Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • the offline experience, it's washed away all of my online salt, but now i'm terrified to jump back into XBL :0
    That's how it usually is. Even with new DOA players, offline is still better than online. Not only do you have "lagless" play (still can be affected by the monitor), it still has the social experience that cannot be matched by online play. A dick online may be a pretty cool guy in person.
    ugh, nyo getting ANOTHER mid kick launcher, i dunno...most people, don't react fast enough to the flying pk anyway. it was fine as a high
    who in their right mind complains about a mid kick launcher?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I complain cause nyo already has so many mid kicks that lead into good damage or at least give her a positional advantage, and I feel like giving her another one just makes her a bit more predictable. yes mids are more guaranteed, but sometimes a fast, hard to react to high is also fine.
    when you play a character who is unsafe on everything, you kinda have to play like an asshole -_-
    So ayane's crouching jab just crushed my nyo's forward pp, up close, i have no words
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    hmmm, just thinking about it, forward ppp doesn't jail, so after they block the first hit, they are free to hit buttons. so i guess the only way the counter the low jab in that scenario would be A) don't do the string in open stance, or B) do forward p, then sidestep or low counter to punish
    Change something? Online changes every damn thing.
    Been playing DOA 2 ultimate with my old mains Ein and Gen Fu, now i look at them in DOA5LR and I'm like "man, you guys used to be cool"
    DoA5 Ein is still cooler than Hayate though lol. Besides Ein is pretty top tier in 2U.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I think Ein is good, but top tier? i don't see it, then again, I play ein in a really footsie heavy whiff punishment style as opposed to rushdown so maybe im just doing it wrong
    that feeling you get when block some thing that is -19, go for 10 frame throw punish, and online says "NO!", that's me right now -_-
    Because the game is saying go play Tekken where actual punish exist.
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