Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • SF6 is the horniest SF ever I swear, Capcom is usually more reserved in that department but with SF6 they just said "eff it, we got milf Chun li, Juri's feet, and Cammy buttcheecks, and we're gonna take full advantage of that!"
    So...possible Capcom vs SNK 3 down the line?
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Based on the way things are going, it's very bound to happen.
    Don't know and I doubt it. I heard on Eventhubs that Capcom won't do crossovers again because the Vs. titles are not making any profits like Resident Evil and Street Fighter.
    If we get a Street Fighter character in the new Fatal Fury game then it might become more likely, until then its just an idea that we can entertain.
    @Derock Depends on the time when you heard about this, if it was post MvCI then it makes sense but if it happened post SF6's release then it'd be weird for them not to give it a shot or to think about it, Mai and Terry might be them testing the waters.
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    Oh Boy, Terry Bogard from FEXL and Mai Shiranui from DOA are joining SF6! on a serious note about time SF got some guest characters
    Anime fighter devs- let's make a grappler character with a huge hurtbox and slow movement but give them mad damage and good oki to compensate!

    Also Anime fighter devs- now let's make the rest of the roster do even more dmg and have even more insane oki with none of the drawbacks of being a grappler!
    man I thought Wuthering Waves was gonna be the bee knees, but 15 hours in and I have no clue what the story is, the combat still hasn't clicked in for me, the characters and action look cool but I need more than that to stick with your F2P anime game :/
    Silent Hill 2 Remake has inadvertently exposed how inaccessible SH games are on modern consoles, SH1 is stuck on PS1; SH2,3, and 4 are all stuck on PS2, then there's that awful HD collection (that only has SH2+3) on 360/PS3, and the only SH games on PC are 4 and 5, the low rated ones that aren't that good or iconic :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    apparently the reason why is because the source code for alot of older SH games is simply lost or damaged, which also explains why the HD collection was so shoddy. and while a remake will help preserve the franchise, it just feels like there should be a much easier way to access these games, 'specially games as iconic as OG Silent Hill
    Watched the Marvelous Games showcase, no Senran Kagura or Hinomaruko to be seen :( But the new Rune Factory spinoff looks dope and DAEMON x MACHINA is getting a sequel so that's cool
    The only Senran Kagura that your going to see is Senran Kagura: New Link, if you were hoping a new Senran Kagura game from Marvelous Games... Keywords don't have hope because this happen back in 2022 from Marvelous (English website) which Senran Kagura isn't part of the website:

    ^Thats unfortunate. We need a new Senran Kagura game. I heard Estival versus and Peach Beach Splash are very buggy on PS5 and never got patched.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Shame for PS5 owners, Estival is easily the best mainline SK game out there; large roster of characters, combat is crazy deep, incredibly fun PvP, hella modes that you can tackle solo or co-op, it's just a great game overall, I can't talk about Peach Beach though, never played it
    Homelander in MK1 is literally just Injustice 2 Supergirl, not that I mind, Supergirl was one of the more fun characters in Injustice 2 so her making a comeback in this form is fine
    Random Shower thought: DOA6 ground game could of worked if characters did more damage
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    So we all know that DOA6 ground game is trash, because it gives too much agency to the player that's on the ground and not enough to the player that's standing , which is a strange power dynamic, but this could of worked if DOA6 was a 2 touch game, if characters did so much damage that it made sense for the grounded player to have that much agency, then DOA6's current ground game would be a better fit
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    early DOA pretty much did this, DOA1 and 2 barely have any interactions on the ground, but the dmg is so high that you only get 1-3 grounded interactions per game (assuming ppl are playing optimally) so it's barely an issue, DOA6 has hilariously high scaling and low dmg so the amount of time you spend on grounded interactions is amplified by alot and calls attention to it'self
    It's kinda crazy how after 1 year of SF6, nobody is talking about SF5 at all, no fond memories, no nostalgia, no "man this new game sux, im going back to the previous one", none of that
    @Camel with 2 thumbs The 2015-2018 period for fighting games as video games was relatively rough where there was a period of indecision for most companies whether to go full esports, especially for some games that definitely weren't big or respected enough for that, go for the casual fanbase or try to go for both, also iirc SFV was also a rushed product, released earlier than it should've been.
    This was also during the time when Capcom was moving out of its Crapcom phase very slowly, during which their fighting games ended up suffering the most, given how SFxT and MvCI ended up dying not too long after their releases and also with them almost making the same mistake that they did around the end of the arcade days by making too many fighting games after SFIV's success.
    Overall, the 2012 to 2018 period for Capcom won't be fondly remembered by their fans at all and it is good that they are back on track for the most part.
    Man I wish Tomb Raider Remastered had auto save, the amount of progress i've lost because I quit out of the game w/o doing a manual save is bonkers :/
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    Yeah with all the updates they made to the game that should have been a no-brainer. I was playing the PS1 versions on my PS3 a few years back and I ruined my day a few times because of that, but thanks to that I'm hyper vigilant about saving now when I play Remastered, lol.

    Got it on Xbox, wanted a physical for Switch too but it's LRG >_<' and theres a $200 FOMO CE to boot.
    actually base game and deluxe editions of physical are retail only the CE is via LRG.
    I'm buying 2 copies one for PS5 and one for switch I want Lara portably as well.
    Yeah, the lack of autosave is an unfortunate downside of old-school games.
    Agent Smith in Multiversus? now I don't give a crap about Multiversus, but I do give a crap about playing Agent Smith in a fighting game, might have to give this thing a shot
    Assassin's Creed monetization gets even more absurd with every entry, pay an extra 40$ on top of a 70$ game and you get 3 days early access and a season pass :/
    This is why a good strategy can be to wait to see what content they'll be putting in a SP and just buying the stuff that gives the most bang for your buck, while potentially catching a 20-30% sale on the base game as well if you're lucky enough.
    replaying Bayo 1 and 2 cause I can't play Stellar Blade :( also, Hot take, Bayo 2 has better core gameplay than Bayo 1, but since Bayo 2 drops the ball in so many other aspects it ends up not mattering and is the worse game overall
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    combine Bayo 2's combat with Bayo 1's Witch time, Scoring System, and Magic system, and u litteraly have the perfect Bayonetta game
    For sure, Bayonetta 1 is arguably the best (better story too). I felt that Bayonetta 2 got a little overrated. Bayonetta 3 on the otherhand is a hot mess. Bayo 1 & 2 seem godlike compared to that game.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Bayo 1 is DEFINITELY still the best Bayo
    Bayo 2 I have beef with but it's a game i'll play over 95% of action games out there
    Bayo 3...i'll be real I played it twice on normal difficultly and haven't touched it in over a year, but i'll give it another shot when I'm done with Bayo 2 to solidify my opinion on it
    "Kameos make MK1 too complicated, I want MK to be a 1v1 fighter" mf's acting like MK1 is KoF or Marvel asking you to learn a whole team, Kameos are litterally just 1 button assists, it's not hard at all, then again this is the same crowd who made MK11 a hit so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised
    ngl, I've been sleeping on Nyo's -2 mix up game, used to think her being limited to hellstab and crushes in CQC range made her asscheecks, but at -2 they are actually decent, as long as the opponent doesn't have an i11 6p or are a grappler who can severely punish you for blocked hellstabs, she's fine
    of course Project L was just a placeholder name for the LoL fighting game, but 2XKO? first off it sounds way too much like 20XX, that indie game inspired by Megaman, and second it's just a weird title that's hard to say or remember :/
    -_- <- the face you make when all your casual gaming friends who spent the last 5 years going "fighting games are too hard!" are now all Tekken 8 enthusiasts
    Tekken's has been attracting the most casuals out of all fg's for a very long time now and it takes them only one decision to take a fighting game a bit more seriously than before, like how I did with Super Street Fighter 4 back then. It also helps that yes, while on a top level the offense that T8 has can be very overwhelming, I definitely feel that it has been the most fun a Tekken game has been since 5/5DR.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    well if any 3D fighter was going to appeal to casuals it was going to be Tekken

    VF is too niche and has 0 mainstream appeal
    DOA still has it's reputation as an ez mode booby fighter that ppl just dont want to associate with
    SC is the most accessible 3D fighter, but it lacks flash and pizzaz, i.e the combos are short and the interactions are harder to decipher to the untrained eye
    The only real problem other 3D fighters have is that they're not Tekken. And the only reason Tekken is where it's at is because it rode the rising star of Sony from day 1 and stuck with them all the way... well, at least that's the way I see it.

    Tekken was always right next to MK and SF among casual players I knew all my life, while I was the weirdo also playing Bloody Roar, Fatal Fury and Power Instinct.
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