Ayane Dead or Alive 6 General Discussion

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Ah neat. Though if PPPK is still, like, -30, on block, it's going to be relegated to just combo filler like in DOA5. The mechanic with 66KK~K is pretty cool, though I'm pretty sure both 66KKK & 66KK~K are still going to be very unsafe on block. If 66KK~K could be safe on block, the 66KK string will become very dangerous (though if 66KK will be mid-high, I'm guessing that punishing the high will be important to discourage abuse like in DOA5).
Yeah, I'm really liking how her options and these buffs are coming along so far. I don't like Ayane but I may pick her up in DOA6 since I won't have to worry about any CB set ups anymore which lowers difficulty imo, plus I'm familiar with how she plays since my sister uses her

Hopefully they're still adding moves for her, I would love her old 23P back since it avoids highs and she also had :1::1_::P: and :1::1_::K: that were solid keep out and evasive moves in Dimensions xD


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Has anyone encountered an inordinate amount of Ayanes so far?

I'm seeing this outcome every time now haha:
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190111133309.jpg

So far, Ayane's PP6PK induces a "DOA4 wallsplat" and Ayane's Break Blow is a mid kick. Hard to test out anything in the lag with Ayanes spamming 66KK4 from neutral on me. Also screw random Break Blows ruining the hood LOL!

EDIT: Ayane's 4K doesn't induce a SDS of any sort on NH (just the shitty stun from DOA5 vanilla). Bad move on TN's part, that was one of Ayane's go-to combo starters from mid-range.
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I’m trying to find any new moves but can’t seem to find any. I know I saw this back turned kick from the most recent trailer but I haven’t figured out how to do it.

And when I do 6PK it gives me the DOA5 wall splat.

Net code seems actually good so far. But take that with a grain of salt because I’m mostly just trying to figure things out while people go crazy on me.

Unfortunately so far she feels exactly like her DOA5 self. But it’s still Super early and there no training mode.

Edit: ok I found the new move from the trailer. It is BT 3H+K. She goes into a spin into those twirling air kicks. Not sure if it’s mid or high. Looks high but not 100% sure.
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To be fair, the further you are into the stun threshold, the more likely you are to induce a "DOA5 wallsplat". We'll be able to explore all these things in the Training mode on March 1st. Online beta feels too laggy to attempt anything properly. My playstyle feels nerfed 10x-fold.


Hmm that’s odd. I found the online to be so much better than previous titles. Maybe I’m just getting lucky with who I’m matching against.


4H+K no longer gives a limbo stun. This is pretty disappointing. I guess this move with go back to the useless bin that it was in in DOA4 unless something is discovered about the weird stun that it does give.


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With regards to the new mechanic featured above, Ayane can delay:

- 66KK~K

...Into a new follow-up. Really interested to see how much damage PPP~K does because PPPK was already max damage off minimum height juggles. Though of course you're forgoing oki for this juggle ender (and online I just backed off from my opponent around 90% of the time after a knockdown). I don't think I saw 66KK~K used ever, though probably because it serves the same purpose as 66KKK and everyone and their pet dog just spams 66KK4 anyway. The new ender to BTPPP~P I hope is a positive GB because BTPPPP is still very delayable though the final P still appears to be -8. It is nice to have this string to attempt to pressure an opponent that has their back to a wall however. As a note BTPPPP causes the DOA4 wallsplat.


Cool I didn't know about the BT PPP~P. I really liked having that string guard break in DOA5 Vanilla.

Also a correction to my previous post, 4H+K is a limbo stun if you hit someone out of a sidestep with it.


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I'm guessing no one really noticed a completely new option out of Ayane's Integrated Movement? Since I haven't seen anyone mention it.

Basically, you can immediately get back into front turn stance after a back spin (you could never do this before, and it feels like it is almost instant).

So you can do things like;

1P+K6 for example, this will leave Ayane facing forward instead of leaving her back to the opponent. And I believe you can do this from any move that lets her do her back spin (P+KP16). Lord Arion and I were testing this out as much as we could in the beta. We've just gained more options in neutral and in some tricky mix ups (threshold and possible new oki situations). I'm really looking forward to experimenting with this.

About BT roll P+K;

Some things I learned about this in the previous beta, it's a gut stun and it is completely safe on block. It also comes out relatively fast from the roll. I'm not sure if this move is available outside of the roll or not, I never got a chance to figure that out. But that being said, this new move, coupled with BT 4H+K, BT6PK and other things really strengthens Ayane's BT game.

Footsies in BT stance has always been strong, but we legitimately have a respectable BT roll mix up now (mid punch, mid kick, throw, do nothing from the roll).


I knew about this but didn’t realize it wasn’t in 5 since I hardly played it. You can also stay BT if you do a spin towards from BT by pressing 4 at the end of the spin.


-13?!! That kinda bothers me. I mean if she had the SDS on hit like in 5 vanilla I’d understand. I wonder if you get better reward if you hit a stepping opponent. Could be a hard read option on step. It can probably still be spaced to be safe though (I hope).

+1 for BT6K is cool though. It’s nice to have more options from BT that don’t necessarily end you turn.


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Yeah, that feels like an unnecessary nerf since 3H+K is a useful spacing tool from front facing. 3H+K also induces the same "flop-back bound" guaranteeing a 66KK4~BT7K at least. 3H+K is still good and technically has decent recovery in general despite being -13, but it'll be a bit riskier to toss out now. 4H+K of course is still pretty damn negative on block too like in DOA5, and induces a new type of stun.

BT6K was already good in DOA5 and this little buff on block makes it even sweeter. To top it off, BT6K is +2 at tip range too.


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3H+K is -13? Definitely seems unnecessary, but then again Ayane really does a lot of strong range tools as it is.

I remember it being -7 in DOA4 and DOAD. So DOA5 really is the first time 3H+K was REALLY strong being at +0, then only -3 in DOA5U and DOA5LR.

@Force_of_Nature 3H+K still has the same push back though, and recovery is 22?
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Unfortunately, I don't remember as well, but from what I could recall, the recovery seemed to still be i22 (so reasonably fast recovery and relatively short block stun) and pushback appeared similar to DOA5LR's 3H+K. I'll look at it again when the beta resumes. With regards to BT66P+K (rolling saber move), it's indeed safe at -8 with a lot of pushback just like BT4H+K. It's only accessed from a back roll. BT(3)H+K helicopter kicks are -20 on block and don't launch well if the initial hit exceeds the stun threshold. 6KK is now -6 on block (as opposed to -7 or -8).
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