deathofaninja Jan 30, 2014 Tweet the hell out of TN for Tengu. Make them feel HIS POWER! SPAM UNTIL YOU CAN SPAM NO MORE! A riot!
Tweet the hell out of TN for Tengu. Make them feel HIS POWER! SPAM UNTIL YOU CAN SPAM NO MORE! A riot!
deathofaninja Jan 29, 2014 I'm now on the news team for FSD. The opportunity will not be wasted, Mr. Wah!
deathofaninja Jan 29, 2014 Joining the news team at FSD! Thanks Wah for the opportunity. It will not be wasted.
deathofaninja Jan 19, 2014 Just got off the phone with Mr. Wah. What an awesome guy if you somehow didn't know already.
deathofaninja Jan 12, 2014 Anybody have a replay of the tournament? I'm not paying to watch a replay... :/
deathofaninja Dec 30, 2013 Just watched some of the Cali matches. Brute has a nice Hayabusa. I'm also impressed with Apprentice and his Eliot.
Just watched some of the Cali matches. Brute has a nice Hayabusa. I'm also impressed with Apprentice and his Eliot.
deathofaninja Dec 19, 2013 Genfu Frames, notes... AND Sweet Revenge commentary.
Genfu Frames, notes... AND Sweet Revenge commentary.
deathofaninja Dec 7, 2013 I'm pissed no DOA stream. Fuck bige's stupid schedule. Don't make one if you're not going to follow it.
I'm pissed no DOA stream. Fuck bige's stupid schedule. Don't make one if you're not going to follow it.
AkaShocka Dec 2, 2013 Hey. Erm, I was doing some Alpha B.U.R.S.T. spamming and realized something....... its fun to do but sucks to be in. Aside from the fact it isn't very hard to pull of. #AlpaLogic.
Hey. Erm, I was doing some Alpha B.U.R.S.T. spamming and realized something....... its fun to do but sucks to be in. Aside from the fact it isn't very hard to pull of. #AlpaLogic.
deathofaninja Dec 1, 2013 DOA World is becoming a much better place. No carbon copy stories (daily stories) and more strategy. A great DOA community just like FSD.
DOA World is becoming a much better place. No carbon copy stories (daily stories) and more strategy. A great DOA community just like FSD.
deathofaninja Nov 14, 2013 All the variant spellings of "Marirose" are driving me nuts. Either way the name is extremely dainty and mundane.
All the variant spellings of "Marirose" are driving me nuts. Either way the name is extremely dainty and mundane.
deathofaninja Oct 20, 2013 I've never seen anyone throw their weight around more than Carl. Keep rolling your eyes at the camera after you get your ass kicked.
I've never seen anyone throw their weight around more than Carl. Keep rolling your eyes at the camera after you get your ass kicked.