DOA5U The Official Tier List with Discussion Thread


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What do you guys think of :kasumi: v:bass: now (@Bass players)? I edited my post above with 2 match up reasons.

6-4 to Kasumi due to speed difference and her ability to outpoke. Generally, this matchup revolves around Kasumi trying to force Bass to hold so she can launch him with her launching throws to get any noticeable damage since he's heavy. Or she'll end up plinking at him till he's dead. Her default form of harassment is enough to keep him at bay till he gets a good read or you make a mistake. You'll find yourself more often getting your FTs in juggles and sacrifice damage to keep him in check than trying to get damage unless you're so confident you're going to kill him that you go for that 90-110 dmg combo from the launching throw.

Bass will spend time in this MU throw punishing to gain momentum since that's what he's good at and keep punishing for it until she's dead or get a lucky hit and force her into his blender which he can get good frame advantage from thanks to her weight. You need to respect that even if you try to 7P away from him. He can also get good results from his frame traps and BT mix-ups since unlike Ayane, Christie, Brad or Lisa, Kasumi has a harder time trying to actually escape that particular mix-up, so guess accordingly.

Either way, both character will be in each others faces 80-90% of the match.

I'm sure @Mr. Wah has more experience in this MU so he can give a better explanation of this than I can. But generally, I don't think Kasumi players need to know too much about this MU to maintain their push. Leave the whole research and scholarship thing to Bass players.


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I actually feel like a lot of people are sleeping on Pai. One of the most underrated characters in the game right now imo due to the over selling of characters such as Sarah. She may not do much damage in comparison of the cast but she's very solid. Other than her spacing, I hear ppl often mention that she doesn't have a lot of tracking moves to actually do her justice. However. I have limited knowledge of the character in terms of tracking & oki variety but seen quite a few use some hard knockdowns from her setups.

6-4 to Kasumi due to speed difference and her ability to outpoke. Generally, this matchup revolves around Kasumi trying to force Bass to hold so she can launch him with her launching throws to get any noticeable damage since he's heavy. Or she'll end up plinking at him till he's dead. Her default form of harassment is enough to keep him at bay till he gets a good read or you make a mistake. You'll find yourself more often getting your FTs in juggles and sacrifice damage to keep him in check than trying to get damage unless you're so confident you're going to kill him that you go for that 90-110 dmg combo from the launching throw.

Bass will spend time in this MU throw punishing to gain momentum since that's what he's good at and keep punishing for it until she's dead or get a lucky hit and force her into his blender which he can get good frame advantage from thanks to her weight. You need to respect that even if you try to 7P away from him. He can also get good results from his frame traps and BT mix-ups since unlike Ayane, Christie, Brad or Lisa, Kasumi has a harder time trying to actually escape that particular mix-up, so guess accordingly.

Either way, both character will be in each others faces 80-90% of the match.

I'm sure @Mr. Wah has more experience in this MU so he can give a better explanation of this than I can. But generally, I don't think Kasumi players need to know too much about this MU to maintain their push. Leave the whole research and scholarship thing to Bass players.

Ah! Yeah, I didn't know if it was only a few people who felt this way. In particular with the superheavys, I'm not sure how much emphasis is put on damage & what adjustments are made in order to juggle them (decreased damage with health bar increased), but she does have new universal juggles from 236T, 1H, & 1T: PKK7K 6P+K 9PK 6P+K KK is 82 CH with 236T, 74 with 1T, not even sure if that's the right number on CH, may be 72 instead. 1H she has KK7K 6P+K 9PK 6P+K KK which is around the same numbers as 1T's. 1T's may do more. From her advanced hold, she has 236P PKK7K 6P+K KK with some more juggling options but it ranges from like 75 to 80.

It's not "bad" numbers by any means, the point is that you would often get a less-damaging juggle with this weight class which you still do since that you have be aware of your surroundings & 9PK wall slams the moment you're within the distance of a wall, so you still may have to readjust with something like 6K KK7K 6P+K KK which is like 77 or 78 but 92 when slamming against the wall or 6K PPKK. The others I won't mention since that you have to be angled off a certain way. I just put this here for edited info to the match (es) to which superheavys apply to.
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Active Member
Out of all the VF characters Akira and Pai are the best imo. Jacky was Sarah or a slight bit better until they gave his frames the nerf bat. Still he hits much harder than she does post threshold I from like all situations and his PB damage is retarded. I think u could still argue a case between who's better between the two even now.

But Akira and Pai are both better than Jacky and Sarah imo.


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To this day, every since that Marie Rose was released, I've been seeing & hearing mixed reactions about her. Some people say she is very abusive in terms of sidestepping command, good OHS, her rolling towards you & damage. However, I haven't had much exp against to really gauge. But I don't understand why folks want her guaranteed damage nerfed from the parries when she's doing the same amount of damage as other characters respectively with 85+. I've seen folks complain about it but it could be that they're not used to her. She looks really solid based on what I've seen in tournaments & against some that I've played though.

Going back to Akira, other than having a rough time space, he's definitely solid. Imo, he's the best VF character in the game. Arguably a top 10 candidate in the game. He has a lot of what you would want in a character. Maybe the others as well.
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Well-Known Member
To this day, every since that Marie Rose was released, I've been seeing & hearing mixed reactions about her. Some people say she is very abusive in terms of sidestepping command, good OHS, her rolling towards you & damage. However, I haven't had much exp against to really gauge. But I don't understand why folks want her guaranteed damage nerfed from the parries when she's doing the same amount of damage as other characters respectively with 85+ respectively. I've seen folks complain about it but it could be that they're not used to her. She looks really solid based on what I've seen in tournaments & against some that I've played though.

Offensively, she's decently fast and has lots of high/mid-low mixup and oki potential, but she has difficulties opening up the opponent and she has zero range. Defensively, she has her advanced holds for all strike types, her Rondo parry, and her OHs, but still lacks good ranged options.

From my own experience using her (poorly), she's a 5-5 for Leifang (similar tools, but each dominates a different range) and a 4-6 for Ayane (spinning and ranged pokes keep MR out of decent punishing range).


Well-Known Member
what's the other weakness of her?
about strokes?

Near as I can tell, she's a linear delay machine. She's got good range, has access to all hit levels from most of her strings, has Heichu for added mix-up, and solid strike damage. That said, she's not too safe, her throw damage is abysmal (3-stage, 12-frame, non-OH= 62 damage), most of her offense is mid-based, and she has very few tracking moves.


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Extremely short stuns on mids and hella slow non-threshold launchers. You end up playing as a shitty grappler.
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Basically her only tool to open the opponent up is her heichu throw, which is fairly risky even when used mid string. If the opponent sees it coming and crushes, you're hit for HiC. She's not particularly fast, either, and her defensive options are terrible.


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@J.D.E. Ayane is a "vastly" overrated character in terms of her tier placement and MU's. She's a great character but not that good.

She has most of the things u'd look for in a character. Great advanced mid p and k hold. Great i12 46T throw with its option for guaranteed damage although it that option pales comparison to most of the good i12 or even faster throws in the game because it doesn't give a damage boost on CT or HCT but the optional stun game for more damage from it is excellent. Still with all things considered there are still characters that benefit from that option much better on actual faster i7 throws like Hayate or even faster like Hayabusa etc. So while a great option its worse in speed and doesn't scale for the guaranteed option.

Her crushes are extremely overrated in context. Generally speaking if any character wants to crush all you have to do is simply use a crushing move. The only real advantage would be if there was a major gap in impact frames between those crushing choices.

Not to mention her 6P was nerfed from a base damage of 22 or something like that to the base 18 barring Sarah and Pai who have the weakest at 17. So Ayane working from +1 will not run through i12's anymore but in fact trade. Her 2P is beyond and I mean beyond overrated. There is a landslide of characters faster or same speed that come equipped with +1's on there 2P's. Not to mention her 2P is +1 only from the literal definition of just about max tip range.

In neutral her mid's are on the slower side at i13. Her damage output is low in comparison to other higher same speed or faster characters barring her mid P 2in1 launcher from 1 hit stun to launch scenarios. Quite a few characters do that scenario better from actual multiple hitzone launchers and dish out more damage from all further thresholds in stun.

People get flabbergasted by the concept of turtling to much and think its a unique trait because Ayane's is easier in concept due to her spinning. That's not a positive. It is at the end of the day ultimately still "just turtling" which any character can do. Its just prettier with all the spinning and shit. Spacing/footsies is a trait of the actual player. Whether its done via wavedashing or even just a basic knowledge of space control it is the same.

Her okizeme isn't the worst but it also isn't the best and quite frankly there are a list of characters in this game that can actually strip wakeup kicks from you as an option entirely all the time everytime which she cannot.

Her frame traps are overrated as well and generally speaking ok at best. Her crush frames on her tools like 6P and 4P are overrated as well. The active window isn't that big to do so though her 4P definitely has more of that crush window stuff going on.

Great character. Overrated character in terms of both tiers and scoring. The only character I believe is a shit ton more overrated than anyone else is Sarah as the health modification works against all the things she fails at in comparison to other characters in DOA5U compared to vanilla.

This is an interesting overview and appreciate you going into detail. I actually agree with you that Ayane (and Sarah) get a bit overrated at times, however, Ayane's 2P is legitimately freaking amazing. The one aspect about it compared to other i12 2P's that gets a bit overlooked is how much range it can control. The move is practically a close-range keepout tool when being hit around its tip range (and is obviously better when it connects on CH). The VF's i12 2P's have shit range in comparison and 3 of them are just 0 on hit. Only Akira's is +1 if I'm not mistaken. Only the female ninjas have i12 2P's and they usually require you to be fairly close for them to be useful. Ayane can try to work that tip-range hit much better making her 2P an extremely abusable tool.

However, I do admit that characters with i12 & i11 mids (especially if they have i12 lows on top too like the VF's, Kasumi, Momiji and now Phase-4 for example) don't have to respect Ayane's 2P in point-blank range that much compared to someone with a i13 or worse mid like Ein or a Super Heavy. Good point also on Ayane's 6P getting nerfed to 18 damage, though she still has her i13 mid K (or could just do another i12 2P).


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I know that it's still too early to really tell, but I want to post about Phase 4 to shed some light on her. I'm not going to defend her nor downplay her. Some are sold on her, some are sketchy on her, & some already have her labeled as trash. I feel like this is required for discussion since we are discussing characters.

Now, 1st of all, I am NOT neglecting how her neutral game is, but at the same time, I feel that a lot of people are neglecting what type of tools that she has DUE to the neutral game & how unsafe she is & constantly comparing her to Kasumi. It's no secret that she is an extremely high risk/reward character, but despite that, when I look at some of the rest of the cast, she actually has things that players wish their characters had.

Guaranteed launchers from 4P limbo stun, although it's very unsafe on block, guaranteed damage from 66T, 67H (high hold), 1H (low hold for juggle) & 46H (mid kick hold for juggle). She also has 236T & 1T launchers. She has a safe gap closer in 3P+KP -4 on block to go with Chifu getting in closer. SSP & it's options, though it is pretty slow at 35i. Lol her fucking crush, 33P even leads to a throw juggle like most of her juggles do (33P 2P 6PKT).

However, the character does require a lot of match up knowledge as she is unsafe & has to 2P, 8P, 6P, 2K, PP, 3K, 33K, H+K & tick throwing to rely on since that she has to commit to unsafe strings like her 2in1 (3P) on block which is -8 & PKKK etc also committing to teleports for big damage. Another possible area of concern is her oki, however she's still being fleshed out.

Still, with all things considered, the 3P & P+K both STILL play a decent role with her game since that it can break up some of the other character's things like Brad Wong's laydown mid kicks. P+K & 7K can hit after the 2nd kick. Or Bayman's tank roll which you have H+K & P+K for that. So although the safety issues are bad on paper, some of the unsafest tools still could play a key factor.


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My first week impression of P4 is that she's great but not quite there.. she just needs a little push to make her shine. Maybe more teleports on guard, more frame advantage, or an OH. Any one of those will do