Final Fantasy Thread

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Final Fantasy XV Ultimania was announced:


It will include info about the game and it's development, interviews, maps and artworks and be 752(!!) pages thick...and exclusive to Japan of course... :/
Don't fret. You can always get this from Play Asia or Amazon :)

My mom would flip out if she saw that, lol. XD

But yeah even FF has to be careful regarding religious stuff like this.
Okay, now I'm DEFINITELY starting to believe that your mom works for Westboro Baptist Church lol


Premium Donor
Don't fret. You can always get this from Play Asia or Amazon :)

Okay, now I'm DEFINITELY starting to believe that your mom works for Westboro Baptist Church lol
She's not THAT bad XD(Types this as I listen to music in my room she wouldn't allow me to without a lecture first.)

I downloaded the pdf, and from those first 22 preview pages I've read it looks really promising! It even has the controls and game mechanics~


Well-Known Member
So far, the general consensus of people who played the game seems to be a 6 or 7 out of 10. I read this from players on 4chan so take it with a grain of salt, because some other people are claiming it's another videogame Titanic and others are claiming that XIII is not the shittiest anymore.
Now let's just all wait a "The Final Fantasy Cicle" image macro and it will be the cherry on the cake.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So far, the general consensus of people who played the game seems to be a 6 or 7 out of 10. I read this from players on 4chan so take it with a grain of salt, because some other people are claiming it's another videogame Titanic and others are claiming that XIII is not the shittiest anymore.
Now let's just all wait a "The Final Fantasy Cicle" image macro and it will be the cherry on the cake.
I'll bet my own copy of Tekken Advance that a majority of them are close-minded nostalgia hipsters who were never giving it a chance to begin with, fanboys who will unreasonably defend the game to the death, or trolls that exaggerate one or two flaws they heard about and suddenly it's magically a bad game.

Until I see a review on some ExoParadigmGamer levels of depth, I'm not taking it seriously.


Well-Known Member
And I bet my Italian-language copy of Tales of Symphonia that the majority of them doesn't even know FF or has played one of them. They just want to see games fail because of schadenfreude.

It's good to be skeptica but outright negative all the time because it's fun is useless and as bad as fanboying something as the next coming of Jesus.


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How can a game with an art count down like this until release have so many haters? ;)


OMG, so awesome... XD

So far, the general consensus of people who played the game seems to be a 6 or 7 out of 10. I read this from players on 4chan so take it with a grain of salt, because some other people are claiming it's another videogame Titanic and others are claiming that XIII is not the shittiest anymore.
Now let's just all wait a "The Final Fantasy Cicle" image macro and it will be the cherry on the cake.

In other big forums this looks a little different. Over on Neogaf there are a lot of people who really like it.
A common criticism many unfortunately have in common is the game apparently having a lackluster story... :/
Can someone explain to me why a game that they've worked on for so long and hard and that swallowed so much money can have a lackluster story? How can that even be possible? You would think they had all the able and talented people and all the time in the world to really polish it. It's not that hard to create a nice and interesting story.


Well-Known Member
I tell you the reason...
Dissidia writer. Cut and paste job from Versus XIII. Changes, changes, dev hell.

Tabata wanted to create an open world FF. I doubt story was his priority so a lot of resources probably went into the game stuff and into the little things like cooking and photographing.

Nomura's game was Kingdom Hearts without Disney in a dark setting, so a very linear story heavy game with fast paced action full of wow factor. No open world (the engine was unfit for it too), no little things.
Even something as the Stella -> Luna change shows they probably did a patchwork job with his concepts (Versus XIII' story and scenario was completely written apparently).
It's highly probable that it was as confusing as Kingdom Hearts titles after the first, so they wanted to streamline it.

Then... As I said... God the (re)writer is the same as DISSIDIA... A game where everyone talks super philosophically about teeanger level perceptions of teamwork and friendship. As soon as I read who wrote it I knew it was gonna be lackluster.

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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well, we should wait and see for ourselves how the story is... It's impressions of random internet people who were very lucky to get their copies first. And some most definitely use a moment like this to troll.
I really wished they wouldn't ship out/sell a game over a week before release. Why did they even delay the game for two whole months if selling it over a week early is possible after all?
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Well-Known Member
It happens sadly. Videogame companies and people need to have stricter rules and need better personnel that keeps their mouth shut and their phones outside.

Communication nowdays is very wide. It released in Peru and Saudi Arabia first. Once nobody would've known anything but now internet is bigger than before and a Peruvian guy streamed a lot of the game, including the ending and crucial middle game scenes.

Not to mention nowdays crucial leaks happen even before games are out.
Example: Smash 4's roster.

This is why some people just leave some social networks such as 4chan, tumblr and etc before the game releases.

Square tried their best by axing streams but even them some things leaked even before the game released...


Well-Known Member
I'll watch the cutscenes and see how the story goes for myself which is also partly why I'm avoiding spoilers as best as I can.

But its not my main reason for playibg XV, I've never been super big on its story even from when I first saw it.

As long as the gameplay is good, I'll play anything with awful story.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
But its not my main reason for playibg XV, I've never been super big on its story even from when I first saw it.

As long as the gameplay is good, I'll play anything with awful story.

We are for once on the same page, Grunt. While I'd love me a good story, I prefer FFXV's amazing game world and all that I can do in there much more. That was what actually drew me in many years ago and kept me interested until now. I loved exploring the comparatively llimited Duscae hours upon hours (I have spent over 30 hours there by now) and I would have loved exploring Judgment Disc even more, if I hadn't been so afraid to spoil myself all the fun before the game releases. Therefore I stuck to the main objective and finished it without much exploring in 3-4 hours. But what I got a glimpse of on the sidelines was again at least 30 hours worth of open-world bliss. XD
Yeah, so even if the story isn't the best, I will still enjoy the game, I know that for sure already.


Well-Known Member
I'd agree, the world of Eos they've created is more than just the story of Noctis etc, Its every little area and town and every sidequest and city. I'm so excited for that and that's what will make the world so much more interesting thwnvthe main story though of course the main story will still have a big partnin that. Not to mention we are going off of the opinions of other people on the story so they don't have the absolute say on if you like the story or not that's up to you to decide.

I personally enjoyed XIII's story and lol don't worry you don't have to remind me how that's not a popular opinion, But I didn't let the fact that other people didn't like it stop me from liking it.

I'm going to go into FFXV open minded about the story and if I like it I like it and if I don't I don't.


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The consensus seems to be it is not a great story but is less convoluted and more intimate than XIII and overall better. ;)
People just had very high expectations of the story and they had hoped for one on par with the greatest of FF if not even better.

I just called the game store where I preordered my copy. They said they are not sure yet but it might be delivered to them on Saturday. If not they will have it on Monday, one day before official release. :/
*insert give it to me now reaction gif here*


Premium Donor
Regardless of the story I'll still get the game anyway, I need something to play besides SKEV and DOA5LR since those are both dead atm.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to point out that FFXV scenario writers are Nojima (who also wrote FFVII, VIII, X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2, Type-0) and Itamuro (who wrote the additional scenarios in Dissidia 012), the original Dissidia story was written by Watanabe. I don't expect a mediocre story at all, considering that I even liked XIII and thought the Type-0 one was fine (despite it being confusing and its bad execution), XIII-2 was a mess though.

Anyways, the story, while is an important element in a FF game, is not the only thing that makes it. Those who say that the game "sucks" just because of the story are dumb. Besides, I bet most of those people, who are saying things about FFXV story, only watched some of the cutscenes or the ending, and how can you even make a judgement without knowing the context?
Imo, gameplay and its different systems are more important than the story.
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Well-Known Member
I'd say that the story is important.
An offensively bad story can ruin a game for me and many others, especially in a narrative driven game like certain FFs (this one included since it starts with the guys pushing a car in a symbolic way).

Saying it does not matter feels like a cop out to me, disrespectful to all the work put into it...


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I'd say that the story is important.
An offensively bad story can ruin a game for me and many others, especially in a narrative driven game like certain FFs (this one included since it starts with the guys pushing a car in a symbolic way).
That never stopped Final Fantasy 5 from being awesome, and it had a lighthearted story that was comparable to a campy, action-oriented Saturday morning cartoon show, complete with cheesy villains you can't help but love to hate.


Well-Known Member
The story is definitely important. The chances of FFXV having a "bad" story I feel like are very small. If people have hyped it up a lot then It might not live up to their expectations but that doesn't make it bad. Not to mention if these people are just judging it on seeing some cutscenes then that makes no sense to judge it on that.

Also some people seem to be talking almost like it's already been decided for everyone that it's a fact the story's bad? We won't know until we all play it for ourselves.

Also I'm thinking of doing what I did for the movie once I complete the game and writing a huge post about my opinions on it. ( in spoilers ) And writing about what was good and bad since I'm sure there will be moments where I'm thinking both.