The Art of Tenjimon: Kasumi's Combos/Juggles


Active Member
I have some trouble landing 7k after 33k sometimes when they're pushed back too far. Any tips on landing this? At that point 6pk2k wouldn't land either.


Active Member
I have some trouble landing 7k after 33k sometimes when they're pushed back too far. Any tips on landing this? At that point 6pk2k wouldn't land either.
After the 33K, go for F+K or PP7K or 66KK. All better options after the launcher.


Active Member
I'm doing 33k, assuming normal hit, can't really get F+K to connect and pp7k seems to have even less range than 7k does. 66kk will only connect on the first hit. Either way, are those options higher damage than 49?


Active Member
I'm doing 33k, assuming normal hit, can't really get F+K to connect and pp7k seems to have even less range than 7k does. 66kk will only connect on the first hit. Either way, are those options higher damage than 49?
I believe so, are you actually using 33K after a stun? That's when you should be using it. F+K should connect on everyone except heavy characters. Also, 4PKK should connect as well.

Edit: Also, P+K will hit.

7K is better for her other launchers like 33P or 8K


Well-Known Member
I'm doing 33k, assuming normal hit, can't really get F+K to connect and pp7k seems to have even less range than 7k does. 66kk will only connect on the first hit. Either way, are those options higher damage than 49?

After :3::3::K:, you can do :7::K::Link::6::P::+::K::K::K:. It works on most of the cast but it won't work on heavier characters and it won't work from a far distance. Other options are to use :P::+::K::6_::K::K: or :6::P::K::2::K:


Active Member
Yeah my main problem was when it hits from a far distance. I was trying to find the best option from there and not waste a launch.


New Member
Hey guys I'm learning Tina and Kasumi
Tina has some really nice setups for Critical burst combos
what are some good options into CB for Kasumi or is her game plan/playstyle not focused on CBs like Tina?
I think 66KK is her best option for starting a CB combo, but she's generally not focused on CB.

What is Kasumi's most damaging combo after her 236 throw? I can't seem to get any more damage off of it than I would for a regular throw. Also what are you guys using for her BnBs?


Active Member
I think 66KK is her best option for starting a CB combo, but she's generally not focused on CB.

What is Kasumi's most damaging combo after her 236 throw? I can't seem to get any more damage off of it than I would for a regular throw. Also what are you guys using for her BnBs?

66KK is risky because even if the first hit connects the second hit can be held. At least by the cpu on fast setting. For BnB's its up to you. on a stunned opponent :6::P:, :6::K:, :3::P: are some moves that can extend the stun. :8::K: , :236::P:, :3::3::K: are some launchers but in my experience 33K is stance dependent for juggles. once the opponent is launched :P::P::7::K: :P+K: has never failed me to end a combo.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
I think 66KK is her best option for starting a CB combo, but she's generally not focused on CB.

What is Kasumi's most damaging combo after her 236 throw? I can't seem to get any more damage off of it than I would for a regular throw. Also what are you guys using for her BnBs?

Her BnB's change depending on what you launch with. Unlike in doa4 where 6PKK could be applied to everything. Anyways, for her low grab 1H+P F+KK never misses unless the camera angles wrong but even still it really doesn't miss. From her 33K launch P+K6KK works every time. I have gotten it to miss but I am at super max range to the point where the knick barely touched to launch. Outside if that P+K6KK is what you want. It takes no timings, works on all weights, and you don't have to move to go into the juggle.

From her 236H+P her BnB is 6K PPKK it works on all weights and it takes no timing to do. You can also get PP6PK2K but some weird reason light weights can tech from if you do in on uneven ground. So the first juggle is the BnB.

As far as her most damaging juggles from the throw. It depends on the weight class, without a wall I am getting 92 to 107 pts of damage on a holding opponent. Without them holding it ranges from 65-69 points of damage. I am still trying to find better juggles but the ones I have looks like it's the best she can do. which is bad news for casuals and beginning players that are looking to play her on a serious note.

I will be making very big posts on her soon. In about a week if I keep at the pace I am at now.

There's quite a bit I keep finding with her. Some good and some bad. I may end up starting a blog on her and linking it here.


Active Member
is it me or are these combos HELLA hard to do?

I'm talking about the teleport combos starting at 0:36 and after

the timing for her flip kick into teleport cancel and juggle combos are hella hard to time it.... right? or am I just not doing something right. I can land the teleport cancel into jab jab flip kick again, but the timing is freaking hard as hell. if it's THIS hard to time it in a real game, then I have a feeling that these combos are only meant for show and not really dependable or relying in a real game.

edit: actually, my problem is that Kasumi doesn't teleport in FRONT of the enemy, instead she crosses up and goes behind the training dummy. why is that? I see in videos that the training dummy is right in front of Kasumi when she teleports

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Yes, that timing on her teleport gets strict once you begin putting them into big juggles. The high damaging ones for the most part. So it's not you.

All of those juggles except for 2 setups into a juggle were pointless or for show. I mean pointless as in the damage output is weak or they were not guaranteed.

She will cross up on your opponent depending on what you launch with, the weight class, and if you attack for the teleport. For ex. Doing KK7k 6P+K on a light weight BT, you'll cross them up. There are many other ways this will happen to you as well. I see you are coming across them. You can stop that from happening by attacking from the teleport or learning how to do a quick juggle from the cross up. But that is if you launch high enough to do that. So you'd want to attack to from the teleport until you get that coordination down.


Active Member
Her cross up is annoying. She's become way more technical now. Very fun, though. Her KK7K is so awkward to use since I've never once thought it was useful until DOA5.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
is it me or are these combos HELLA hard to do?

I'm talking about the teleport combos starting at 0:36 and after

the timing for her flip kick into teleport cancel and juggle combos are hella hard to time it.... right? or am I just not doing something right. I can land the teleport cancel into jab jab flip kick again, but the timing is freaking hard as hell. if it's THIS hard to time it in a real game, then I have a feeling that these combos are only meant for show and not really dependable or relying in a real game.

edit: actually, my problem is that Kasumi doesn't teleport in FRONT of the enemy, instead she crosses up and goes behind the training dummy. why is that? I see in videos that the training dummy is right in front of Kasumi when she teleports
Out of that video, I found 1 useful. I could be wrong (so correct me), but just 1: :236::F::Link::P::P::P::h:(hold cancel):Link::4::P::K::K:

Then the others had a lot to do with stage damage, but that's not always guaranteed. This 1 I started using when I went back to break her down more after we sparred a few Allan.


Active Member
how do you do that move where she kinda spins around, and does a teleport grab, where she dashes across the opponent with high damage leaving cherry blossoms behind her?


Active Member
how do you do that move where she kinda spins around, and does a teleport grab, where she dashes across the opponent with high damage leaving cherry blossoms behind her?

There are multiple ways. 33T is one. :3::P+K: then T is another. Does 65 damage normally, 97 as high counter.