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  • After finishing NGblack on Master Ninja, i feel that i'm closer to writing all my thoughts on the series, not sure why i want to do that...
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    Reactions: Lulu
    Because your Insight is important.
    I love Ninja Gaiden, but man, i hate most of these boss fights.
    Though, for the reasoning DB implied about a dozen posts up, Ninja Gaiden Black is better than NG2 & NG3RE due to the vastly superior level design and game structure along with much better balanced combat compared to the sequels. If Team Ninja were to develop a NG4, I hope that they'd use NGB for inspiration.
    RE actually has the best structure, and I'd argue that Ryu controls best in NG2. Black's crowning achievement is the enemy/encounter design. Black carefully considered what each opponent could do, how they were fought and where you were fighting them, and constructed its battles in a very methodical way. NG2/3 have a bad habit of grabbing a handful of poorly designed enemies and then throwing them out at random.
    Yup, pretty much. You can feel the downgrade immediately, which gets notably worse in NG3.
    Is time to accept my true self, and admit, that i like ayane's playstyle, and enjoy the range game... You call it lame, i call it fun
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    Reactions: Bacaww
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    complaining about ayane being lame is so 2005, step it up
    I don't think its Lame.... its not like shes like Guile

    Now he is Lame...

    I'l happily get my ass kicked by Ayane any day.
    Only way to play ayane :^)
    "Man, i want to play DOA so much right now, let me see how my connection is going.... Why the ping is so high? DAMN YOU ISP!!!"
    Gotta Grow that Local Offline Scene.... but man that would take forever.

    LoL... I just found out I don't have the Patience to teach someone who to use a Controller.
    Please doa6! With good netcode please!!
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    Reactions: HHH816 and Tyaren
    Well it is important, very important actually, but it's not exactly a be-all, end-all either. One thing to keep in mind is that the netcode can only be so good. If one or both players have shitty wi-fi connections, the match will still be a laggy, unplayable shitfest.

    What's more important is that the DOA FGC pushes & supports the game as much as possible out of the gate.
    I Just hope they can connect the regions more so we can play properly and can learn from each other. Like, I rather learn from American players than from European players since they're the weaker link in the community.
    Online is pretty important, even more when someone lives in an area without an offline scene.
    I would love to get my hands on high resolution versions of the Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword artwork.
    You know what would be cool costume wise? Release game with around 20 ~25 unlockable costumes per character, and ...
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    Reactions: Mayor-Of-Mustard
    I think 12 -16 weeks per DLC release is a bit too long, especially if you wanna keep the game alive. That's why games like MKX and Injustice 2 die pretty quickly after all of the dlc is released. And I like the idea of packs for all characters.
    DOA5LR actually has a lot of costumes per character on disc before factoring in DLC costumes. Monthly DLC has been a good idea for DOA5. The 2 month gap for the 2nd half of this year feels too spaced out. However, I do agree that either full costume sets or eventual costumes for all characters (think of the way how the Casual DLC was released in 10ish character parts, along with the ninja DLC) is optimal.
    Remember though that DLC is prioritized towards popular characters that thus sell better. (Eh, it's the way Koei-Tecmo is...).
    Bayo 3 Hype, now let's hope it is directed by kamiya and doesn't have the combat of bayo 2...
    Yeah, it has a lot of really minor issues that together couple in a worse experience for me, it can all be put down to "bayo 2 is balanced towards making you use witch time and bayo 1 has witch time only as a tool, and the combat is completely balanced around you not having it"
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i'd argue bayo 2 is even less designed around witch time than bayo 1, considering how gimped it is in bayo 2 (especially with bosses and certain enemies in the latter half). it's like the game wants you to defend yourself and eviscerate your enemies w/o it, so they just made it really shit
    Witch time is more shit in bayo 2, but you also can't stagger enemies outside of witch time, can't juggle, can't trip, the game wants you to be constantly triggering witch time to even do the slightest damage to the enemies.
    Sunday had really good lagless matches... until the person sent me a message saying that i was boring to play against and i was spamming...
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    Reactions: Darkslay and Lulu
    there is absolutely 0 possibility of me playing this game offline, heck, is even rare for me to find someone online.
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    Reactions: Lulu
    I know the Struggle... but what else can we do ?
    Oh well, you can't please everyone I guess. Some people will always use some sort of excuse just to bitch.
    Question, anyone here from a country in South America? I need a sparring partner to improve in this game.
    You're Brazilian, right? I'm Colombian. Hit me up, yo.
    Yup, You can add me on PSN: Sotherius.
    Ok... Hayate is the 18th leader of the Mugen Tenshin clan, to me that sounds like the mugen tenshin clan is not that old...
    Depends, you have to take into account as to how long each leader has lived, Shiden for example is like in his late 40s to 60s. There's no telling how long it has been around unless we know the ages of all the former leaders.

    You could have only 3 leaders but it'd be VERY old if each one lived to be +100 years old XD
    I was the leader before Shiden, I should of never left.
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    @DestructionBomb Because you left, the Mugen Tenshin clan has gotten sloppy with their Just Frame Knee training :(
    Ok, now i understand Reforging and Soul matching enough to keep myself with a Raikiri all the time. Glad
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