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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I actively tried to contact TN and TK several times on twitter, as well as through emails. Never got one reply. I was polite and made my point clearly. They don't value their international fans from my own personal experience.

How sure are you that they listen to Japanese fans then with their requests?


Well-Known Member
How sure are you that they listen to Japanese fans then with their requests?
Cos' Im psychic! Sorry, stupid question, stupid answer scenario there :) Of course they do. All you need to do is look at their twitter accounts and who they retweet, or reply to. Also, there is this game coming out, you may have heard of it, called DOAx3 or something! As I recall there was something about that too that may give you a clue into why I think that!

Sorry for the snarky answers, but I did say (and always make sure to say)
I actively tried to contact TN and TK several times on twitter, as well as through emails. Never got one reply. I was polite and made my point clearly. They don't value their international fans from my own personal experience.

I was never stating facts, just my feels/opinion/beliefs, based on basic logic and observation!

Also, @Tyaren Those pictures you linked were a bit buggy! Could just be my browser!
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Also, @Tyaren Those pictures you linked were a bit buggy! Could just be my browser!

They are from the DOA-wiki and are used a lot here, weird they would be buggy for you. :/ Lemme post them again. XD




Especially the last one is nearly as skimpy as it can get in DOA but I really think it fits Christie perfectly and she looks like a million dollars. (Without the sun glasses and with her new bob cut it would look even better.)

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
How sure are you that they listen to Japanese fans then with their requests?
Well, a lot of people from the western countries asked for classic stages like Ariel gardens and Freedom Survivor (from DOAD) to return. After a couple of years asking Team Ninja, no action has been made. It's just an example that shows that the Japanese audiences are a bigger priority than we are.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor is there even the slightest doubt about Team Ninja being most influenced by Japanese pop culture and Japanese players? XD


Well-Known Member
They are from the DOA-wiki and are used a lot here, weird they would be buggy for you. :/ Lemme post them again. XD




Especially the last one is nearly as skimpy as it can get in DOA but I really think it fits Christie perfectly and she looks like a million dollars. (Without the sun glasses and with her new bob cut it would look even better.)
I couldn't see the pics either. I can tell even though I'm on my phone these are huge because the page is now lagging like crazy lol

Surprised you like that last one. With the bob though I can see her serving wealthy bitch poolside looks doing her "come over here~" taunt to the pool boy


Active Member
DLC Delayed to this Friday

【SNS】DOA5LRにて1/19(火)に配信を予定しておりました「タツノコプロ」コラボコスチューム(PS4/XOne)の配信予定日が1/22(金)に変更となりましたのでお知らせいたします。お客様にはご迷惑をお掛けし申し訳ございません。 #DOA5LR

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Cos' Im psychic! Sorry, stupid question, stupid answer scenario there :) Of course they do. All you need to do is look at their twitter accounts and who they retweet, or reply to. Also, there is this game coming out, you may have heard of it, called DOAx3 or something! As I recall there was something about that too that may give you a clue into why I think that!

Didn't some people here ask for DOAX3 too?


Well-Known Member
It's the same for me. :) Several of my most favorite outfits in the game are actually on the pretty skimpy side. For example:



and even...

I think the characters look absolutely divine in these and they fit the respective character's themes in several ways. Yes, with pretty much two of these (probably all three of these) the designers foremost wanted to show lotsa skin, but they went the extra mile to make sure the character looks great and like a million bucks.
It's just that cheap, uninspired and unfitting kind of sexualization that I really dislike. A good example being the two half armor costumes for Ayane and Kasumi. Those are just...ugh... D:

@Argentus, there simply were technical limitations to what hair they could do. Tina's luscious, long waves were so far simply not possible. Now on PS4/Xbone it should be possible and we've already seen several mods like this...but so far Team Ninja seems to refuse to tap into the real power of the new systems for the new stuff, like costumes, stages, and characters. They probably want to keep that wow-effect for DOA 6, just to give us a greater purchase incentive... ;)
Why wouldn't it be possible? I think you're over thinking it. It shouldn't really be different from say, ojou ringlets like Amy Sorel has. Or go like most western games do and simply sculpt the hair as part of the head mesh with some alphas for the fringe and details.

Oh, I see... I blocked that dude. XD I have the feeling he generally just likes to speak to the contrary, just for the sake of it.

That's the impression I get too lol


Well-Known Member
Too bad it was delayed to Friday.

I wanted to see the pictures tonight, as the tradition wants it. I like the moment when everybody discovers the first screenshots on the Xbox shop (whatever it's called) and then...


Well-Known Member
When do the costumes usually release?

I'd like to remind you all(again), that the delay was only announced in Japanese lol, I'm fairly certain they would have tweeted it in english also if it mattered to everyone.

The DLC is probably still being released today in US/EU.

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
Costumes normally come out in 32 minutes on Xbox One in the US. I'm going to check when I'm done with this show.
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