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  • i want to start a movement to get a black spider clan member in DOA6. im not sure what or where i should start posting though :/
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    Tengu first. Let's get out veterans back before we get any more unnecessary new ones.
    Tengu, Genra, and maybe Obaba
    im talking about new characters for the next game not even announced yet, there is no reason my request should interfere with yours. you don't have help me but you don't have to try and stop me either. we're both passionate for what we want and would appreciate if you would at least respect that.
    My recent ass kicking has reawakened my interest in SAMBO, I will return with Bayman and I'll be focusing on his grabs and how they work
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    What? Did you drop Bayman?
    No but I did become discouraged with using him. The more I tried the worst I got
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    I feel like shit about my Bayman too. I played him in vanilla, but getting Leon back in 5U shifted my focus entirely over to him, which I feel has caused irreparable damage to my Bayman.
    Yaiba seems to winning the people over gradually. that last trailer pushed a lot over the fence cant really blame them that Izuna was EPIC
    Commmanda Panda
    Commmanda Panda
    "ahhhh shit" - Yaiba 2014
    "Why won't you just stay dead?" - Laughed so hard when Hayabusa said that. Like he's one to talk after that shit he pulled in NG1. xD

    But yeah, dat Izuna...
    Fighter's Generation or Fashion Disasters: Fighting Games Edition? you decide :b
    Sounds like DOA's casual fanbase created a website in their spare time.
    You would think that, but even when you ask a casual DOA player about the characters they are far more likley to talk about how they fight than their fashion sense. basics like Ryu has Izunas, leifang's sabakis, Bayman's abnormal amount if OHs etc..
    Fighters' Generation is a joke. The only good reason you should go there is to check out picture galleries of said archived character while enduring F. Yagami's repulsively biased overview of them... or if you're one of those likeminded Tekkenheads who enjoy giving said fanbase a bad name by shitting on other fighters (especially DOA) for no good reason.
    Finally bought Vanquish ,this and Bulletstorm should have breathed new life into third person shooters sadly they remain relatively unknown
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    Reactions: QueenJakheiho
    Indeed. These were next gen before there was a next gen, but no one cared. I now pray to the gaming gods they get sequels one day.
    Wasn't a fan of bulletstorm, it tried to be different from today's fps games but kept too much of what I don't like, namely regenerative health, and linear gameplay.
    thing was it wasn't supposed to be a difficult game it was meant for something you could mess around in. the difficulty was in performing the tricks and maintaining your ammo which would run out VERY quick. add on non-regenerative health and that just takes the focus away from the skillshots and adds frustration.
    I really don't want TN wasting their time on DOAX3 we have more than enough fan service in DOA5 already.
    7 swimsuit packs + 3 on-disc swimsuits and they're no where near satisfied. It's agitating to see how a girl's costume comprises a handful of these.
    That's 7 swimsuit packs + 3 on-disc swim suits + the FUCKING INTERNET. the internet covers all your fap needs DOAX is waste of time for everyone.
    Don't forget that 40 second movie clip of them prancing around in the water and frolicking in the sand. It isn't helping the case either.
    no drinking before DOA. dad tried to pick mom up from church drunk now no more alcohol is allowed in the house. we warned him now its over.
    Sly Bass
    Sly Bass
    you share some interesting information
    Every time I'm getting chewed by the black spider clans dogs I'm thinking a)SHITSHITSHIT and b) I want one of these things they're AWESOME!
    sooo ive played NG2 don't know how many times and i just found a new area that had a talisman of rebirth... im a "special" person
    And obviously, if you're on xbox, you can opt to use it on the following Test of Valor
    im really not up to doing test of valor on mentor mode, sure i could eventually beat it, in the same way i could eventually break down a wall with my head.
    I'm actually not convinced the latter is possible.
    The former one varies drastically on what weapons you upgrade or what items you're willing to expend (like how many LotGs/LotTGs you want to save on xbox), especially in the earlier segments. The first two ToV in MN are just ridiculous without the Falcon's Talons.

    Regardless, they're always kinda redundant and annoying. Never was a fan.
    hate trying to use this thing on my phone Every time you guys see an incomplete message its cause I hit the return button to start new line
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    Reactions: Rawbietussin
    I use it on phone too all because my PC got disassembled and I don't have wifi connection at home anymore. (using Cellular Dara which is bad for my phone bill)
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