New Costumes of Last Round

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New Member
Each person has a preference so it's technically a bit one-sided in general depending on the person. That said, I don't mind female fanservice as long as it is done right. (i.e. something original/unique, not copypasted on others)

For what I think about the cow themed outfits, I just don't like it simply because it isn't my style. At most, I prefer Honoka's skull & crossbone shirt + camo skirt.

I'm right there with you dude! I don't have a problem with the fan service stuff either. If I like the costumes, I'll buy them. If I think the costumes suck (bikinis, cough), I'll skip that pack.

But I find it absolutely ridiculous that people scream "sexual objectification" when the girls get fetish costumes, but when the guys get fetish stuff everything is a-ok!!! But you're right, it depends on the person.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to pick a fight, but isn't it a bit hypocritical to complain about Honoka's cow themed outfits, but at the same time say Jacky's costume is ok? It kinda comes off as fanservice for straight men i = bad, but fanservice for gay men/women = good. Last time I checked, two wrongs don't make a right.....
I haven't seen anyone complain, but rather make jokes at it because it's funny or a bad pun...

Also, the reason people are okay with the guys getting costumes like this is because the guys hardly ever do. If you're going to objectify the characters in your game, don't make it so obviously one-sided. Also, objectification depends on the person, maybe rather than saying, "I'd fuck the shit out of him/her." which would be sexual objectification, it's more like "Wow, he/she looks really good looking in this outfit!!" or "I really like this addition, especially since "blank" hardly ever gets nice costumes or even costumes in general!!"...

Sure, from a design standpoint, Jacky's isn't the best, but it adds to something that hardly even exists in the game to begin with. Many things are sexual because people deem them sexual, not because it actually is. It's possible to be sexy without looking cheap and uninspired. Jacky's costume is not any more fetish-y than Jann Lee's shirtless costumes, it's not the same as the girls costumes at all IMO.

If we took your logic literally, no one would ever have even a slightly sexy costume. People want moderation in sexy costumes, the girls are WAY over-loaded with sexual fetish garbage, while the guys hardly have even 1 or 2 sexy costumes.

Moderation is key, and that's what people want.


Well-Known Member
I always think just the same thing! XD
This one:

Compared to everyone elses, it REALLY went under the radar!
Can I be a san and ask everyone for random support... theres still time!



Well-Known Member
We should also note, that even though Mila won the match, they showed off Jacky in his loser animation:

Very likely for a joke related to his line ("I can't believe I lose, I can't lose yet").

@kabukisama Like I've already said I have no problem with both the outfits for Honoka and Jacky. However like was already answered to you, this is more a matter related to the tastes of the people and on the presence of the factor. The game is full of fanservice outfits for females and in the opposite situation for the males. In general a sexy outfit for a guy could be seen as a fresh news even for who is not interested at all in male fanservice, while another sexy outfit for a gal could be considered excessive even for who is interested in female fanservice.

A perfect example that can give an evidence of this "thesis" is Ein's case: apparently Team NINJA play with the fact that Ein is homosexual (or at least basically all his outfits appear excessively shabbily for the standard of a man). The fanbase of the character is tired to get such outfits and would like to get something more classic, in style of what given to the character in the old DoA2. Be sure that putting Ein in place of Jacky for this outfit just revealed, now you could attend exactly to the opposite reactions or almost.
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Well-Known Member
We should also note, that even though Mila won the match, they showed off Jacky in his loser animation:


What happened to Team Ninja? :confused:'

It doesn't really look like a shirt pulled over the head though (I know, it is supposed to be)... It does look kinda weird and extremely skimpy on purpose.

To show how the overall costume looks like? I dunno.

I was wondering about it as well. I mean, maybe it is a cropped shirt? Normally, if someone pulled their shirt over their head, the back doesn't look more than halfway exposed as Jacky's but I'm not complaining either.

Desert necromancy. Or Marauding necromancer...

Ah who cares about making a clever combination of the two? Just get that Necrotengu and Desert Marauder Leon up in here, already.

I'd call it "Desert Harpy".


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Standard Donor
A perfect example that can give an evidence of this "thesis" is Ein's case: apparently Team NINJA play with the fact that Ein is homosexual...

Lol, I don't think they are trying to tell us, Ein is gay, but they tried to give the stern and self-contained Hayate some sort of a more revealing, flamboyant character as a contrast. ;) I also think, that Ein is basically an Itagaki self-insert into DOA. Some kind of super cool, badass 80s rockstar type.
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Well-Known Member
We should also note, that even though Mila won the match, they showed off Jacky in his loser animation:


What happened to Team Ninja? :confused:'

It doesn't really look like a shirt pulled over the head though (I know, it is supposed to be)... It does look kinda weird and extremely skimpy on purpose.

Oh I didn't even see the back. That's interesting.

Lol, I don't think they are trying to tell us, Ein is gay, but they tried to give the stern and self-contained Hayate some sort of a more revealing, flamboyant character as a contrast. ;) I also think, that Ein is basically an Itagaki self-insert into DOA. Some kind of super cool, badass 80s rockstar type.

I never said that????????


Well-Known Member
@Blash I liked your design and I'm sorry that it wasn't chosen from TN. I don't think that they will add a second outfit for Tina at the release of Last Round, but after all they have never said to use the sent designs only for a circumstance. Maybe we could get in the next months an additional DLC (maybe not for all the characters) with other fan designs from both the contests, hopefully in waiting of a third one =)

I was wondering about it as well. I mean, maybe it is a cropped shirt? Normally, if someone pulled their shirt over their head, the back doesn't look more than halfway exposed as Jacky's but I'm not complaining either.

I just discovered that exist very similar male thermal shrugs (I made a rough translation, I don't know the technical name in English) done exactly with this shape, with the function to relieve muscle pains:



Of course I could be totally wrong, but a possible supposition of mine is that the designer got inspiration from it (something that effectively could be related to a martial artist), for creating a fashion outfit. Liking it or not, if the process was really this I make all my congratulations to him, it's really a proof of creativity.

Other than maybe some of his costumes, nothing about Ein really says "gay" or "flamboyant" to me??? /shrug...

My bad, I had to clarify that I was talking exclusively of his outfits, not of his personality or behavior that it's remained the same from DoA2.
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Well-Known Member
@Blash I liked your design and I'm sorry that it was chosen from TN. I don't think that they will add a second outfit for Tina at the release of Last Round, but after all they have never said to use the sent designs only for a circumstance. Maybe we could get in the next months an additional pack of designs outfits (maybe not for all the characters) with other fan designs from both the contests, hopefully in waiting of a third one =)

Thanks :) Really great to hear someone here liked it. The competition from this site alone was awesome, with pretty much all the winners being regular posters.

Im holding out for a later release, I know it won't be a LR day 1 release, but yeah... heres hoping for the future!


Well-Known Member
Thanks :) Really great to hear someone here liked it. The competition from this site alone was awesome, with pretty much all the winners being regular posters.

Im holding out for a later release, I know it won't be a LR day 1 release, but yeah... heres hoping for the future!

I could be wrong but I think to remember that your outfit got a certain degree of popularity both here than on DOAW.

People are already asking for new DLC packs with fan designs together with the usual requests for new Casual and Legacy. Instead than asking to TN directly for adding your outfit, I suggest to you to start to make similar requests ;)

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I just discovered that exist very similar male thermal shrugs (I made a rough translation, I don't know the technical name in English) done exactly with this shape, with the function to relieve muscle pains:



lmao what was the purpose of that guy being in his underwear anyway? XD

Jacky's outfit reminds me of those parties where after everyone has had a little too much to drink there's sometimes that one guy who's full of himself and either takes his shirt off or pulls the shirt over his head to show off his six pack. So I see Jacky as being cocky like that which I think matches his personality pretty well.


New Member
I haven't seen anyone complain, but rather make jokes at it because it's funny or a bad pun...

Also, the reason people are okay with the guys getting costumes like this is because the guys hardly ever do. If you're going to objectify the characters in your game, don't make it so obviously one-sided. Also, objectification depends on the person, maybe rather than saying, "I'd fuck the shit out of him/her." which would be sexual objectification, it's more like "Wow, he/she looks really good looking in this outfit!!" or "I really like this addition, especially since "blank" hardly ever gets nice costumes or even costumes in general!!"...

Sure, from a design standpoint, Jacky's isn't the best, but it adds to something that hardly even exists in the game to begin with. Many things are sexual because people deem them sexual, not because it actually is. It's possible to be sexy without looking cheap and uninspired. Jacky's costume is not any more fetish-y than Jann Lee's shirtless costumes, it's not the same as the girls costumes at all IMO.

If we took your logic literally, no one would ever have even a slightly sexy costume. People want moderation in sexy costumes, the girls are WAY over-loaded with sexual fetish garbage, while the guys hardly have even 1 or 2 sexy costumes.

Moderation is key, and that's what people want.

Check out the Facebook comments a tell me that Jacky's costume is not manservice. Remember, sexy is subjective. But, I have to agree with you're moderation point. You are dead on about that.

But I don't understand why female fanservice is hated but manservice not only welcomed but encouraged. Just look at how much praise the movie Magic Mike received but Sucker Punch was lambasted. Maybe it's a western thing?

My friends and I used to play DOA back in the day and we would just laugh at the bouncing boobs/maid costumes, shrug it off, and enjoy the game. Now everyone seems to slip into the "riot of the blood" mode when the see stuff like this lol. I just wish people would have more of a "les a fair" attitude like the Japanese when it comes to things like this.

It's nice to talk to people about stuff like this without mudslinging! Peace!


Well-Known Member
So... Me and a few other female and gay male players have been badgering TN to sexualize the male cast through Twitter and email for the past 5 months or so. Yes, I'm actually serious. If you like these costumes please tweet thank you to TN. I'm not taking any credit, obviously we didn't just persuade TN to include costumes that sexualize the men. Maybe they just added it on their own. And if you don't like it that's fine. I'm not a huge fan of seeing Salad with a cow shirt. I can't believe they were listening! :)

We should also note, that even though Mila won the match, they showed off Jacky in his loser animation:


What happened to Team Ninja? :confused:'

It doesn't really look like a shirt pulled over the head though (I know, it is supposed to be)... It does look kinda weird and extremely skimpy on purpose.
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Well-Known Member
@lotr9690 Nothing against a general sexualization of the male characters, but to say the truth this time TN - with the only exception of Alpha - seems to want add only outfits appeared in the contest and maybe without neither switching them between the characters (I think possible that this can be an answer to the complaints received from the fans in their choices for the last Hallowen pack). Jacky didn't get too much designs in the first contest and this entry is almost identical to one of the outfits sent to them: I really think that they simple decided to use the design that they liked more, not to act deliberately for sexualizing Jacky or the guys of the roster.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't expect another teaser so soon.

So far we had these teasers :
- Ayane vs Hitomi
- Brad vs Kokoro
- Raidou vs Kasumi, Hayate, Ryu
- Christie vs Sarah
- Bayman vs Phase-4
- Gen Fu vs Eliot
- Mila vs Jacky

And Marie-Rose, Lei Fang, Tina, Rig, Rachel were officially shown BUT not in motion.

I can see Lisa vs Ein, Momiji vs Rachel, Jann Lee vs Lei Fang, Tina vs Bass, Leon vs Zack, Akira vs Pai and Helena in her own trailer in Great Opera, featuring her incredible opera dress and her amazing new hairstyle.
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