See, this is the problem I have with this community. People like to treat each other like bitches rather than actually play the game.
People have spent too much time being trolls and forgot what this is all about. Self improvement? Fuck that, I'm picking this zero execution cheap thing right here, lol u a jok.
In a community where people are extremely lazy and people drop characters for bandwagons and one-man-army types, it's no wonder when someone actually semi-competent bodies a whole lot of people with a supposedly shit character in a tourney.
Nah, fuck this..
I don't treat anyone like a bitch nor do I appreciate being "called out" for it when some of your more known players have been known to be disrespectful to people who have helped others in the game because they said some shit they didn't like or agree with.
You(should) know damn well what you were getting into when you pick Bass Armstrong just as any Akira, Jacky or Ein player knows what they are getting into when they go into training mode. Stop resenting the people who play top teir because your character is hard because frankly I am sick of reading it to be honest. I respect people who play those characters and learn them yet you guys are constantly taking snide underhanded potshots at people who play those characters you hate because they aren't Awesmic, E-Mann, Mr. Kwiggle or Sweet Revenge.
Furthermore people pick different characters for different reasons. I picked Christie because I like how she fights and moves. She kept me coming back into a game I was originally going to overlook. They could nerf her into the shit tier and I would still play her. Actually, I am HOPING they nerf her so some of you people could shut the hell up about her being "OMG TOO OP TOO OP"
Since we are talking about problems and things we hate in the "FGC", let me rag on this bullshit "patch culture" we have in fighting games nowadays. People don't want to sit down and learn how to beat something or avoid bad situations so they cry on social media or cry to community managers about something being "OP OP TOO OP" so we get a billion patches that make a game worse than it originally was balance wise and generally turns a good game into somewhat of a clusterfuck. When they realize all these dumb ass patches don't address the real problem(people not wanting to learn a matchup properly) they shit on the people who do play a character they have trouble with. Its not just a problem here either its across the board in the FGC.
TL;DR Don't fuck with me because I decide to poke fun at how whinny some people are and if you are going to fire off shots at someone fire them off at people who actually DO treat people like bitches and do disrespectful shit. And please for the love of god exercise good shot placement please.