Community Team NINJA Halloween Costume Contest


Well-Known Member
To be honest, seeing all this and seeing that people are actually submitting several designs through fake or alternate accounts honestly turned me off from even entering this contest, I honestly didn't see the point because people would beg and plea for votes on their costume and then they'd vote for their friends costume instead of what they wanted to vote for which could have been Ein (although I doubt it haha).

It's unfair to everyone else who may stand a chance and I honestly don't think I'll take part in any future contests like this because the EXACT same thing would happen again.

These are my thoughts on the matter, agree with me or disagree with me as you will.

I don't know if this is also reffered to me, but I want say that even doing a second outfit in the end I passed the property to it (so eventual recognition and prizes) to the user that helped me to submit it. In the end I couldn't think to partecipate in the contest with a double chance to win it, and my intention was only to send to TN a submission of something that I would love to see in the game if also other people will appreciate it.

However I'm guilty to have realized 2 designs this time just for a whim (I believed that the match girl could be a nice idea on Marie Rose, even if now I think that other designs for her are more worthy to be in this Halloween contest), contrarily to the previous time where my second fast design for Gen Fu was only made for my wish to not leave a character without entries (at that time still no one have submitted something for him)...

Said this I was really eager to see your design for the contest...

Does not have a thread for Nyotengu costumes?

Sadly no: Anthony was really busy in these days neither expected a pool so soon after the end of the submission times: this is the reason because various entries were missed in the forum, included entire threads (Nyotengu isn't the only character to lack of it).

I believe that Hayate is the only character who has only a single entry (and Alpha is the one only to have no submissions). Everyone else seems to have at least two.

But actually there was an entry for Alpha-152 very fitting:

I asked to TN to add it if really they overlooked the entry: why all this "no love" for Alpha-152? :(
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Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is also reffered to me, but I want say that even doing a second outfit in the end I passed the property to it (so eventual recognition and prizes) to the user that helped me to submit it. In the end I couldn't think to partecipate in the contest with a double chance to win it, and my intention was only to send to TN a submission of something that I would love to see in the game if also other people will appreciate it.

However I'm guilty to have realized 2 designs this time just for a whim (I believed that the match girl could be a nice idea on Marie Rose, even if now I think that other designs for her are more worthy to be in this Halloween contest), contrarily to the previous time where my second fast design for Gen Fu was only made for my wish to not leave a character without entries (at that time still no one have submitted something for him)...
I meant only people that submitted under fake or alternate accounts.


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is that if one of the rules was one design=one person, why Axoule has participated with two entries and why TN allowed him to do that?
I'm not going to vote any of his designs for this reason. I wanted to participate with Nyo and Rachel, but I discarded Rachel design because of that rule.

Well, anyway, best luck to all participants!


Well-Known Member
They put my entry up twice, I hope they combine the votes for both pics, or else my votes will be split in half.
Also the pirate Kokoro entry I was going to vote for isn't there.


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What I don't understand is that if one of the rules was one design=one person, why Axoule has participated with two entries and why TN allowed him to do that?
I'm not going to vote any of his designs for this reason. I wanted to participate with Nyo and Rachel, but I discarded Rachel design because of that rule.

Well, anyway, best luck to all participants!

there is a difference between designer and artist.


Well-Known Member
They put my entry up twice, I hope they combine the votes for both pics, or else my votes will be split in half.
Also the pirate Kokoro entry I was going to vote for isn't there.

I suggest everyone to make notice this to Team NINJA now that the contest is just started: apparently seems that this time you will not be able to change your preferences later (I suppose that after clicking the vote button you can't go back, or am I wrong?)

@Squizzo: But are you talking of this one?

Because actually is already included in the pool.

What I don't understand is that if one of the rules was one design=one person, why Axoule has participated with two entries and why TN allowed him to do that?
I'm not going to vote any of his designs for this reason. I wanted to participate with Nyo and Rachel, but I discarded Rachel design because of that rule.

Well, anyway, best luck to all participants!

The second entry was submitted by Laura: Axoule drawned it following her indications.


Also, someone that know the Japanese culture could say me exactly what represents this outfit for Marie Rose ? The doll is a sort of vodoo one, controller of Marie Rose's body or something similar?

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Too bad that Lei Fang was misplaced. I think it is missing out on a lot of votes because of it.