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  1. TheRealCoxinator

    Mortal Kombat thread.

    OP shit gets nerfed lol.
  2. TheRealCoxinator

    DLC Costumes

    @Argentus Probably because MMA is MIXED Martial Arts. :P But I mean like a full character type and everything. We need a shouta like dood who's serious as fuck and uses Krav Maga.
  3. TheRealCoxinator

    Texture Editing (PC)

    Bruh. Baiken. I approve.
  4. TheRealCoxinator

    System DOA5:LR Playerbase?

    No, I mean Awesmic specifically will take your anus and pummel it until not even salt can cause more pain.
  5. TheRealCoxinator

    Mortal Kombat thread.

    I think it's funny that on the PC ver her dust is +4. Lmao Also the best intro quote ever. Jin: You face a shaolin. Tanya: A handsome shaolin. Jin: You're barkin up the wrong tree sister.
  6. TheRealCoxinator

    DLC Costumes

    I loved Yaiba and I think she's a great character but I just don't wanna see her in this game.
  7. TheRealCoxinator

    DLC Costumes

    I just didn't want to include them since more people play Hayate but they are all free. And we still haven't gotten a Krav Maga style yet. The only reason they probably want Miss Monday in there is for her tits lmao.
  8. TheRealCoxinator

    System DOA5:LR Playerbase?

    Might wanna get some lube too. He likes to go in dry.
  9. TheRealCoxinator

    DLC Costumes

    Am I the only one who thinks Miss Monday would be fuckin dumb to have playable? Also just because there is a balanced of gender doesn't mean people play them. All I ever faught were the same females or Hayate/Bayman.
  10. TheRealCoxinator

    System DOA5:LR Playerbase?

    Top players cause they're the only ones play lmao. Also Gehaktbal plays with douche bags. Him and ChinGuy are pretty cool, but i've been in that lobby before lol. Also I think the Eu is simply bigger because they get shafted on so many fighting games. For example they just for xrd, but it's only...
  11. TheRealCoxinator

    Anime/Manga Talk

    If you like shorts watch inferno cop or Teekyu. Inferno cop was the original sh. t by trigger and now ninja slayer is it's legacy. Inferno cop is a bit better imo tho.
  12. TheRealCoxinator

    Senran Kagura Series

    I'm definitely getting this for christmas lmao.
  13. TheRealCoxinator

    System DOA5:LR Playerbase?

    Honestly the game is dead unless you find people to play with on here for casuals n stuff. On all consoles.
  14. TheRealCoxinator

    Halloween Designer Challenge 2015

    That third Ryu one better win. It looks godlike.
  15. TheRealCoxinator

    Final Fantasy Thread

    How is ffxiv? Been thinkin of getting it for a while.
  16. TheRealCoxinator

    The report system for this site is pretty funny lol. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't...

    The report system for this site is pretty funny lol. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Still wonder what happens if I report myself
  17. TheRealCoxinator

    Final Fantasy Thread

    A year old for an article honestly doesn't make it a rumor. There have been longer and the game was still made. Fallout 4 for example. There was a rumor about it being made but the main guy said it would be a 'while' before it was revealed. A while apparently = 15 months. That's longer than a...
  18. TheRealCoxinator

    Halloween Designer Challenge 2015

    All I can say is we need more Shimpan.
  19. TheRealCoxinator

    Texture Editing (PC)

    Since the neck on Hitomi's head isn't as long then there is a break where the neck is supposed to be.