New Costumes of Last Round

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Well-Known Member
Jacky was the only male of the game to not show never the pectoral (people used his sweaty undershirt as a surrogate of it XD), now I believe that all the interested to the male fanservice will be glad for this addition in his vestiary XD

In any cases it seems to me a crazy but cool outfit =)


Well-Known Member
That "shirt" might as well not even be there, but it's nice to see the guys getting more costumes, and good ones at that.

I love that Mila outfit, it's probably her best IMO considering most(not all) of her outfits are really boring af...

EDIT: Also, the muscle definition looks a tad bit better on the guys, still could look a lot more improved, but w/e... I just hope it actually looks like they have a chest and not nearly invisible nipples lol(how did that even happen to begin with?)
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Have to agree. It's cool, that the men of DOA already got some really fanservicy costumes for Last Round (Eliot, Brad, Rig, Jacky...) and @ all the insecure super heterosexuals: Lol, cry me a river! XD, but the design of Jacky's costume is imho still a train wreck. >.<


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For once Ein is not the target of lame ass outfits.


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Even better to everyone here @Brute & @Kronin - TN twitter added "#Chris from Bronx NY" A Jacky costume as if I main Jacky. Now I don't know how I feel.

But you guys want to know something towards you all? Make sure to read this because it's at the bottom of my cold steel heart, which I never ever speak about because I normally do not have any emotions as long as I kick ass.

Thank you...Not because of the outfit because I never created it.

Thank for you those that watched that Jacky video I had, knowing that it was just a combo exhibition for shits and giggles because they sleep on the man like they sleeping on spikes. Right now, he probably got a big ass nerf (inside joke) from that last combo video, but screw it. From a visionary perspective...he got a buff in an outfit (I guess he did, don't know). I don't necessarily main Jacky but I'll try him out more at some point now. My hopes right now is Akira, perhaps Bananakira didn't pick up the Bananaphone indeed..but I truly hope they give something to my main character. So once again, shout out to those that support it.

So here is a video to those that missed it for Jacky. Just picture Jacky's outfit in it or some shit. I don't know:

So yeah, thank you all. @Tyaren @Brute @Rawbietussin @Argentus @Aerospark @Chapstick @Yurlungur

I'm out.
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New Member
I'm not trying to pick a fight, but isn't it a bit hypocritical to complain about Honoka's cow themed outfits, but at the same time say Jacky's costume is ok? It kinda comes off as fanservice for straight men i = bad, but fanservice for gay men/women = good. Last time I checked, two wrongs don't make a right.....


Well-Known Member
I'm an hetero guy but I like both "Milky Way" Honoka and Jacky's "Wrong Washing" ;)

PS: By the way people, the Honoka's cow themed outfits want be ironical rather than sexy. Fetish outfits as nurse or maids, even if covering the skin, should be the ones considered pure female fanservice (imo).

The milk joke on Honoka doesn't appear to me different from the scene with Christie and Eliot, even if in that circumstance is actually the male to be teased. The concept to associate female breasts to milk was included even in that episode from the story and no one complained about (I think because is evident the not serious effect).
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New Member
Because jacky's costume doesn't have an extremely immature joke going like "LOL LARGE TITTIES MILK HER"
Doesn't matter how "immature" the joke is. If something is being sexually objectified, then you should have a problem with it regardless of gender. But that doesn't seem to be case here. As I said before, it seems to be Hot Girl = Bad, but Hot Guy = good.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter how "immature" the joke is. If something is being sexually objectified, then you should have a problem with it regardless of gender. But that doesn't seem to be case here. As I said before, it seems to be Hot Girl = Bad, but Hot Guy = good.

No, bad joke is bad


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to pick a fight, but isn't it a bit hypocritical to complain about Honoka's cow themed outfits, but at the same time say Jacky's costume is ok? It kinda comes off as fanservice for straight men i = bad, but fanservice for gay men/women = good. Last time I checked, two wrongs don't make a right.....

Each person has a preference so it's technically a bit one-sided in general depending on the person. That said, I don't mind female fanservice as long as it is done right. (i.e. something original/unique, not copypasted on others)

For what I think about the cow themed outfits, I just don't like it simply because it isn't my style. At most, I prefer Honoka's skull & crossbone shirt + camo skirt.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter how "immature" the joke is. If something is being sexually objectified, then you should have a problem with it regardless of gender. But that doesn't seem to be case here. As I said before, it seems to be Hot Girl = Bad, but Hot Guy = good.

It's because it's excessive. That's it. That's the reason.

I think the cow outfits are cute and will probably be my main outfits of choice tho. But at the same time I'm lactose intolerant.

Also, idk if it's just me... but as a gay I find nothing sexual about Jacky's shirt. Like little kids do that all the time with their shirts wtf.


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We should also note, that even though Mila won the match, they showed off Jacky in his loser animation:


What happened to Team Ninja? :confused:'

but as a gay I find nothing sexual about Jacky's shirt. Like little kids do that all the time with their shirts wtf.

It doesn't really look like a shirt pulled over the head though (I know, it is supposed to be)... It does look kinda weird and extremely skimpy on purpose.
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