The outfits are always been part of the identity of the DoA series, especially in the past when it was one of the few fighting series to have a focus on the quantity and diversity on them compared to the recolored skins for all the roster of other series. It's not a surprise (and instead, I'm grateful of) that this is remained a costant along all these years, even more in a circumstance like this considering that they are coming from the designs of the fans (and in a good part, just from this site!).
The solution is like always not an extreme but rather a middle way. It's great that TN is showing the new outfits, but people love DoA even for the fighting side (of course). Considering how, despite the general presentations of the game, TN really put efforts in developing the mecahnics of the game and improving them, it would be necessary to show an equal focus on both the aspects, in the same trailer or different ones. This is not different from when people ask fanservice outfits and proper ones, focus on females and males too.