FD6E071D761A4809826DAD9C0A41AC0EF8D31391F4535432F45F862C00
MIRROR:    https://www.mediafire.com/?u2u4d36r07j4i

List of replacements coming from the older client:
- restored the original soundtrack .bgm files
- restored the original unused stage_WAL (interesting developer test stage with Japanese descriptions of wall behaviors)
- restored the original Chinese DOAO H/P/K button history icons (no more mixed Latin/Chinese characters)

List of additional improvements:
- restored the original DOA2U .mot/.bin movesets (DOAO had slightly different character balance, with the worst change being a blockable Jann Lee Dragon Kick)
- fixed the biggest problem of this port: the audio causing major FPS drops and stutters, which was especially noticeable at the start of every round (showcase: https://youtu.be/QsXWUeYa1yg). This was fixed by shortening some "Sleep" CALLs within the game executable using a debugger. Using x64dbg the steps to do that would look something like this: open client3.exe with x64dbg -> F9 (Run) -> right click the disassembler area -> Search for -> Current Module (client3.exe) -> Intermodular calls -> type sleep -> find the 2 Sleep CALLs from the list that come with PUSH 64 and reduce them to PUSH 1 -> File -> Patch file... -> save the modified exe. There are more Sleeps scattered around the exe, but touching others might have side effects. For example NOPing (aka completely removing) the 5th or 7th one crashed the game for me, 4th increased CPU usage by +2%, 6th by +12%, 9th by +11%. Alternative hex method for the FPS fix: change both occurrences of 64 FF 15 C4 51 31 02 8B to 01 FF 15 C4 51 31 02 8B
- duplicated bgm_doa2_ko.ogg into rmx_ko.bgm. Hitomi has never had a Ray House stage remix of her theme... this modification makes her regular theme play instead, which is better than silence and mirrors the original DOA2U behavior
- GPKitClt.dll replaced with a dummy DLL that does nothing (taken from C:\masm32\tutorial\dlltute\testapp\dlltute.dll) in order to skip the auto-generation of the GPK anti-cheat folder on every boot
- English translation significantly improved (see doaecbtool inside DOAOcollection.7z for more info)
- emptied the contents of logo.b2d (skips the initial logo intros so the game boots faster)
- emptied the contents of ingame_skill_btn.gsr (hides the permanent move list button on the left during matches by making it invisible but still clickable)
- better client.ini defaults (added working server IP and comments)
- better option.ini defaults (memorize user ID, hide "task list", more explanatory F1-F12 chat macros)
- deleted some unused files including logs and dumps
- total installation size reduced by 1/3. This was achieved in 2 ways:
1. replacing the uncompressed .gsr textures with their pre-existing _dxt.gsr compressed counterparts. This has the side effect of reducing the quality of the useless "outgame" portion of the game, but "ingame" textures remain unaffected. The script "Remove-uncompressed-textures.py" from DOAOcollection.7z was used. Exceptions that have not been replaced: avatar_menu.gsr | chara_font_ingame.gsr | chat.gsr | dr_l_01.gsr | dr_l_02.gsr | dr_r_01.gsr | dr_r_02.gsr | free_wait_detail_chara3.gsr | ingame_time.gsr
2. removing the _low.emp ingame models. They're lower quality versions, are barely ever used by anyone, and they're badly implemented anyway. Normally this would have the side effect of crashing matches if you set the options to 640x480 AND uncheck "Effects", but running the game from the C6 Loaders prevents the crash

FOR WINDOWS: newServer.exe needs Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to be installed in order to run, get it from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=26368
FOR LINUX: newServer.exe can run on Wine, make sure you install the MSVC90 package, you can use Winetricks for that

1. in client.ini set myExternalIP to
2. run newServer.exe
3. run qLoaderC6.exe

1. First, make sure LAN connections in your network actually work before blaming the game for any issue. Check that by pinging each other's local IP and see if they respond. Turn off firewalls and try again if they don't.
2. HOST: in client.ini set myExternalIP to your IPv4 Address (for example On Windows you can find it from "Win+R -> cmd -> ipconfig". On Linux "open terminal -> ifconfig -> copy your inet"
3. HOST: run newServer.exe
4. PLAYERS: in client.ini set IP to the HOST's local IPv4 Address
5. PLAYERS: run sLoaderC6.exe, select "ONLINE host" from the channel list

NOTE: not everyone can be a public host, especially people with bad routers or customers behind CGNAT (traceroute your own public IP to know if you're CGNAT'd. 1hop=good more=bad)
1. HOST: First, enable DMZ, or alternatively open some ports (TCP:8000,9900 UDP:9000,49152)
2. HOST: in client.ini set myExternalIP to your public IP. You can find it from https://api.ipify.org
3. HOST: run newServer.exe
4. PLAYERS: in client.ini set IP to the HOST's public IP
5. PLAYERS: run sLoaderC6.exe, select "ONLINE host" from the channel list

- newServer.exe requires MSVC90 installed in order to run https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=26368
- if you still get the error "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect." try setting newServer.exe to "Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7"
- newServer.exe is pretty portable, it only needs client.ini to be in the same folder. Without it, it still works but myExternalIP defaults to
- myExternalIP doesn't accept hostnames, only IPv4 addresses
- inside client.ini, [MY_SERVER] is for hosting a server, [LOGIN_SERVER] is for joining servers
- the server should resist internet outages (when the internet is back = the server is also back with no user intervention)
- if you intend to host a long-lasting server it's strongly recommended to set it up in away that it auto-restarts at every crash, because it WILL crash unpredictably. DOAOcollection.7z contains some simple tools to do it (folder name is AutoRestartServer)
- clicking the MFC top left logo of the window and then -> "About newServer..." opens a secondary dialog
- the "system requirements" should be small enough for the server to run on a free-tier Amazon AWS/Microsoft Azure VPS comfortably
- explanation of ports to open for a public server:
TCP 8000 = login
TCP 9900 = channel
UDP 9000 = matches
UDP 49152 = spectators
- documentation of the known [MY_SERVER] parameters:
myExternalIP        main parameter, read "INSTRUCTIONS FOR CREATING A NEW SERVER" to know what to type here
servInLauncher        generated by doaoLauncher.exe
autoStartClient        1=attempt to start qLoaderC6.exe automatically
autoStartServer        0=must press the Start Server button in the GUI manually to actually go online
duelOnly        0=location parameter is enforced 1=forces the Central Square map with no chat and no NPC's
leaveDuel        0=megaphone disabled 1=megaphone enabled
location        changes map. 0=Training Center 1=E-Terminal 2=Market 3=Waiting Room (orange) 4=Stadium. For additional maps, set location to 0 and hex edit "tra_001_01_base_0001" inside newServer.exe to something else (full map list can be found in DOA Online\data\outgame\bg\map)
noteRemoteHost        0=disable this warning 1=asks you to reset the IP inside qLoaderC6.exe when it's different from
oldThread        0=user connections are somewhat parallelized. 1=old behavior
ParallelServ        NUMBER=it makes possible to run more DOAO servers on the same computer. By default the server is running on these ports: TCP:8000,9900 UDP:9000, for login/lobby/ingame. If you want to run more than one DOAO server (channel), you copy the newServer to separate folders and set the 'ParallelServ' option of additional servers to 'ParallelServ=1'/'ParallelServ=2'/'ParallelServ=3', this will add the number to the port number, for 'ParallelServ=5' it will operate on the ports - TCP:8005,9905 UDP:9005. The additional servers should be added to the list of channels, to be accessed on login. Or custom qLoaders should be created, you can change the ip using the newServer but you'll have to change the port manually(it's right after the ip) using a hex editor. In game, if you started with a login, you'll go to 'System'->'Switch Channel' to jump to another server.
log            0=no logging 1=log to GUI (replaces the text "Ready for client" with the current action that is happening) 2=log to both GUI and slog.txt (the file contents only gets saved upon exit)
storageType        42=will force the server to use external bin files rather than the ones embedded into the exe resources. Those files can be extracted by opening newServer.exe with 7-Zip (path is .rsrc\1049\BIN). If you're enabling this, they must be stored inside a folder named "data" together with newServer.exe, and they must be renamed accordingly: from "IDR_2OUTGAME3" to "2OUTGAME3.bin". Since you must rename all files, you can use a .bat file with the following content to do it quickly: ren "IDR_*" "////*.bin"

Those small "Loader" .exe files change the behavior of the main game client by applying some minor QoL improvements and bug fixes to it. They were generated using "R!SC's Process Patcher" (https://www.angelfire.com/electronic/oldskool/stuff.htm) and might show up as false-positives to some AV's. In short, they can be described as "client3.exe + fixes". Some known improvements include:
- qLoaderC6.exe = stands for "quickLoader". This is geared towards offline solo play (meant to be used with newServer.exe). Attempts to connect to hardcoded IP ignoring client.ini. Skips logo intros & login page to save time and goes straight to channel selection (channel list looks empty but you can still proceed). Has better mod support. Login screen has a different map. Prevents the game from crashing when 640x480 + Effects OFF options are used while the low quality resources are missing.
- qLoaderC6FSD.exe = same as qLoaderC6.exe except it tries to connect to Free Step Dodge's server (if you too want to hardcode an arbitrary IP into it, open qLoaderC6.exe, search for 7F 00 00 01 which is the hexadecimal representation of "", and replace it with your own IP using any "IP to hex" converter online or whatever)
- sLoaderC6.exe = client.ini "IP=" parameter gets honored with this. Does not skip menus (probably stands for slowLoader), which allows you to set up the "orange top name" from the login screen. Lets you ignore the password field completely by leaving it blank. Channel selection works as expected. Login has a different map.
LOAD TIME COMPARISON: https://giant.gfycat.com/DistinctSpiffyDiplodocus.mp4
DOAOcollection.7z contains almost every known Loader version.

- to fix the Alt+Tab freeze bug at the expense of a more glitchy interface, use Vulkan. DXVK can "convert" a DirectX 9 API into Vulkan with one file. Just rename d3d9.dll.VULKAN to d3d9.dll inside DOA Online\FINAL to enable it. If your GPU is recent enough, go download the improved 2.0+ version instead https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases
- to change the outgame 30 FPS cap to 60 FPS, use a hex editor in client3.exe and set the addresses 35060, 63E950, 6452A9 to 3C
- client3sleep0.exe is an alternative version of the previously mentioned Sleep fix that uses 0ms instead of 1ms. In some machines it improves FPS/frame times, in others it wastes a lot of CPU. Rename client3sleep0.exe to client3.exe to use it
- client3.exe hex mod to open the game multiple times: 68 EC 23 3A 02 6A 01 33 DB 53 FF 15 44 51 31 02 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
- how to enable the stormy weather effect in the stage THE WHITE STORM if you're hosting a server: inside 6TRAINING2.bin (which is contained in newServer.exe, can be easily viewed with Resource Hacker), with a hex editor go to address 0x20, change "01" to "00", and save the file
- DOAO Toolbox is a mod for hitboxes, framedata, freecam, widescreen etc. read here for usage info https://www.freestepdodge.com/threads/dead-or-alive-online-toolbox-collision-data-display-other-features.9256/
A hitbox viewer, a free camera and various mods are avilable here:
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Well-Known Member
The game client and the server have some known bugs that could be fixed with the power of reverse engineering and modding...

GAMEPLAY ISSUES: (DOAO differences that make it stand out from the original Xbox DOA2U)
- trade glitch involving High Strikes and crush states
- worse camera behavior (especially noticeable around the taxi and the Kasumi clones)
- lower floor stages with weird initial respawn points
- misc graphical glitches etc.
-Aerial Gardens got no H20
-Aquarium stage's got no distortion on the water
-Safari's also got no H20 and it has a weird black seam in the bg
-The chandelier on demon's church has a transparency error
-The shiny effect of the opera house's floor appears on the characters
-No echo modulation for character voices depending on the setting
-The shrine stage is lit incorrectly
-The laboratory's clone capsules are lit incorrectly and they don't behave correctly with the camera (should fade like other objects that obscure the camera)
-Camera is way closer than it should be, it doesn't pan up at a distance and it has some weird oddities that don't happen in doa2u
-Various minor gameplay glitches (weird winpose danger zone conflict, high low trades, etc)

(thanks @Mallo for the list)

- resolution support is weak

- it would be great to have the source code of b0ny's newServer.exe to potentially improve it (for example allowing more than 8 characters for top names, or fixing the "Close" button crash)
- it would be even better to have the improved but never released BOBA "DOA Online - Battle Test" binary/source code version of the server (it had a fully working spectator mode, working channels, and less bugs in general)

- Alt+Tabbing has a small chance of freezing the game with a blank screen and the audio is still playing - to fix the Alt+Tab freeze bug at the expense of a more glitchy interface, use Vulkan. DXVK can "convert" a DirectX 9 API into Vulkan with one file. Just rename d3d9.dll.VULKAN to d3d9.dll inside DOA Online\FINAL to enable it, or visit the project page to download a newer version of it (https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk)
- the game seems to have an input issue, it lacks of analog stick deadzones. So even if you're not touching it at all, it might still register as being pressed, therefore messing with your movement - use the Steam Controller support if you're affected by buggy deadzones, refer to the first post for a guide

- looking for a backup of DoAOLoaderC5.7z or sLoaderC5.exe
- Finds out that the game loading .bgm audio files (chunks?) causes serious FPS stuttering. This is especially noticeable during the first seconds of every first round, and when skipping victory poses. This is the biggest problem of this port. Indeed, deleting all .bgm files or muting the Sound from the in-game checkbox "fixes" the bug, but then you're playing muted... here's a video demonstration: youtube.com/watch?v=QsXWUeYa1yg
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Well-Known Member
- reverted the following change "client3.exe modded to let you open the game multiple times (68 EC 23 3A 02 6A 01 33 DB 53 FF 15 44 51 31 02 -> 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90)" and edited "GAME_START.bat" in a way to make it launch "client3.exe" when "qLoaderC5_IPFSD.exe" is missing (e.g. when mistakenly deleted by AV's)

Is the server down again? I can't log in for some reason.
Matt Ponton said:
I rdp'd into it and it didn't show the server running. So I restarted the server manualy
works now
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Active Member
Perfect. thank you!
can I play with random cpu player? in Free battle mode, the characters are not random.
I want to play with cpu player like doa5 and doa6.
or arcade mode.
sorry for my bad english.
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New Member
Hi, I would appreciate a lot if someone could help me, after creating my character I get this error and it does not let me play, sorry if it is badly written since I speak Spanish and my English is still very basic

the message says: file is not exist [character / costume / sk1_003_00.cpk]


  • 131972233_431580337868166_2479039318803538553_n.png
    2.8 KB · Views: 325


Well-Known Member
Hi, I would appreciate a lot if someone could help me, after creating my character I get this error and it does not let me play, sorry if it is badly written since I speak Spanish and my English is still very basic

the message says: file is not exist [character / costume / sk1_003_00.cpk]
it was temporary, try again now, the server restarted and the error is gone

btw good news everyone, I managed to fix the audio-related FPS stuttering issue ayyyy will share the fix later


Well-Known Member
Client updated to V3 and Collection updated to V2.

- fixed one of the biggest issues of this scuffed port: the FPS stutters caused by having audio enabled. The stutters were especially noticeable at the start of every round. Basically what I did was reduce the length of some Sleep functions inside the main game exe from 64 (milliseconds?) to the lowest possible value (1) and now the game runs much smoother. More boring details in the documentation section for those who care. Fun fact I actually stole the idea from a random hacker dude from a completely different game from a forgotten post who found out that the game had a faulty Sleep and he documented that by removing it the game would run much better. The lesson here is ALWAYS SHARE TECH FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND

- shoutouts to @CoYoTe for finding the lost sLoaderC5.exe file from some random Yandex archive lol you still gotta tell me where the hell did you find this link

- the collection got updated to include that one Yandex archive^. Also added a simple utility to restart newServer.exe automatically every time it crashes. It is used by the current public server. Nothing fancy, just a quick AutoHotkey script that gets the job done

- even though the 2 archives have more data than before, they got smaller in size lol apparently PeaZip's "Solid by extension" compression feature is godlike
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Active Member
Client updated to V3 and Collection updated to V2.

- fixed one of the biggest issues of this scuffed port: the FPS stutters caused by having audio enabled. The stutters were especially noticeable at the start of every round. Basically what I did was reduce the length of some Sleep functions inside the main game exe from 64 (milliseconds?) to the lowest possible value (1) and now the game runs much smoother. More boring details in the documentation section for those who care. Fun fact I actually stole the idea from a random hacker dude from a completely different game from a forgotten post who found out that the game had a faulty Sleep and he documented that by removing it the game would run much better. The lesson here is ALWAYS SHARE TECH FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND

- shoutouts to @CoYoTe for finding the lost sLoaderC5.exe file from some random Yandex archive lol you still gotta tell me where the hell did you find this link

- the collection got updated to include that one Yandex archive^. Also added a simple utility to restart newServer.exe automatically every time it crashes. It is used by the current public server. Nothing fancy, just a quick AutoHotkey script that gets the job done

- even though the 2 archives have more data than before, they got smaller in size lol apparently PeaZip's "Solid by extension" compression feature is godlike. Anyway for those who can't be arsed to redownload the whole game or are limited by bandwidth, click here to download just the patched client3.exe with better performance and replace it with the one you have in DOAO\DOA Online\FINAL
il client me lo ha recapitato bofuo nel gruppo di dead or alive su VK

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Client updated to V3 and Collection updated to V2.

- fixed one of the biggest issues of this scuffed port: the FPS stutters caused by having audio enabled. The stutters were especially noticeable at the start of every round. Basically what I did was reduce the length of some Sleep functions inside the main game exe from 64 (milliseconds?) to the lowest possible value (1) and now the game runs much smoother. More boring details in the documentation section for those who care. Fun fact I actually stole the idea from a random hacker dude from a completely different game from a forgotten post who found out that the game had a faulty Sleep and he documented that by removing it the game would run much better. The lesson here is ALWAYS SHARE TECH FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND

- shoutouts to @CoYoTe for finding the lost sLoaderC5.exe file from some random Yandex archive lol you still gotta tell me where the hell did you find this link

- the collection got updated to include that one Yandex archive^. Also added a simple utility to restart newServer.exe automatically every time it crashes. It is used by the current public server. Nothing fancy, just a quick AutoHotkey script that gets the job done

- even though the 2 archives have more data than before, they got smaller in size lol apparently PeaZip's "Solid by extension" compression feature is godlike. Anyway for those who can't be arsed to redownload the whole game or are limited by bandwidth, click here to download just the patched client3.exe with better performance and replace it with the one you have in DOAO\DOA Online\FINAL

So we should be launching with which exe file?


Active Member
e tu italiano che minchia ci facevi su un social network russo LUL

Any really. The Loader .exe's or the .bat file will simply call client3.exe, so just make sure your client3.exe is the new patched version
@WAZAAAAA per trovare risposte sul gruupo vk anche per come modificare il file cat