Checking out from what I could see from the designs, this is shaping up to be a decent pack, though there is definitely some room for improvement. Glad to see everyone's getting a costume this time. Anyways I'll drop my 2cents on this:
Pretty solid outfit all round though not necessarily special, looks good on him though! (7/10)
Drunken pirate look predicatably looks very solid on Brad! (8/10)
Another pirate outfit. Looks pretty decent on the old man despite being kinda generic (7/10)
A pretty decent outfit that looks good on her despite being a little on the plain side (6/10)
This would've been more interesting if it wasn't merely a recolour of LeiFang's oni costume, or at least a better colour (4/10)
Easily one of the best costumes (though that may not be saying much...) and suits Rig to a T. Looks pretty badass mostly despite being slightly cheesy (9/10)
This costume couldn't be any more fitting for Phase-4. One of the overall best costumes IMHO (Can you give this to Kasumi PLZ?) (10/10)
The costume's an interesting concept, however, the overall result looks uninspired (6/10)
The best overall costume IMO that combines beauty, attractiveness and has a great presence to it (10/10)
I agree with TN's decision to give this outfit to Rachel. It suits her 10x more than it suits Kasumi. (9/10)
I will say that the outfit doesn't look as terrible as I thought it would, but yeah... so much sideboob... (6/10)
Outfit seems like it was a good idea on paper, but in practise it doesn't really work that well (5/10)
Very solid outfit that suits the big man despite being a l'il cheesy (7/10)
Lol, Guess he's the YEAHMAN now... (6/10)
Well, this costume is a huge step up from last year's Barney the Green Dinosaur costume. Looks pretty good on him (7/10)
One of the better female costumes and suit Helena pretty damn well. Kinda over does the "spider/bat" theme though (8/10)
Not much comment on this. At least it physically doesn't look "bad". Also what's the deal with TN giving Sarah purple Halloween costumes? (3/10)
An interesting design, but there's just something very "meh" about it (5/10)
Essentially a shittier version of Hayabusa's costume (4/10)
Yeah, this doesn't really suit Bayman at all despite being a decent outfit in itself (3/10)
Well, at least this outfit suits Christie. Still, could TN have picked any more of an uninspired design? (4/10)
On paper this seems like a cool concept, but something just seems off about it (5/10)
I really, really feel bad for Mila fans now. First the abomination last year, and now this (1/10)
A pretty damn good costume and one of the better ones overall! Looks awesome (8/10)
Same as Pai. Would've been better if it wasn't pretty much a copy and paste outfit of Tina's. Colour is kinda meh too (4/10)
A cute costume, though not too special (6/10)
An adorable costume that suits Marie pretty well! (7/10)
I like this costume. Nice design and suits Momiji well! (8/10)
Lol, yeah... no comment. Dat pumpkin though! (3/10)
Eh, I see what TN was going for, but not feeling this one. Feels like a shittier version of Ayane's costume (4/10)
You know what? This would've been a pretty damn good costume if Ayane could've just put on a l'il more. It gets real cold on Halloween y'know? (7/10)
All things considered this pack will be alright, though some costume choices were fairly disappointing (and Mila's was a slap to the face), but there were more than a few good designs overall. On the bright side the males finally get their FIRST DLC pack of 2014 -_-! Also, umm... where's Alpha-152?