Well-Known Member
I know it's disingenuous, it still points out the fact that if there's so many doujins, porn and hentai of these characters, people must find something appealing about the character.
Not to mention, just because games like Street Fighter and Tekken doesn't bank on it's fanservice, doesn't mean they don't have any(which again, only falls to the fact people don't like it because it dares use it as an advertising factor.
And again, just because the developers divulge into it, does not mean the game suddenly suffers for it. This is the thing people fail to mention: The Asuka x Lili shenanigans have never affected gameplay, neither does Julia becoming Jaycee, Blazblue being anime fanservice or Elphelt and Ino in general for Gulity Gear. Sexual Pandering can be a pain, but despite how much I forward it, Soul Calibur is not a bad game and is damn good, so is Blazblue and DOA DESPITE those shenanigans, if they blind people into not playing them simply because of that and not any real concrete gameplay reasons, why should it matter?
I'd rather live in a world of idealism(black and white) then be stuck in cynicism till I commit suicide(color)
Considering they are doing their damnest to make DOA a competitive experience(through their own gain or not), I'm not really sure that's enough to make a statement on it's own past again, those insecure to the fanservice.
Despite what you say, all fighting games do indulge in fanservice(trust me, all the games I stated? I played), DOA being the one that advertises it should not be shamed simply because of it, I'd rather a 1000 times say that countering is not something that will destroy all offense than state 10 times to ignore the damn fanservice and play the freaking game and judge on it's own merits of gameplay.
...I just wanted to clarify my point, you guys can go back to talking about customization and such.
You do know there is like Doujins, hentai, and fanfics of literally everything correct? This isnt really a good example to try to demonize the ladies of DOA. almost every anime if not every anime ever existed has hentai or a doujin of it. ;/ So that's not fair to even use that as an example.