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  • So far disappointed with DK2 bad hit boxes, unbalanced enemies,no branching paths, disappointing bosses, "always online" means nothing :/
    I'm not sure whether I should make it more difficult though. I'm at the part where you start fighting the mummies and they're a joke, then I go another way and I'm fighting 10 minions with great swords who fuck me up
    Can't grind very long the enemies disappear and the limited store inventory has be conserving like this is resident evil. I just have a shit load of minor complaints that add up that I didn't have before. Also where are the other paths everywhere else I look is blocked
    His Reverence
    His Reverence
    Im not that far. I think I fucked myself over with the covenant. Lmao
    I think Sanji will probably replace Eliot's role in DOA eventually. I believe NG3 implied he was going to be Ryu's next student after all
    no I'm mean his archetype Eliot was added cause they needed a young boyish type but Eliot is now more of a young man.
    I think TN has plans to use him but I don't think he's that important and I'm pretty sure Ryu will produce an heir before too long with him and Irene seemingly hooking up. i think he'll be the connection between innocence and becoming a ninja like all ninja had
    Ok, now I understand and I think that you could be on something with the plans of TN for Sanji.
    1st jury summonings tomorrow I have no idea what the fuck to do it or how long it will last
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    Reactions: David Gregg
    so far its just to the "lottery" part. if i get picked for jury duty day before dark souls 2 im gonna be a little pissed
    Damn i know how you feel man, I had jury duties recently and mine my went for a month. Some can go for a few weeks & some can simply last a day or two, just depends on the seriousness of the case. If you haven't been picked yet i suggest dressing casually & maybe having your hair a little scruffy. Sometimes (not always) they will pick by appearance so dress as casual as possible.
    If you have been picked hopefully the case you have been summoned too is a small one (youth steals packet of chips from supermarket or mother lets her underage daughter go to a Cradle of Filth concert) which would only last a few days. Goodluck regardless, jury duties are bloody annoying.
    Day dream topic of the day is: How would a black spider fight in DOA? These make work so much easier but occasionally cause me to wander off
    Big surprise Kasumi clone, oh well time to wait for the gameplay vid. And people remember there are only so many ways you can throw a punch.
    I really wish people would stop basing the number of characters on the number of slots available,that will NEVER be a reason for anything.
    How do yall keep getting hatemail!? I chain into walls,chain ground throws,grapple all the time, use effective moves, what's your secret!?
    The secret is that you shouldn't want hatemail in the first place.
    What Awesmic said.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Taunts and kicking after the round may get you something. Or abuse a loop.
    The Clan symbol of the black Spider Clan , Master Genshin :D
    I actually don't recall this symbol showing up in game it's just something I found on the wiki. they said in NG3 the black spider clan was leaderless(I think obaba just summoned undead ninja to attack) I think it would be cool if Genshin had an heir that took control like Ryu would of Jo
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