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Well-Known Member
Why are you so sure that it will be paid? Outside the pass content announcement (which may be inaccurate or was misinterpreted), they never showed any sign of charging for a new stage.

Like I said before; why would they start charging now?
They write consistently over trailer and digital stores is good enough for me to be sure.

They can start charging anything they want out of the blue. The problem is, you currently only know that there will be a new, paid stage alongside a few unknown costume packs from the season pass outline. What if the stage has a new feature that has never been implemented before? Or a stage that's designed by another artist based on an anime or a game?

They never charged extra for a costume either back in the day, but they finally did it for the cross-over and breakable costumes.


Well-Known Member
They write consistently over trailer and digital stores is good enough for me to be sure.

How do we know that they mentioned the new stage just as a way of announcing it and that it will still be free?

What if the stage has a new feature that has never been implemented before?

That doesn't seem enough to justify charging for a stage. Besides, any new gameplay feature in a stage should be saved for 6.

They never charged extra for a costume either back in the day, but they finally did it for the cross-over and breakable costumes.

Those have no impact in gameplay at all. Charging for a new character meanwhile makes sense since developing a new character takes far more resources (even if they did go against their word of not wanting to charge for dlc characters).


Premium Donor
How do we know that they mentioned the new stage just as a way of announcing it and that it will still be free?

That doesn't seem enough to justify charging for a stage. Besides, any new gameplay feature in a stage should be saved for 6.

Those have no impact in gameplay at all. Charging for a new character meanwhile makes sense since developing a new character takes far more resources (even if they did go against their word of not wanting to charge for dlc characters).
Well, the costumes can actually have an impact in some cases. When I do ranked, I intentionally choose my fighter's most revealing outfits so that if someone who st young is playing with their parents in the room, you'll know by a sudden and abrupt RQ. I was playing against one young boy this one time and I chose legend Lisa, and the exchange with his grandfather went like this over his mic:
:genfu:~What game are you....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYIN'?! IS THAT A STRIPPER?!
:eliot:~I don't know nuthin' man-

And as expected, the guy RQ a short while later because the grandfather made him cut the game off. It was a dirty move on my part, but it helped. :p


Premium Donor
Should have picked Mariposas DOAX2 stringkini
I probably should have, but I didn't have it around that time. I bought it like a month or two later when I bought Kasumi and Ayane's DLC from that same pack. Just know that if someone RQs prematurely, your chosen costume could be the cause XD


Well-Known Member
1. How do we know that they mentioned the new stage just as a way of announcing it and that it will still be free?
2. That doesn't seem enough to justify charging for a stage. Besides, any new gameplay feature in a stage should be saved for 6.
3. Those have no impact in gameplay at all. Charging for a new character meanwhile makes sense since developing a new character takes far more resources (even if they did go against their word of not wanting to charge for dlc characters).
1. Let's say you have several products coming up. Then you give a bundle promotion for your upcoming products. Under that bundle promotion, you give your customer a line-up of the upcoming products. Would you write something that's not supposed to be included in the bundle - all over the ads and without info that it's actually not part of the bundle?

2. 'Should'. That's what you think. I think Marie Rose, Honoka, Nyotengu, Raidou 'should' be included only in DOA6, instead of as DOA5 DLC. But I'm not TN and TN got their very own plan for DOA5.

3. Have impact or not, they still can sell it.

LOL. Why so hard to accept that it's paid now? Of course you guys can be disappointed when it turned out to be another non-special stage, but right now you don't even know the complete offer yet.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Why so hard to accept that it's paid now? Of course you guys can be disappointed when it turned out to be another non-special stage, but right now you don't even know the complete offer yet.

We don't know for sure that the new stage is free, you keep claiming its paid as if its the absolute truth. I'm willing to accept it if it was paid but until then, when WE DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE YET, I will personally assume otherwise.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem.

Some of you see ads. Some of you see something that was free turned as paid throughout the ads. Some of you don't want to believe and keep denying the used-to-be-free product is now paid despite of how clear they are hinting it as paid. Some of you place yourself as TN and think a stage should never be a paid product.

Again, like I said. Let's say you are going to sell parcels for 2016 Christmas. You give an outline as the following: Bottle of Wine, Chocolate Bars, Bags of Lays, and a Can of New-Flavour Pringles. Why in the world would you put "Can of New-Flavour Pringles" in the outline of the 2016 Christmas Parcel if it's not part of it? Would you really want to advertise the new Pringles under the ads of 2016 Christmas Parcel without further info?

I didn't claim it out of air. I was surprised at first, but then I see it being consistently advertised as clear as below which no longer gives me an impression of being misadvertised. I don't see a reason to be unsure of a well-done, direct Season Pass outline.



Well-Known Member
I didn't claim it out of air. I was surprised at first, but then I see it being consistently advertised as clear as below which no longer gives me an impression of being misadvertised. I don't see a reason to be unsure of a well-done, direct Season Pass outline.

Has it not occurred to you that they mentioned the stage in the pass as a means to announce it but still release it separately for free?

Ok, maybe I am in denial over the whole thing, but as I have said before; we don't know for sure yet whether or not it is indeed paid just based off those ads simply due to the fact that TN has said NOTHING about it yet.

Again, I fully acknowledge that there is evidence that it might be paid (and will concede to your reasoning if this is the case) based on whats shown but since there's no confirmation yet, it's NOT YET FACT.

Having said all that, if the stage is indeed paid, what stage do you guys want to see remade that you WILL pay for? So long as the price is reasonable (no more than $5), I'll buy a remake of Koku An just to have the snowman back.


Premium Donor
A paid stage is a strange idea, what happens if one of the players doesnt have the stage and the other guy picks it? Is it locked out in that case? What if its picked in random select?
That's exactly what I thought. Someone said a while back though that it's possible to still technically play in the stage, your online lobby friend just has to select it for you.


Well-Known Member
A paid stage is a strange idea, what happens if one of the players doesnt have the stage and the other guy picks it? Is it locked out in that case? What if its picked in random select?

the answer is , you got to play at that stage..same with Dark Soul DLC

all player will be force to download the stage but in game menu it still lock


Well-Known Member
the answer is , you got to play at that stage..same with Dark Soul DLC

all player will be force to download the stage but in game menu it still lock

Does that mean we can get around the lock by setting random stage filter to ONLY the new stage?


Well-Known Member
If you didn't buy the stage, you still can play against someone, who bought it. (same system in Street Fighter V)


Well-Known Member
Does that mean we can get around the lock by setting random stage filter to ONLY the new stage?
You probably can't even pick the new stage in the random filter if you don't have it. It'd most likely work how characters you don't have do


Well-Known Member
You probably can't even pick the new stage in the random filter if you don't have it. It'd most likely work how characters you don't have do

That makes sense. This new stage better be the single greatest stage EVER MADE if they seriously expect us to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This new stage better be the single greatest stage EVER MADE if they seriously expect us to pay for it.

Aerial Gardens it is then (DOA2 Ultimate version)! Played DOA2 Ultimate just a couple of days ago and the stage graphically still holds up today. It actually even has better textures and water effects than anything in DOA5...which is kinda sad. >__>

They could literally just port it from the original Xbox and dowgrade the textures and water effects slightly to fit the PS4's and Xbone's needs.


Well-Known Member
I've never played doa2 ultimate so I don't really know much about Aerial Gardens but it looks really good. And doa5 needs a stage with rain as well. The characters would probably start off at max wetness meter in that stage.
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