Macca Beam
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  • There's something incredibly ironic about the existence of a 3-year thread on why sexualization is literally satan on a Dead or Alive forum.
    Nah, some users just think it's going overboard, whilst others SMASH THAT FULL SPEED AHEAD VOTE BUTTON BAYBEEEEE
    The new DOAX girl is pretty ok. Glad they didn't screw a different head onto Kasumi's body like what happened to 95% of the cast.
    Not sure if it's because it's running in a 360, but 2U's non-existent load times are pretty impressive
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    Reactions: Giannola
    Sadly I gave away my copy of 2u but I still enjoy playing 3 on 360 very much. From memory I preferred 2u I'll have to get it back.
    I was watching some X3 videos when I subconsciously thought "wew I'm LITERALLY enjoying this for free right now"
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    Reactions: Gurimmjaw and Lulu
    Well then in that case DOAX has no reason to exist as a Video Game.
    But it's all about da gameplay!
    Trust me as a first time player I can say that watching videos of Xtreme games and playing them are completely different.
    it's pretty nice being able to run LR at 1920x1080@60fps on a friend's machine that struggles to run MKX at 800x600 with all set to low
    For the record,I can play Last Round on my PC no problem,while I still lave lowish fps on MK friggin' 9 Komplete Edition.
    PC version runs like silk on my machine(tm). Those on the Steam page can get fucked any time; almost made me think it's a bad port.
    By the way the PC version seems to me actually an hybrid between old and next gen version: for example I noticed that in the End of the Earth stage the increased penguins are not implemented in the PC version, but the increased snowstorm yes (contrarily to it missing in the 360 one).
    @Goarmagon Thank you! They intentionally left that stuff out for no reason. DOA5LR needs an i7 but won't use DX11?! I thought I would shit myself. I'm not impressed with the PC ports features and I have no incentive to go online. Sadly, KT will use this crappy version as reasons why they won't support future PC versions.
    DoA5LR doen't really need of an i7, actually something very, very far from it. I suppose that they officially tested the game only on a similar machine and so they released such - wrong - characteristics...
    Not sure if you know about it, but Pwnit! make every 2 weeks contest for winning DoA5LR for PS4 and XBox One (only if you live in USA) and PC version: you could try to give a look =)
    Macca Beam
    Macca Beam
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I just bought it today from the sale
    ... but if the prizes are DLC I'll jump on it lol
    Don't worry, in the end is the best thing if you don't want live 2 hell's weeks of requests of friendship vote xD

    Nice to see that you will play DoA on PC (if I understood well), hoping to meet you online when it will be ready =)
    Macca Beam
    Macca Beam
    Yes, it's working well and the keyboard layout is surprisingly friendly, so I can just jump online whenever it's ready.
    Nooo we lost a skin shader, bad particles, a stage that's only fun in the lab and a stage with visibility issues, it's the end of the world.
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