System DOA5:LR Playerbase?


New Member
I have become interested in DOA5:LR and was wondering what platform has the largest playerbase. I own PS3 and PS4. Are people actually moving onto PS4 and xbone or just sticking to last gen?
What is the likelihood of the steam version becoming lively once online comes?
What platform would you guys recommend if I do not own any xbox?

I should add that I am in EU


Active Member
Hm. Good to know. I can't find people to play on PS3, unless someone here has free time this weekend & wants to play (I'm low-intermediate). Oh, I have two PSN friends from GameFAQs.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Honestly the game is dead unless you find people to play with on here for casuals n stuff. On all consoles.

We just had a 10 player tournament lobby up the whole evening again, containing many top players from France and the Netherlands, so yeah, this game is completely dead on all consoles, lmao.

If you are from EU, just get on PS4, add Gehaktbal and you'll almost always have a lobby full with people to play with.


Well-Known Member
Just don't get the game on Xbox One, contrary to what DOAN apparently believes the game has barely anyone playing and the connection is getting worse. On XB1 I can no longer play with KING JAIMY just because XBL/netcode has decided that we now have 1 bar in game connection that lag spikes constantly. (problem is JAIMY is the only one on my friendlist in EU that actually plays the XB1 version...)


Well-Known Member
Top players cause they're the only ones play lmao. Also Gehaktbal plays with douche bags. Him and ChinGuy are pretty cool, but i've been in that lobby before lol. Also I think the Eu is simply bigger because they get shafted on so many fighting games. For example they just for xrd, but it's only digital while we've had it for at least a year. Same thing for every other jap fighter at least.

I think i've seen colver in there, he's fun too.


Active Member
Might wanna get some lube too. He likes to go in dry.

Hm. Did I word that wrong? I should say: hope to keep in practice in this game & wouldn't mind sparring with people in a lobby hosted by either myself/someone else. I don't care for random lobbies because they can have foul language over mics, saltiness, crazy lag, etc.

I guess best connection would be anyone in my region or relatively close, and my skill level: low-intermediate. My main focus is 2D fighters. If one of my Halloween Costume Contest entries wins though, I want to be able to use GenFu/Brad decently at that time. But odds are slim w/so many entries. Funny reason to keep playing vs., but there it is.
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Well-Known Member
Hm. Did I word that wrong? I should say: hope to keep in practice in this game & wouldn't mind sparring with people in a lobby hosted by either myself/someone else. I don't care for random lobbies because they can have foul language over mics, saltiness, crazy lag, etc.

I guess best connection would be anyone in my region or relatively close, and my skill level: low-intermediate. My main focus is 2D fighters. If one of my Halloween Costume Contest entries wins though, I want to be able to use GenFu/Brad decently at that time. But odds are slim w/so many entries. Funny reason to keep playing vs., but there it is.
No, I mean Awesmic specifically will take your anus and pummel it until not even salt can cause more pain.


Active Member
You guys are dead wrong about DOA being dead online. I'm ALWAYS finding rooms to play on. At least 5 or 6 different rooms, often times more when I go to search for lobbies.

And Coxinator, is that Lady Alucard in your avatar?


Well-Known Member
5 or 6 lobbies is dead... considering Ultimate on PS3 used to have about 18 on a daily basis.
Unless you mean 5/6 lobbies in your region, but everytime I checked Xbox One there's beem 3-5 lobbies in general and are rarly EU all US/CAN.

Honestly, until I get a PS4, so I can play with all my old PS3 buddies like JDSILVA, Timasty, ToKyo Pew Pew etc. I'm just not gonna play online anymore, I'd rather play CPU then play a lagfest with randoms.


Well-Known Member
From largest playerbase to smallest playerbase, my guess would be:

PS4 > PS3 > Xbox 360 > Xbox One

So you'd be better off by buying the PS4 version, looking at the amount of players. Plus, the PS4 version is much better aesthetically and runs more fluently from what I've heard. In the end, the choice is up to you though.


Active Member
From largest playerbase to smallest playerbase, my guess would be:

PS4 > PS3 > Xbox 360 > Xbox One

So you'd be better off by buying the PS4 version, looking at the amount of players. Plus, the PS4 version is much better aesthetically and runs more fluently from what I've heard. In the end, the choice is up to you though.
I get a lot of fights in every time I play online, so this "DOA is dead" bullshit is just that... Bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Just because some coock decided to give titty bouncing sim 2015 a whirl doesn't stop it from being dead. Randos that just screw around and don't actually try to play proper, aren't what keeps the game alive. Anyone who isn't in either of those 2 categories are on FSD. Also yes, that is a rule 63 Alucard.