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The new face of Death. 俺はプロだ #DOA5LR #Halloween

Oh come on! I've been wanting a masked Bayman outfit forever which is why I fucking created it then those jackasses removed the option. THAT was the standard and it was LITERALLY why I made the outfit in the first place. I'm glad everyone liked it but I got screwed by adding that second option. I thought they would just do that for all characters but nope apparently it's A-O-fucking-K to have their faces not shown.

Tl;dr looks cool why but why the hell was mine altered


Well-Known Member
It could have been Rig.
Reminds me of Psycho Mantis.
Both have short hair/bald hair.
I need that costume right now.


EDIT: Crap. 俺はプロだ means "I'm a professional". Well well well...
@Jadeinchains That's Leon with his red shirt. They added overalls and the mask haha.


Well-Known Member
@Russian-chiropractic19 What you said make you sound like a capricious little girl complaining during her birthday because she received a Nurse Barbie instead of a Vet Barbie. You're so lucky to have your costume or at least 90% of the concept in the game!

Anyway, I love your costume, it's one of my favourite, don't ruin it. :)

I personnally prefer TN's decision, because the red beret add some color to the design.
Also, sorry to defend Team Ninja again, but the red beret was part of your design (alternative face).


Well-Known Member

Anyway It seems TN are doing what I thought they would and aren't focusing on the costumes we have already seen which is nice considering what a waste of time it would be.


Well-Known Member

The new face of Death. 俺はプロだ #DOA5LR #Halloween

that could very well have be my Rig costume and they gave him a gas mask instead of a lumberjack hat.
since he was a Grim Reaper last year, so...thats where the 'new face of death' comes from? they could've very well gave the outfit to leon too. idk idk


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Anyone recnognizing this costume and who it's for? Sucks that we don't know of half the costumes that were sent in... :/

@Russian-chiropractic19, are you seriously insulting TN, when they chose your costume (even if slightly altered) for the LR bonus costumes. Jeez...>__>'

the reason my costume got chosen was because it was like one of three options. it wasn't from my skill and it wasn't because they liked it. i dont feel honored i feel lucky as there was a 30% chance for me no matter what i made. Crisman should have won she just had a habit of making the wrong thing at the wrong time. if she wanted to she could have improved my design 100 fold, i know because i saw her do it.

i know i sound ungrateful, but it hard to appreciate something you feel like you haven't earned. at least if my design was my best foot forwards it would feel better, but the fact i made so many stupid mistakes still got the spot, it drives me nuts.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
i know i sound ungrateful, but it hard to appreciate something you feel like you haven't earned.

Well you haven't been in my shoes, sometimes you feel that way but after awhile, you just want a fucking break no matter how shady it is. Your friend could have done the design even better or otherwise but yours got chosen.
Not everyone will see your act as a good grace and just think you are complaining for it not being "perfect" so they are kinda giving you a heads up.
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